What Would Reagan Do?

Show me where I said we should not vet them.

Show me. Liar.

These cowards flocking to this topic don't want to let refugees in, period.

At least two of them want to exterminate them.

Nobody wants to exterminate all the Muslims. Stop lying.

Not a lie. And you know it. I showed you, nazi enabler. In big red letters so you could see it without your coke bottle glasses.

Nazi enabler? What on Earth does this even mean?

You were given the evidence, gift wrapped, and you still denied it. That's classic enabler behavior.

People wonder how a small percentage was able to pull off the Nazification of Germany. It happened because it was populated by enablers like you.

You won't join the Nazi party, but you'll be cheering them on.
Just like the muzzie enablers do now. They must change their ways or die with their leaders.

Careful, he'll label you a Nazi.
Show me where I said we should not vet them.

Show me. Liar.

These cowards flocking to this topic don't want to let refugees in, period.

At least two of them want to exterminate them.

Nobody wants to exterminate all the Muslims. Stop lying.

Not a lie. And you know it. I showed you, nazi enabler. In big red letters so you could see it without your coke bottle glasses.

Nazi enabler? What on Earth does this even mean?

You were given the evidence, gift wrapped, and you still denied it. That's classic enabler behavior.

People wonder how a small percentage was able to pull off the Nazification of Germany. It happened because it was populated by enablers like you.

You won't join the Nazi party, but you'll be cheering them on.
Just like the muzzie enablers do now. They must change their ways or die with their leaders.
Ah, you see? You don't say "terrorists". You say muzzies. As in all Muslims.

Your bigotry is exposed by your own choice of words.

You want to exterminate all Muslims. You have made that very clear. The context of your comments reveals the truth about you.

You live in constant fear of Muslims. You went to the trouble of starting a topic saying the world was crazy for accepting Muslim immigrants. In a topic about the entire Muslim world, you said you couldn't wait and wanted us to exterminate them all.

You are a nazi.
Nobody wants to exterminate all the Muslims. Stop lying.

Not a lie. And you know it. I showed you, nazi enabler. In big red letters so you could see it without your coke bottle glasses.

Nazi enabler? What on Earth does this even mean?

You were given the evidence, gift wrapped, and you still denied it. That's classic enabler behavior.

People wonder how a small percentage was able to pull off the Nazification of Germany. It happened because it was populated by enablers like you.

You won't join the Nazi party, but you'll be cheering them on.
Just like the muzzie enablers do now. They must change their ways or die with their leaders.
Ah, you see? You don't say "terrorists". You say muzzies. As in all Muslims.

Your bigotry is exposed by your own choice of words.

You want to exterminate all Muslims. You have made that very clear.

You live in constant fear of Muslims. You went to the trouble of starting a topic saying the world was crazy for accepting Muslim immigrants. In a topic about the entire Muslim world, you said you couldn't wait and wanted us to exterminate them all.

You are a nazi.

ha ha ha ha.. see.. TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!

A rational person doesn't say we should exterminate Syrian refugees. A rational person doesn't say he can't wait for a war of extermination against Islam.

But that is exactly what deltex has said.

A rational person would show the kind of courage France has. A rational person knows the refugees are fleeing the very terrorists we need to fight. A rational person knows it would be the epitome of cruelty to turn those people away. A rational person doesn't confuse those running away from terrorists with the terrorists themselves.

It takes a special kind of retard to do that. And we are plagued with them.
A rational person doesn't say we should exterminate Syrian refugees. A rational person doesn't say he can't wait for a war of extermination against Islam.

But that is exactly what deltex has said.

A rational person would show the kind of courage France has. A rational person knows the refugees are fleeing the very terrorists we need to fight. A rational person doesn't confuse those running away from terrorists with the terrorists themselves.

It takes a special kind of retard to do that. And we are plagued with them.

deltex and Sassy can't help themselves. They hate all Muslims, and despite their best efforts that keeps slipping out.
I know how much it hurts you tards you have nothing in common with Reagan. The truth is extremely painful to cowards like yourselves, and you feel you must get this topic banished from the sight of everyone.

I get it.

Too bad, and too late. The truth is already in your heads and you will never, never get it out.
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
yabut its different somehow these days w/ conservatives/repubs/libertarians. IT JUST IS!!! :mad-61:

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