What would help the black community?

Garvey was not about showboating.
Oh puh_leeze! Pictures of him in that stoopid uniform are ubiquitous.

The RepubliKKKLAN party has been lying to blacks since the 1850's. I laugh at dumb ----- like you who keep talking about the 1800 democratic party but then claim you can't be held responsible for slavery. Again, republicans authored an amendment that would have made slavery constitutional and got it passed in 1871. Lincoln supported the amendment. So abolish yourself idiot, becsuse you apparently know nothing about history.

Say hi to your governor for me, Tom!

You need to

And Jews haven't been segregated into shit neighborhoods with underfunded schools and have not been targets of the cops or subject to laws written specifically to keep them in their places either.
Sure we have - as far as impoverished neighborhoods with poor schools. As far as being targets of cops, that’s because we commit violent crime far below the average.

Poor, crappy neighborhoods with little money for schools doesn’t excuse failure. My aunt, uncle, dad, and mom all grew up in tenements, and all worked and studied their butts off to move up to the middle class. It took proper choices, motivation, discipline, intelligence, and ability,

Stop making excuses.
Please tell us why their records should be cleared but nobody else? Isn’t that RACIST? What’s to prevent them from doing it again then? You know what would help? Putting down the Guns 💪

A black and a white, both with criminal records, apply for a job. The black appears to have been a responsible, law-abiding citizen his entire life (because the truth is hidden) and the white has a rap sheet of DWI and dealing illegal drugs. Who gets the job?


A black and a white, both with criminal records, apply for a job. The black appears to have been a responsible, law-abiding citizen his entire life (because the truth is hidden) and the white has a rap sheet of DWI and dealing illegal drugs. Who gets the job?

Oh boy. Another dumb ass white race bait thread. How about whites stop asking silly questions and get to work ending racism in their community.

Because you guys like to think other races are just glad and happy, when the reality is that hispanics, asians, native americans, people of middle eastern descent and pacific islanders are all pissed at what whites have done to them.
And yet they keep emigrating to predominately white countries. Have you noticed what is happening at our southern border? People from nearly every country on earth is represented.
Only African Americans can decide what is the best for them. The Majority trying to decide for Minority is classical Arrogance.
That would be true is they didn’t blame their failures on whites - and insist what is best for them is for whites to change.

If the high school kid next door who is always out front smoking gets a D in math - and then turns around and says it’s MY fault - I have every right to suggest he spend more time studying rather than blame me.

If he doesn’t blame me, then it’s none of my business.
What could society do for the black community in order for them to be happy, successful and grateful to be part of this society?

The way I see it we could clear their police records when it comes to drugs and traffic offenses. I think the main thing holding down young blacks is probably the inability to gain employment after getting charged for some drugs or being dumb behind the wheel. This would go along ways towards helping advance blacks.
What would help every community...

fewer absentee parents.
Why do people who have never been black make these comments? Britain is a little different than America but when you look at U.K. stats in the B.A.M.E category, it doesn't produce a pretty picture.
We listen to successful black businesspersons and other black leaders, who decry the same behaviors of so many blacks that we (whites) do.

Some things we have to live with, like a person with a disability. Blacks have to live with racism. That's your 'disability'. It has declined enormously in recent decades, but it's not going away.
I live in the real world too. And I am black. You are not and the few Jamaicans you talk about don't cover for the racism blacks face over there and here. It doesn't matter what position you have or how much money you make. Blacks still face racism. Your system is just as broken and your system is where our system started from. So don't be white telling me how racism doesn't affect a person if they work hard and are motivated. I am a college educated black man, I worked hard, helped build or develop several different not for profits and still faced racism. That's the real world, not a white mans opinion on what blacks can do. Cut the paternalism son, that's been the problem. Its why your country thought it had the right to colonize everything.
Britain colonized. America has/had 'Protectorates'.
This thread needs to be moved to the rubber room. A bunch of right wing whites don't know what the black community needs. The white community is f-d up and yet we have to consistently read shit like this from whites.
We know exactly what you need to be successful in predominately white America. Whose country do you think this is, and who do you think makes the rules? Successful blacks have followed 'white' rules for (legitimate/legal) success here.

Talk to some successful black people about this then report back.
Your age is the problem. You were born in 1937. You carry with you the Jim Crow attitude. Blacks aren't the only ones who act up in public places. Yet people with anti black attitudes ignore whites acting up and overblow instances where blacks do.

You are white and you have treated blacks as second class citizens all your life. Words on paper have not stopped that attitude people like you and Lisa have and that attitude allowed flash to do this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.” Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time."
and get away with it fo 20 years. He ruined the lives of blacks yet we are in here reading bs from other whites who did the same thing about what can we do to help blacks. It's enough to make a person blow up. The arrogance of you r------ to do what you have done then act like the problems of blacks are due only to our bad choices.

If threads like this are allowed in zone 1, blacks here should have the freedom of speech to respond to this bs as it should be responded to. Bbut this forum protects racists and penalizes those calling it out.

The question raised by the OP is this:

What would help the black community?​

As a member of the black community, not some ancient white man who has benefitted his entire life from white male preferential treatment, or a white female who has benefitted as a child from government programs blacks were denied and as an adult by affirmative action, or somebody white who reads books and/or opinions from black right wingers afflicted with internalized racism who say what you want to hear, I have the answer.

You want whites who aren’t racist to end racism. That’s impossible. Just because a poster was born in 1937 doesn’t mean he agreed with Jim Crow. When whites commit crimes, are denied jobs, denied scholarships, etc, they don’t blame every negative thing in their life on racism, because the things you claim are due to race also happen to whites. In your day to day life, how are you affected by racism?
And yet they keep emigrating to predominately white countries. Have you noticed what is happening at our southern border? People from nearly every country on earth is represented.
Apparently you are unaware of the millions of whites who leave this country and live in Africa, Asia and South America.
Apparently you are unaware of the millions of whites who leave this country and live in Africa, Asia and South America.
But more people choose to come to the U.S. than any other country - and Africa isn’t even among the top 10.


What would help the black community?

We know exactly what you need to be successful in predominately white America. Whose country do you think this is, and who do you think makes the rules? Successful blacks have followed 'white' rules for (legitimate/legal) success here.

Talk to some successful black people about this then report back.
No black person has done what whites have in order to get where whites are today. I really don't think you want us to do that. OBTW, I am one of those sucessful blacks. You see BOY, this tired narrative of blacks who oppose and call out white racism as being unsuccessful is a delusion created in the minds of whites in the racist subculture. Oprah is more sucessful than your entire family and she won't tolerate white racism. So no, I won't be talking to black lossers who allow themselves to be punked into silently accepting white racism. Therefore you don't know what we need and this is neither your country nor do whites alone make the rules.

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