What would it take to switch you to the other party?

I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?
A bullet or a sane democrat. Neither appears to be a reality in my lifetime

Jim Webb was the only sane one and he dropped out too soon!

Webb or O'Malley either one would be better than Hillary

I couldn't stand O'Malley and knew he was in it for the VP spot but Webb was someone I could have voted for like Kasich!
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?
If there was a candidate presented with integrity, competence and a love for this country. I would vote for them...whether it was Democrat, Green party or Independent.
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?

Brain damage?
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?
What is your goal?
Every response so far is fucking garbage. Do better idiots :321:

I blame the OP.

All the blue dog Democrats have been driven out of the Democratic Party, "Big Tent" so the optional choices are down to nil as far as the eye can see.
If they stopped pushing all their sexual perversions and their love for abortion.
If they stopped covering up major scandals.
If they were not so pro Muslim and anti-Israel.
If the DOJ and the mainstream media were not so devious and in love with them.
If they threw Barack, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid into prison.
If Alan Dershowitz were their candidate.

Only then if all were true above, then maybe I’d think about it.
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?
At a minimum, their candidate would have to drop out of the race.
Every response so far is fucking garbage. Do better idiots :321:

I could never vote for a party that not only wants to have the legal right to kill their unborn child, but also wants me to pay for it.

I could never vote for a party that fosters racism, something vital to keep various political wings such as the NAACP and BLM viable.

I could never vote for a party that continually increases the size and scope of government while blindly ignoring its failings and corruption.

I could never vote for a party that has declared war on children. Public education is 48th in the world, they continue to run up debt that future generations will suffer from, so it is no wonder they want to kill off as many as they can before they are born.

I could never vote for a party that continually thinks that passing laws and throwing money at problems is the only solution to any problem.

I could never vote for a party that divided the country by shoving Obamacare down our throats, and then the same voices turn right around and tell us we need a single payer system now.

I could never vote for a party that holds illegal immigrants in higher esteem than the citizens they purport to represent. Veterans are put on death lists because the really sick ones are too expensive to pay for, but they will move illegal aliens from city to city and give them education and health care courtesy of the American taxpayer. Hell, they are not even allowed to say the words, "illegal immigrant" anymore

I could never vote for a party that continually violates the Constitution with impunity, much like FDR throwing innocent Japanese American in jail or Obama writing Executive Orders that conflict with laws on the books

I could never vote for a party that thinks redistribution is the cure to all our ills. The evidence says otherwise. The more we redistribute, the worse society becomes.

I could never vote for a party that has destroyed pretty much every major American city on the map, and wishes to do the same for the rest of the country.

I could never vote for a party that has started every major American war, except the one Bush started. But hey, he is voting for Hillary now. Nuff said. And yes, Obama, Libya was a war Mr. Nobel Peace Prize winner
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I'd never join either party, it stunts one's thinking ability. All one does is loyally follow what they are told and never question whether what they are told is beneficial and to whom (as demonstrated on USMB). If you want to sound like an echo chamber, join the GOP or Dems.
I'd rather be original, study the issues as an individual instead of goose-stepping to some wacky ideology which half of it's beliefs are detrimental to a healthy society.
So, you can take your GOP/Dems and shove it, where the sun just plain doesn't shine.
And as a final insult, look what losers they have as their candidates for president. Yeah, like I want to be part of that guaranteed disaster. How can anyone vote for either of these two clowns and then look at themselves in the mirror. Many, many people are going to regret their vote.
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I'd never join either party, it stunts one's thinking ability. All one does is loyally follow what they are told and never question whether what they are told is beneficial and to whom (as demonstrated on USMB). If you want to sound like an echo chamber, join the GOP or Dems.
I'd rather be original, study the issues as an individual instead of goose-stepping to some wacky ideology which half of it's beliefs are detrimental to a healthy society.
So, you can take your GOP/Dems and shove it, where the sun just plain doesn't shine.

The problem is not the party. The problem is that so much power has been centralized to the federal government.

It would matter little what party or what different people might take the place of the ones in power now. That is because, power corrupts.

What needs to happen is for states to rise up and take back much of the power that has been taken from them via the Article V movement. Progressives amended the Constitution to create a national bank and federal income tax to create the Frankenstonian entity it is now, so it's time to amend it again to try and fix things.

Both parties seem to be pretty much one in the same. Those that want another party are just shuffling the chairs around on the Titanic.
I'd never join either party, it stunts one's thinking ability. All one does is loyally follow what they are told and never question whether what they are told is beneficial and to whom (as demonstrated on USMB). If you want to sound like an echo chamber, join the GOP or Dems.
I'd rather be original, study the issues as an individual instead of goose-stepping to some wacky ideology which half of it's beliefs are detrimental to a healthy society.
So, you can take your GOP/Dems and shove it, where the sun just plain doesn't shine.

The problem is not the party. The problem is that so much power has been centralized to the federal government.

It would matter little what party or what different people might take the place of the ones in power now. That is because, power corrupts.

What needs to happen is for states to rise up and take back much of the power that has been taken from them via the Article V movement. Progressives amended the Constitution to create a national bank and federal income tax to create the Frankenstonian entity it is now, so it's time to amend it again to try and fix things.

Both parties seem to be pretty much one in the same. Those that want another party are just shuffling the chairs around on the Titanic.

Shuffling chairs on the Titanic? Wrong call, say hello to the GOP and Democratic Parties. They get nothing done and it's always party over country. And please note, both parties are losing members. The largest voting bloc are those who are independent/centralist voters, who are not represented by either party. It's too bad that the GOP/Dems made challenging the two party system almost impossible. Bastards.
I'd never join either party, it stunts one's thinking ability. All one does is loyally follow what they are told and never question whether what they are told is beneficial and to whom (as demonstrated on USMB). If you want to sound like an echo chamber, join the GOP or Dems.
I'd rather be original, study the issues as an individual instead of goose-stepping to some wacky ideology which half of it's beliefs are detrimental to a healthy society.
So, you can take your GOP/Dems and shove it, where the sun just plain doesn't shine.

The problem is not the party. The problem is that so much power has been centralized to the federal government.

It would matter little what party or what different people might take the place of the ones in power now. That is because, power corrupts.

What needs to happen is for states to rise up and take back much of the power that has been taken from them via the Article V movement. Progressives amended the Constitution to create a national bank and federal income tax to create the Frankenstonian entity it is now, so it's time to amend it again to try and fix things.

Both parties seem to be pretty much one in the same. Those that want another party are just shuffling the chairs around on the Titanic.

Shuffling chairs on the Titanic? Wrong call, say hello to the GOP and Democratic Parties. They get nothing done and it's always party over country. And please note, both parties are losing members. The largest voting bloc are those who are independent/centralist voters, who are not represented by either party. It's too bad that the GOP/Dems made challenging the two party system almost impossible. Bastards.

I am in no way defending either party. My point is that the system is to centralized which only leads to corruption.

So feel free to pick another party that will end up the same way.
The republican party would have to go back to Nixon or Eisenhower economics for me to consider them.

George hw Bush could do it.

Simply they need to drop the liberterian trash and the Randian crap. Go back to being the party of efficiency and loving science, infrastructure and doing things right.
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?
A bullet or a sane democrat. Neither appears to be a reality in my lifetime

Jim Webb was the only sane one and he dropped out too soon!

Webb or O'Malley either one would be better than Hillary

I couldn't stand O'Malley and knew he was in it for the VP spot but Webb was someone I could have voted for like Kasich!

Kasich is an illegal loving traitor like Jeb Bush.
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?
that's a mouthful, my liberal friend.
Death Tax
Lower the Corporation Tax
SS off Budget
Non funding of liberal causes or start funding right wing causes.

I could go on and on
I came close as Bernie Sanders managed to get way more support than I wrongly assumed an unapologetic communist would get in my party. His winning would have been enough to switch me. I'm still somewhat close because of how badly Hillary has fucked up in the last couple years.

If the other option were someone good instead of Dump, I'd probably vote for them. But as things stand (and after Gary Johnson looked like a national embarrassment over "Aleppo") I may leave the Presidential vote blank and only vote on the lower tickets.

What could have happened in the last year to make you vote for the other party?

When northern blacks and whites get along.but that would be the end of the democrat party.

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