What would happen to someone

Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met?

Seek and ye shall find, seek in trailer parks and ye shall find a lot of white trash. :dunno:

Now we are getting somewhere. You obviously have some white trash in your background as well. Let's talk about what we know.

But not one I know lives in a trailer. Yet. My one nephew lived in his car for a while. Now he's in jail.

You, Matthew and Pubichair aren't black are ya?
What do you want them to talk about and legislate Matthew? Do you want them to pay for better schooling for black people? spend money cleaning up their neighborhoods so they have something to be proud of...? force business owners to hire them so that crime would go down? We all know the higher the unemployment the higher the crime rate, right?

What's your purpose of having our legislators discuss this situation in Congress and what are your ideas on how this would or could help?
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What would happen if someone pointed out that:

-95% of all racists use statistics to support their racist beliefs


Got to hate those racist statistics. Want more proof that numbers are racist? Look at the inner city of Chicago's student math test scores. You know you may be on to something? Perhaps if we did away with math we could have a more just society.

Why do you keep regurgitating statistics? You don't need to justify your racism.

Why don't you use facts to support your stupidity? Oh right, there are no facts that support stupidity.
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

Nothing moves slower than a white male cashier at a grocery store.

And nothing thinks less than a liberal in real life.
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

Sounds like it's time for you to do some introspection there, Zeke. I don't think anyone here has claimed that all white people are nice.

Introspect what dilloduck? Why don't you start a thread about white trash and the "issues" they face; on jobs, family, education, jail etc etc. Particularly with the numbers of them out there.

That might cause some interesting introspection.
Now we are getting somewhere. Now we are getting somewhere. You obviously have some white trash in your background as well. Let's talk about what we know.

But not one I know lives in a trailer. Yet. My one nephew lived in his car for a while. Now he's in jail.

Excuse me professor, you ever heard of a cliche? rumor has it some people like to poke fun at those that epitomize 'em...... :rolleyes:

You, Matthew and Pubichair aren't black are ya?
Obsess about race much?
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

Sounds like it's time for you to do some introspection there, Zeke. I don't think anyone here has claimed that all white people are nice.

Introspect what dilloduck? Why don't you start a thread about white trash and the "issues" they face; on jobs, family, education, jail etc etc. Particularly with the numbers of them out there.

That might cause some interesting introspection.

because I don't know a lot of them like you do. Let me ponder this for a second----

nope. I don't want to be around a lot more of them either.
Sounds like it's time for you to do some introspection there, Zeke. I don't think anyone here has claimed that all white people are nice.

Introspect what dilloduck? Why don't you start a thread about white trash and the "issues" they face; on jobs, family, education, jail etc etc. Particularly with the numbers of them out there.

That might cause some interesting introspection.

because I don't know a lot of them like you do. Let me ponder this for a second----

nope. I don't want to be around a lot more of them either.

What, you aren't white? Don't know no poor white trash people?
But somehow you are intimately aware about the issues of being black? How's that work?
You a black wannabe?
Now we are getting somewhere. Now we are getting somewhere. You obviously have some white trash in your background as well. Let's talk about what we know.

But not one I know lives in a trailer. Yet. My one nephew lived in his car for a while. Now he's in jail.

Excuse me professor, you ever heard of a cliche? rumor has it some people like to poke fun at those that epitomize 'em...... :rolleyes:

You, Matthew and Pubichair aren't black are ya?
Obsess about race much?

One fuking question to you is an obsession. You a weird one aren't ya?
Pubs and Voodoo have ruined the nonrich and the country for thirty years, and racism has hurt blacks forever. Let's turn that around please...

OP- nothing.
So I guess they're the ones that need to pull themselves out of their own mess.

We have to put up with it until they do.

They're breeding quite fast. Likewise we're paying for them. I figure in about 40-70 years all traces of Western Civilization will be, for the most part gone, and we will be run like the Congo. See Detroit for justification of the above comments. The solution? Free Abortions for all who can't afford the child they were impregnated with after a night of hard drinking and clubbing on the taxpayer dime.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOSNI7l0bQ]Detroit City Council hearing adjourned amid shouting match - YouTube[/ame]

Flinging poo....sigh.
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

I would say it's because you hang out with white trash,inbred,welfare cheating,wife beating,dead beat white guys. Me personally? I dont know anyone like that.

All your black friends? You racist....
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

Nothing moves slower than a white male cashier at a grocery store.

Only when you're the customer poo poo......
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

I would say it's because you hang out with white trash,inbred,welfare cheating,wife beating,dead beat white guys. Me personally? I dont know anyone like that.

All your black friends? You racist....

Most of the racist's I know (electronically that is) are on this message board. But at least I can speak to what I know.

Can't say the same about you. You aren't black, but somehow feel the need to participate in a racist thread. You are probably white but don't know any low life white people.

From personal experience, what the hell do you know anything about?
All I want is for our justice system to work and blacks to stop killing each other.

I don't want anyone to be mistreated as that's bad for our society...Do the crime and spend the time.

Blacks need to stop blaming whites
Why is it that I know more white trash, inbred, welfare cheating, wife beating, deadbeat white guys (and they are related to me) than all the black guys I've met? Just lucky eh?

How come all the bigoted, racists I know, see or hear of are white? and most are on this message board.

As my black friend likes to tell me; WHITE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

In the case of you and your "friends" here Matthew, I'd have to agree.

I would say it's because you hang out with white trash,inbred,welfare cheating,wife beating,dead beat white guys. Me personally? I dont know anyone like that.

All your black friends? You racist....

Most of the racist's I know (electronically that is) are on this message board. But at least I can speak to what I know.

Can't say the same about you. You aren't black, but somehow feel the need to participate in a racist thread. You are probably white but don't know any low life white people.

From personal experience, what the hell do you know anything about?

I know enough not to hang around trash. Regardless of color.
And if you must know I was engaged to an hispanic girl and I was raised around black people.
Mainly guys like Charles Barkley and Hakeem Olajuwon. They have the intelligence to see things as they are and dont base decisions on emotion.
At least I have government data on my side. You'd think blacks would at least want to stop the senseless killing within their own communities...BUT NO, only their hatred of whites is important.

It's sad. How am I stupid for wanting them to take a better path in life then joining gangs?

WE'RE of the same nation so we should encourage each other to do better.
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Pubs and Voodoo have ruined the nonrich and the country for thirty years, and racism has hurt blacks forever. Let's turn that around please...

OP- nothing.

I'll agree with you that 60 years ago blacks had to deal with real hatred. Today they have every chance to advance....

What do many of them do? Do drugs, join gangs and blame the white man. They can become president, doctors, scientist, senators and congressmen. Why shouldn't I wish better for them???

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