What would happen to the economy if minimum wages are raised?

a lack of diversification? why no agricultural engineering when they had the oil revenue?
Like the rest of the world, no-one anticipated the crash of 2008. Of course the Venezuelan government should have diversified more.

We caused the crash and Bush Jr warned Harry Reid ...

Investment bankers on Wall Street and their counterparts in Europe caused the crash. Things were made worse when the governments saved the bankers by assuming their debt and putting it onto their citizens.

Things were made worse when the governments saved the bankers by assuming their debt and putting it onto their citizens.

The US government didn't assume our bankers debt. The US government made profitable loans to our banks.
The banks were saved and the loans repaid. At a profit to the US government.
You are correct, the Federal Government used taxpayers money to save the banks which is a definition of nationalizing the debt but the profits are always privatized.

Yes, the US Treasury loaned money, which was repaid, at a profit.
So the debt wasn't nationalized, but over $70 billion in profit was.

Sorry to point out your errors. Does that mean I have a passport or I don't have a passport?
As if you know about Venezuela. The U.S. government wanted the Venezuelan government to fall and all the American press and TV duly followed the lead to poison the minds of the American people about that country. Does having no clue about what is happening in the United States make a person an expert on Venezuela, I wonder.

As if you know about Venezuela.

Are their companies making profits? Why/Why not?
The bottom fell out of the oil market and Venezuela lost its source of wealth.

The bottom fell out of the oil market, the US still manages to have enough toilet paper.
What makes us so much better than Venezuela?
The United States is much bigger with more resources than Venezuela and yet many people there were devastated with the economic crash. Millions of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck and only one major illness away from being wiped out. Americans deserve better with all its wealth.

The United States is much bigger with more resources than Venezuela

Ummmm....Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, with less than 10% of the population of the US. Takes socialism to fuck that up, eh comrade?
Just because there is no poverty in the United States where everyone has health care, jobs, homes, and a high standard of living does not mean it is right to criticize foreigners.
Like the rest of the world, no-one anticipated the crash of 2008. Of course the Venezuelan government should have diversified more.

We caused the crash and Bush Jr warned Harry Reid ...

Investment bankers on Wall Street and their counterparts in Europe caused the crash. Things were made worse when the governments saved the bankers by assuming their debt and putting it onto their citizens.

Things were made worse when the governments saved the bankers by assuming their debt and putting it onto their citizens.

The US government didn't assume our bankers debt. The US government made profitable loans to our banks.
The banks were saved and the loans repaid. At a profit to the US government.
You are correct, the Federal Government used taxpayers money to save the banks which is a definition of nationalizing the debt but the profits are always privatized.

Yes, the US Treasury loaned money, which was repaid, at a profit.
So the debt wasn't nationalized, but over $70 billion in profit was.

Sorry to point out your errors. Does that mean I have a passport or I don't have a passport?
You don't get it. I can only provide the argument but I cannot give you the understanding.
They are finding out what happens in Seattle.....

As if you know about Venezuela.

Are their companies making profits? Why/Why not?
The bottom fell out of the oil market and Venezuela lost its source of wealth.

The bottom fell out of the oil market, the US still manages to have enough toilet paper.
What makes us so much better than Venezuela?
The United States is much bigger with more resources than Venezuela and yet many people there were devastated with the economic crash. Millions of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck and only one major illness away from being wiped out. Americans deserve better with all its wealth.

The United States is much bigger with more resources than Venezuela

Ummmm....Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, with less than 10% of the population of the US. Takes socialism to fuck that up, eh comrade?
Just because there is no poverty in the United States where everyone has health care, jobs, homes, and a high standard of living does not mean it is right to criticize foreigners.

Just because there is no poverty in the United States

Non-sequitur much? DERP!

does not mean it is right to criticize foreigners

It is right to criticize stupid, socialist foreigners.
Don't feel singled out, I also criticize stupid, socialist Americans.
We caused the crash and Bush Jr warned Harry Reid ...

Investment bankers on Wall Street and their counterparts in Europe caused the crash. Things were made worse when the governments saved the bankers by assuming their debt and putting it onto their citizens.

Things were made worse when the governments saved the bankers by assuming their debt and putting it onto their citizens.

The US government didn't assume our bankers debt. The US government made profitable loans to our banks.
The banks were saved and the loans repaid. At a profit to the US government.
You are correct, the Federal Government used taxpayers money to save the banks which is a definition of nationalizing the debt but the profits are always privatized.

Yes, the US Treasury loaned money, which was repaid, at a profit.
So the debt wasn't nationalized, but over $70 billion in profit was.

Sorry to point out your errors. Does that mean I have a passport or I don't have a passport?
You don't get it. I can only provide the argument but I cannot give you the understanding.

I can only provide the argument

I'm still waiting for you to provide a good argument.
Come on Sparky, you can do it!!!
Perhaps in America there is no place for ethics among the business class. You might be right there.

You think there is 'somewhere' that there is???

You are so seriously deluded.
Yes, where I live in the European Union, ethics and a sense of fairness underpins legislation for decent wages and working conditions.

LOL !!!!

Obviously, you don't deal with the same EU companies that I do. Cheating, lies, and bribes are the usual way of business.

Well, since I've dealt with them, the truth is the truth .... either you are oblivious, or you are intentionally misleading the readers.
There is nothing truthful about what you write either about the European Union or your own country.

Your delusion is only exceeded by your inability to acknowledge reality.
Jobs would be cut, investment diminished.

It's the value of the work that determines the pay.

BS, if the value of the job determined the pay, CEOs wouldn't be making several hundred times what their employees make and a man with a helmet defending a football wouldn't be making $millions while a man with a helmet defending our country barely makes a living.
If minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be well over $16 an hour. Why is it that only the minimum wage workers should lose spending power when inflation hits? We had a better economy when minimum wage had the highest spending power in history and the top tax rate was 70%. The problem is the top tax rate has gone down, but it's also affecting those of lower incomes. When JFK had his tax break, it was to the middle class and actually did result in bettering our economy.

Put the money in the hands of the people who spend it and our economy will improve.
If minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be well over $16 an hour. Why is it that only the minimum wage workers should lose spending power when inflation hits? We had a better economy when minimum wage had the highest spending power in history and the top tax rate was 70%. The problem is the top tax rate has gone down, but it's also affecting those of lower incomes. When JFK had his tax break, it was to the middle class and actually did result in bettering our economy.

Put the money in the hands of the people who spend it and our economy will improve.

If minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be well over $16 an hour.

From what date? Based on what inflation index? Can you prove your claim?

When JFK had his tax break, it was to the middle class

Cutting the top rate from 91% to 70% was a cut for the middle class?
How many middle class people were paying 91%?
The British economy introduced minimum wage in 1997, and the economy rose year on year for 11 years.

So Britain had a growing economy, like virtually every single country on earth. What's the correlation with minimum wage?
An equilibrium wage is ideal. When the government plays wage control, that becomes impossible to achieve.
You think there is 'somewhere' that there is???

You are so seriously deluded.
Yes, where I live in the European Union, ethics and a sense of fairness underpins legislation for decent wages and working conditions.

LOL !!!!

Obviously, you don't deal with the same EU companies that I do. Cheating, lies, and bribes are the usual way of business.

Well, since I've dealt with them, the truth is the truth .... either you are oblivious, or you are intentionally misleading the readers.
There is nothing truthful about what you write either about the European Union or your own country.

Your delusion is only exceeded by your inability to acknowledge reality.
Oh! Brother. Give us a break.
it should be a State fund and a general tax instead of our current and extra-lawful, regime.

Fail..what are you 12?

how is it a fail; are you twelve and have no argument?

I am 51 dumb ass..

Let's recap

You Dont know about:


Profit margins

50% of U.S. workers make $15 or less an hour

Over 80% of business are small

And now Unemployment is paid strictly by by the employer...

What else Dont you know commie kid?

Henry Ford knew better. Why are modern capitalists, such slackers?
a lie of course Henry Ford raised wages to save on labor costs by cutting turnover and thus saving training costs. You have low character. You have learned this 27 times but a lie is good enough for the likes of you.
the only lie, is how the right claims they are not that capable.
In civilized countries, ethical employers care about more than profits and workers care about providing for their families.

In civilized countries, ethical employers care about more than profits and workers care about providing for their families.

Like Venezuela?
As if you know about Venezuela. The U.S. government wanted the Venezuelan government to fall and all the American press and TV duly followed the lead to poison the minds of the American people about that country. Does having no clue about what is happening in the United States make a person an expert on Venezuela, I wonder.

As if you know about Venezuela.

Are their companies making profits? Why/Why not?
The bottom fell out of the oil market and Venezuela lost its source of wealth.

The bottom fell out of the oil market, the US still manages to have enough toilet paper.
What makes us so much better than Venezuela?
a better ratio of capitalism to socialism?
no, they don't.

List the extra protections workers have compared to the unemployed.
unemployment compensation.

You said protection under law.
List the extra protections workers have compared to the unemployed.
unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to quit or not work, and collect unemployment compensation.

unemployment compensation.

Unemployed people don't get protection under the law from unemployment compensation?
Employed people do get protection under the law from unemployment compensation?

That makes even less sense than the rest of your confused postings.

Labor should be able to quit or not work, and collect unemployment compensation.

Under the law, if you quit, you can't collect.

So still no list of the extra protections workers have compared to the unemployed?
That's not a surprise.
it is about equal protection of the law; no wonder, the right never gets it.
That's where you are wrong ... the right (that's me!) don't whine about taxes. We recognize the need for taxes, and we pay taxes. We whine about people who don't contribute, people who abuse the system, and people who make no effort to improve themselves, and take responsibility for themselves.

If you can show me how my taxes give them the opportunity to improve their lives AND they are taking advantage of it, I'll happily deliver my taxes by hand. Until then, as long as I see freeloaders and deadbeats using my tax dollars to avoid their responsibilities, I'll bitch and moan until somebody listens.
only the right never gets it; Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is only natural to capitalism. a more efficient economy is what we will get, by making capital work instead of fools or horses.

Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment

Give us the definition.

is only natural to capitalism

Socialism's rate of unemployment is better? LOL!
socialism eliminated capitalism's, boom and bust cycle.

You bet.

There is no boom and bust cycle in Venezuela.
Thank goodness for that.
we still have homelessness in the finest capital economy in the world.

shouldn't a command economy be able to command economize?
They've tried, and the only thing that was equalized was misery.

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