What will you ignorant libs say when Obama vetoes everything?


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?
Wait until the nation sees the legislation Reid has stifled to protect the coward in the WH from having to use the veto.

Hopefully he won't have Reid to hide behind after the new Senate is sworn in.

The question going into the 2016 elections will be what the electorate thinks of the bills the Republicans pass and Obama vetoes.

If they pass bills designed to decrease programs like social security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc., they do so at their own electoral risk.

Obama will not have to veto anything

Why would he?
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?
Why don't you tell us what legislation the GOP is going to send to Obama? Mitch McConnell has said he is not going to tell us, so why don't you?

Do you think it is wise to vote for someone who won't tell you what his plans are? "Vote for me...because Obama."

That signals a complete lack of leadership that takes all of its cues from the other guy. It just does not get any lamer than that. It really doesn't.
They'll say 'Obstruction is good.' They are dishonest hypocrites, no? They'll Flip-Flop. Bet on that.
I haven't heard a positive idea from the Republicans since Reagan decided to get rich by doubling the national debt.

If the only legislation the GOP put forward are attempts to repeal what Obama has done, I think they'll suffer.

The US so needs a strong, sane conservative party, but I am not sure it has one.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?
Why don't you tell us what legislation the GOP is going to send to Obama? Mitch McConnell has said he is not going to tell us, so why don't you?

Do you think it is wise to vote for someone who won't tell you what his plans are? "Vote for me...because Obama."

That signals a complete lack of leadership that takes all of its cues from the other guy. It just does not get lamer than that. It really doesn't.

We'll know when Republicans take the senate. Then obozo will become the president of no.
Democrats couldn't get anything through the Senate with a ten vote majority. What makes Republicans think they can do it with a two vote majority?
Sorry I just can't take this on right now. I'm way too busy guarding my guns from his gun grabbing.



Let's get specific.

What bills (or types of bills) would the GOP Congress pass that would be problematic for Obama to veto?

All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

Payback is a bitch. At this point, I hope he vetoes every fucking bill that comes through, should Republicans take back the Senate. It will only be two years until Dems take it back, so now will be the time for Dems to become the ignorant ***** that Republicans have been for the past six years. What you cons don't understand is that you may win this one little battle, but you are losing the war in a very big way.
Many Rs are chickenshits. They are afraid of the media and D party fanatics.

My guess is they will do nothing that could result in a Big Ears veto.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

Payback is a bitch. At this point, I hope he vetoes every fucking bill that comes through, should Republicans take back the Senate. It will only be two years until Dems take it back, so now will be the time for Dems to become the ignorant ***** that Republicans have been for the past six years. What you cons don't understand is that you may win this one little battle, but you are losing the war in a very big way.

LOL, golly....hate much?
Obama will not have to veto anything

Why would he?

So you think he will sign everything they send him, is that it?

What do you expect will make it through Congress?

Anything we want, we'll own both Houses.

Once again......The Democrats could not get anything through the Senate and they held a ten vote majority. What makes you think Republicans can do it with a two vote majority?

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