What Would the Founders Think of Defunding Obamacare?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I wonder what the founding fathers would have thought of obamacare...:eusa_shifty:

What Would the Founders Think of Defunding Obamacare?

September 24, 2013 By Bruce Thornton

A few days ago CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin, speaking about the Republican House bill defunding Obamacare, commented, “Certainly not the way the Founding Fathers maybe drew this thing up.” It’s certainly a surprise to hear an anchor on CNN, an organization biased in favor of progressives, appealing to the authority of the Constitution. For a century the progressives have been telling us that the Constitution is an outmoded document from a different age, and needs to be “modernized” to meet the challenges of a new world.

Listen to Woodrow Wilson in his 1913 book The New Freedom. “I am . . . forced to be a progressive, if for no other reason, because we have not kept up with our changes of conditions, either in the economic or the political field.” A bit later he is more specific about the “political field,” arguing against the Constitution’s central mechanism of checks and balances. “The trouble with the theory is that government is not a machine, but a living thing. It falls, not under the theory of the universe, but under the theory of organic life. It is accountable to Darwin, not to Newton. It is modified by its environment, necessitated by its tasks, shaped to its functions by the sheer pressure of life . . . Living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and in practice. Society is a living organism and must obey the laws of life, not of mechanics; it must develop . . . All that progressives ask or desire is permission . . . to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle.”

This view of the Constitution has been consistent among progressives, and explains much of Barack Obama’s behavior as President. And it directly contradicts the philosophical assumptions behind the Constitution, which are that the defects of human nature, the peoples’ “passions and interests,” as James Madison said, are as constant over space and time as the laws of gravity or motion. Since they can never be eliminated, they can only be balanced and checked by other passions and interests through the institutional structures of the Constitution.


Contrary to Baldwin, then, the House bill to defund Obamacare is consistent with the intent of the Founders. The law is unpopular, with 52% of the people opposing it. Its exceptions and exemptions doled out to political favorites are unjust, its constitutional violations blatant, and its incompetent construction, confused rollout, and unforeseen future costs dangerous for the public fisc and our exploding debt. If ever there was a “grievance” needing “redress,” Obamacare is it. Defunding Obamacare may or not be a wise tactic politically for Republicans, but its consistency with the Constitution and the intentions of the Founders is not in question.

What Would the Founders Think of Defunding Obamacare? | FrontPage Magazine
The Founders wrote a document that started with, "We the People...", not "We the People, Inc."

Don't even bring up the Constitution, when you fuckers sold out your country to the corporate oligarchy!
They fought and died to free this country from bondage, now this country has freely returned to it. They would want to get rid of it.

It's hilarious that you actually believe this.

It seriously is.

Many of the founders didn't even bother to get on a battlefield. One of them that did, Washington, was a big fan of the Federal government.

The one that bravely ran away from Monticello, Jefferson, after touting the "the tree of liberty has to be refreshed with blood", eventually caved to the notion that Federal government has to actually do stuff after he became President.

By the way, Washington and Jefferson didn't get along all that well.

Better then government controlling the means of production.:doubt: Communist much?
I'd rather trust the government, whose job it is to ensure the general welfare of the nation, than some fascist entity that pledges no allegeince to this country.

I guess the BP oil spill wasn't that big of a deal to you?

Because that's what happens when you de-regulate.
Better then government controlling the means of production.:doubt: Communist much?
I'd rather trust the government, whose job it is to ensure the general welfare of the nation, than some fascist entity that pledges no allegeince to this country.

I guess the BP oil spill wasn't that big of a deal to you?

Because that's what happens when you de-regulate.

I don't think you know what you're saying. Our government IS a corporation. It operates entirely like one. You have been duped into thinking that it is a protector of the people, when it does more to exploit them. It is the entity that pledges no allegiance to the people. When it lies to you, it doesn't have your welfare in mind. When it invades your privacy, it most certainly doesn't have your welfare in mind. When it won't pay down the debt, stop reckless spending or fix it's own broken back, it never once thought of your welfare.
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Thank god for the corporations that
1. Hire millions of people. Do you really think these people could operate their own businesses? Think of the world before the industrial revolution.
2. The choices in production, etc. Your choice ;) Look at what you get in cuba. won't like it.
3. Innovation. WE can thank major research labs for much of what we can enjoy.
I think the FF would be appalled at the idea of Govt being in the HC business.

The Fed Govt was supposed to be small not the huge behemouth it is today.

I also doubt they would like taxpayers being forced to assume the responsibility for taking care of others. There is no Charity in the constitution. People were supposed to take care of themselves.

If the FF could see the USA of today they would turn over in their graves.
Thank god for the corporations that
1. Hire millions of people. Do you really think these people could operate their own businesses? Think of the world before the industrial revolution.
2. The choices in production, etc. Your choice ;) Look at what you get in cuba. won't like it.
3. Innovation. WE can thank major research labs for much of what we can enjoy.

But government and private corporate interests have a symbiotic relationship in this country..and in most industrialized, modern nations.

How that is shaped, is in large part due to the electorate.

In any case, no meaningful commerce exists without a government.
I think the FF would be appalled at the idea of Govt being in the HC business.

The Fed Govt was supposed to be small not the huge behemouth it is today.

I also doubt they would like taxpayers being forced to assume the responsibility for taking care of others. There is no Charity in the constitution. People were supposed to take care of themselves.

If the FF could see the USA of today they would turn over in their graves.

Right that's why the constitution starts off with "We the people.." It's obviously all about individualism. Solid analysis...really.

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