What Would Reagan Do?

This is a remarkable example of ignorance and stupidity.

National Socialism was fascism, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

It advocated for militarism, was hostile to change and diversity, it was authoritarian, and sought to compel conformity through force of law – very similar to modern American conservatives.

This is not to say that today's American conservatives are 'Nazis' or 'fascists,' that would fail as a false comparison fallacy; but it does illustrate the ignorance and stupidity of perceiving National Socialism as 'the left' or having anything to do with 'socialism.'

Socialism is government control over the economy, central economic planning. Fascism is government control over the economy, central planning. Clayton, how are those the same? Duh, dar, I don't get it...

And false equivalence is presenting a bullshit definition as a premise and then going "oh look -- it's the same as this other thing".

No wonder you can't figure out your own gender.

Great point, not.

They called themselves socialists, I pointed out their policies were socialist, you are the one denying it, Holmes.

As for gender, your obsession with staring at your own penis is multidimensional sexual confusion. As for me, you know what I am, and you can always ask. Just to save a question though, either way, I'm not interested...

And again -- you're so simplistic that you think "lead pencils" have lead in them? That catgut is made from cats? That Grape Nuts contain either? That the Democratic Republic of Congo and the People's Democratic Republic of Korea are what they say they are?

You seem to put a lot of veracity in Nazi propaganda. Why would that be exactly? Is it just simpletonistic gullibility? Or are you just that stupid?

Bottom line remains -- the NSDAP was never, and will never be, "socialist" or "leftist", no matter how many times you run panting to an internet message board and try to tell the same lie over and over until you find some equally gullible victim to believe it. Can't be done.

What about a centrally planned economy is beyond your mind numbing simpleton grasp? That's what socialism is. Mao had it, Hitler had it. Hitler knew what a socialist was, and that he was one

Oh I dunno, perhaps it's the mind-numbing fact that it's not the definition but a red herring you're desperately trying to launch so your entire Doublethink fantasy can work as long as it's not examined closely. Just a wild guess.

You still seem to think posting something on the internet makes it a fact, and if it doesn't just keep repeating it over and over until the not-paying-attention crowd accepts it.

"You can fool some of the people some of the time but only a fool -- nay, a freaking moron --- thinks he can make a fact by posting it on the internets" --- Abraham Lincoln
Socialism is government control over the economy, central economic planning. Fascism is government control over the economy, central planning. Clayton, how are those the same? Duh, dar, I don't get it...

And false equivalence is presenting a bullshit definition as a premise and then going "oh look -- it's the same as this other thing".

No wonder you can't figure out your own gender.

Great point, not.

They called themselves socialists, I pointed out their policies were socialist, you are the one denying it, Holmes.

As for gender, your obsession with staring at your own penis is multidimensional sexual confusion. As for me, you know what I am, and you can always ask. Just to save a question though, either way, I'm not interested...

And again -- you're so simplistic that you think "lead pencils" have lead in them? That catgut is made from cats? That Grape Nuts contain either? That the Democratic Republic of Congo and the People's Democratic Republic of Korea are what they say they are?

You seem to put a lot of veracity in Nazi propaganda. Why would that be exactly? Is it just simpletonistic gullibility? Or are you just that stupid?

Bottom line remains -- the NSDAP was never, and will never be, "socialist" or "leftist", no matter how many times you run panting to an internet message board and try to tell the same lie over and over until you find some equally gullible victim to believe it. Can't be done.

What about a centrally planned economy is beyond your mind numbing simpleton grasp? That's what socialism is. Mao had it, Hitler had it. Hitler knew what a socialist was, and that he was one

Oh I dunno, perhaps it's the mind-numbing fact that it's not the definition but a red herring you're desperately trying to launch so your entire Doublethink fantasy can work as long as it's not examined closely. Just a wild guess.

You still seem to think posting something on the internet makes it a fact, and if it doesn't just keep repeating it over and over until the not-paying-attention crowd accepts it.

"You can fool some of the people some of the time but only a fool -- nay, a freaking moron --- thinks he can make a fact by posting it on the internets" --- Abraham Lincoln

What about a centrally planned economy confuses you?
Oh I dunno, perhaps it's the mind-numbing fact that it's not the definition but a red herring you're desperately trying to launch so your entire Doublethink fantasy can work as long as it's not examined closely. Just a wild guess.

You still seem to think posting something on the internet makes it a fact, and if it doesn't just keep repeating it over and over until the not-paying-attention crowd accepts it.

"You can fool some of the people some of the time but only a fool -- nay, a freaking moron --- thinks he can make a fact by posting it on the internets" --- Abraham Lincoln
Talk about mind numbing.
it is rare to see a pedantic and yet vacuous response. What is the point, and who do you think you could possibly impress?
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.

Nope. False. The Syrian refugees are fleeing terrorists.

Funny, they didn't flee Assad....
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
At no time in my life did I "fear" Iranians. What's to fear? If they fuck with us.....exterminate them....
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
At no time in my life did I "fear" Iranians. What's to fear? If they fuck with us.....exterminate them....

Oh geez, now g0000 is going to go on for hours about how you want to exterminate all the Iranians
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
At no time in my life did I "fear" Iranians. What's to fear? If they fuck with us.....exterminate them....

Oh geez, now g0000 is going to go on for hours about how you want to exterminate all the Iranians
It's called "feeding the monkey"...
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
At no time in my life did I "fear" Iranians. What's to fear? If they fuck with us.....exterminate them....

Oh geez, now g0000 is going to go on for hours about how you want to exterminate all the Iranians

G needs help, like Vienna style help.
Sorry, cowards. The facts are what they are.

France was attacked, not us. And France is still welcoming refugees despite that attack, while you are running to the corner to curl up in the fetal position with a load in your pants.

Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
Although Iran is a prime example of the application of my strategy. Warn them. Tell their people in no uncertain terms what the consequences are. Tell them they either change their governments direction...or they die with their government. Again, it's their choice.
Although Iran is a prime example of the application of my strategy. Warn them. Tell their people in no uncertain terms what the consequences are. Tell them they either change their governments direction...or they die with their government. Again,

That only works if we have leadership willing to follow through. We don't
Sorry, cowards. The facts are what they are.

France was attacked, not us. And France is still welcoming refugees despite that attack, while you are running to the corner to curl up in the fetal position with a load in your pants.

Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
As a weak dick, you see refuge as the only option. How about killing the people that are oppressing you...with our help. Someone wake the dope in the White House up.
Sorry, cowards. The facts are what they are.

France was attacked, not us. And France is still welcoming refugees despite that attack, while you are running to the corner to curl up in the fetal position with a load in your pants.

Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
As a weak dick, you see refuge as the only option. How about killing the people that are oppressing you...with our help. Someone wake the dope in the White House up.
You are a coward. You went on a rant about taking in refugees, and said you wanted to exterminate them.

What a chickenshit jackbooted little thug you are.
France is still taking in refugees.

The Right is screaming like women that we shouldn't. Some are saying we should exterminate them.

Tell me who has guts and who doesn't. It's pretty obvious who the cowards are.
Sorry, cowards. The facts are what they are.

France was attacked, not us. And France is still welcoming refugees despite that attack, while you are running to the corner to curl up in the fetal position with a load in your pants.

Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
As a weak dick, you see refuge as the only option. How about killing the people that are oppressing you...with our help. Someone wake the dope in the White House up.
You are a coward. You went on a rant about taking in refugees, and said you wanted to exterminate them.

What a chickenshit jackbooted little thug you are.
The monkey likes to be fed.
From the link I provided:

In a move that puts the heated U.S. debate over taking in Syrian refugees in perspective, French President Francois Hollande declared on Wednesday that his country would accept 30,000 Syrian refugees over next two years. He announced this at a gathering of mayors from French cities, where he received a standing ovation.

In America, Donald Trump gets the standing ovation for shitting his pants in public.

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