Zone1 What with the rainbow flags on chruches?

I can understand that some churches approve of sodomy and no longer consider it a sin.

But why is it necessary to put a flag celebrating the practice on the front door of a church?

Churches who are ok with drinking and grass smoking, don't put flags celebrating those activities in front of their sanctuaries.

Why is the glorification of sodomy insisted on nowadays by the religious left, and acceptance isn't enough?

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Wackos only pretended to want to be accepted in church, what they really planned was to take over....and that is what you are seeing.
The New Testament says that homosexuality is a “shameful lust” (Romans 1:26), a “shameful act,” an abandonment of “natural relations” (Romans 1:27), a “wrongdoing” (1 Corinthians 6:9), and “sexual immorality and perversion” (Jude 1:7). Homosexuality carries a “due penalty” (Romans 1:27), “is contrary to the sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:10), and is listed among the sins that bar people from the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9). Despite the attempts of some to downplay these verses, the Bible could not be clearer that homosexuality is a sin against God.

It says adulterers are to be stoned.
The libtard churches want to claim the rainbow flag for inclusion of gay people. But remember that God used a rainbow to say to Noah that he wouldn't flood the world again. The Noah version is the true meaning of the rainbow flag in my opinion.
It says adulterers are to be stoned.

This isn't relevant to the modern libs. They don't see men taking each other's butt cheeks as a sin at all, but instead as a virtue. That's why the Religious Left displays the flag of Sodom on their sanctuaries.
I will never understand a religions issue with contraception.

I'm sure that a lot of people are confused with the prohibitions against pork, ham and bacon in the Islamic religion, or the belief that the Cow is actually Almighty God among the Hindus, as well as belief that violating another man's behind is a virtue in the United Methodist faith.

I guess you have to be initiated into the faith before you can really understand it.
I'm sure that a lot of people are confused with the prohibitions against pork, ham and bacon in the Islamic religion, or the belief that the Cow is actually Almighty God among the Hindus, as well as belief that violating another man's behind is a virtue in the United Methodist faith.

I guess you have to be initiated into the faith before you can really understand it.
Do some actually believe couples should be open to having oodles of kids? That's bizarre
Do some actually believe couples should be open to having oodles of kids? That's bizarre
I don't see what is so "bizarre" about it, Almighty God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, and many people are cool with it like the tremendous dame, Octomom.
I will never understand a religions issue with contraception.
Before abortion was even an issue, Pope Paul VI was praying over the decision about introducing birth control pills to the Catholic faith. In the Catholic faith, new life is seen as one of God's greatest gifts to mankind. Family life is also considered central to faith as it is our first example of community life and from there life in the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ are all those who believe in Christ--both the living and those who have passed on. This is our life centered around God.

Pope Paul prayed for guidance from the Holy Spirit. And what he saw was sex being taken from the context of family life into recreational sex outside of family life. (Fire in a fireplace good; wild fire, not so much.) But what he saw extended further. Sex would no longer be centered on new life, but recreational pleasure with no concern for life. And where there is no concern for life, comes dismissal of life, not only through abortion but with euthanasia as well. God is life. With the dismissal of life comes the dismissal of God who is life, who brings life.

With the breakdown of the family comes the breakdown of community, which brings fractures into the Church, into the Body of Christ.

The world has seen this before with the breakdown of Empires. The Roman Empire is a prime example. Worldly pleasures and recreation took priority over spiritual realities and kingdom living. Throughout Biblical history, what ultimately survives and what failure brings pain and suffering? People/communities of faith survive through times of famine and war. Worldly pleasures descend into a world of hurt.

That, while in prayer, is what Pope Paul VI envisioned, and so in good conscience could not approve birth control for Catholics. He envisioned a slippery slope that would not end well for the people.
It is not necessary but it is nice.

I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

I suppose it is nice as well as necessary, if the goal is to glorify Sodomy.

I'm sure the churches in the ancient city of Sodom had them displayed.
... That, while in prayer, is what Pope Paul VI envisioned, and so in good conscience could not approve birth control for Catholics. He envisioned a slippery slope that would not end well for the people. ...

But he spoke only in case of "the pill" - what's a very complex phenomeon. For example leads "the pill" to a kind of sexual slavery pressure on women - but this and other problems - also in case of health (such problems are very important) - I do not like to speak about now.

I only like to say that birth control in general is not any problem for Catholics - never was. It exist lots of good other natural methods. By the way: A very effective method of birth control is for example "no sex". This works although this seems to be the most astonishing impossible thing since "the pill" was invented.
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