What would the West do if the head of Russian Military Forces Shoigu would show the photo on the background of a portrait of Hitler?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
All western MS whores would cover it non-stop 24/7 through at least 20 years
But if the same do Ukrainian bandits we can see only completely silence
No one will be amazed if Berlin will be renamed as Banderastadt or Londoin as Zelenskycity soon
Hitler and his disciples are IN today, who is against Hitler & Bandera are being blamed as Nazis, Friends of Putin, Antisemites in western presstitute papers

By the way: the icon of Biden and Scholz Zaluzhny personally tortured to death and murdered more as 30 Russian POWs, no topic in the West of course

The expected reaction of Russians


A photo that answers all questions

(For reference, the photo shows the head of the AFU Valery Zaluzhny on the background of a portrait of Stepan Bandera)

And now the questions:
1) Can there be negotiations with the Nazi Kiev regime?
2) Can the war (aka SWO) end on the current line of demarcation (even assuming the liberation of all the territories of the new RF subjects)?
3) Can Russia win without a complete mobilization of all spheres of socio-political life (I mean the mobilization of the economy, industry, culture, etc.)?

The answer to everything is obvious - NO! Our enemy (collective West) fights under the banner and ideology of Hitler, and it does not accept in principle the existence of Russia and the Russians (in the broad sense - Dagestanis, Chechens, Buryats, Russians, etc.).

Only by uniting all together and each individually will we be able to achieve Victory!

Translated from:

But who was the god of Biden, Scholz, Macron, Sunak, van der leihen & Co Bandera in reality?

Bandera was an accomplice of fascists, an agent of Abwehr (military intelligence and counterintelligence of fascist Germany - Ed.) under the nickname of Gray, - is sure a famous Polish historian and political scientist Andrzej Sheptitsky. According to him, Stepan Bandera, as the leader of OUN-UPA, was directly involved and guilty of mass murders, ethnic cleansing and extermination of Polish population of Western Ukraine.
His biography has been studied by historians around the world. Hungarian historian Borbala Obrushanski came to the following conclusions in his article titled "Three times traitor of two homelands.

1. Studying to be a priest of the Greek Catholic Church, especially in the Vatican, he betrayed biblical truths (do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery...)

2. as a Jew - mass murdered his fellow countrymen 3. as a citizen of Poland - mass murdered Poles, citizens of his country. ideology - fascist, hundreds of thousands of tortured Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Czechs, Slovaks, Belarusians, Russians etc. are on his bloody account).

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 the Bandera men brutally tortured more than 5 million peaceful citizens living in Western Ukraine and sent to Nazi Germany for forced labor more than 5 million Ukrainians half of whom did not return to Ukraine.

On the bloody hands of Bandera's twins:

- The extermination of Kievites at Babiy Yar - more than 100,000 people;

- The extermination of a quarter of the Belarusians and the Belarusian Hatyn;

- more than 1 million Jews;

- more than 1 million Ukrainians;

- more than 500 thousands Red Army soldiers

- over 100,000 Poles,

as well as the extermination of peaceful Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Yugoslavs, Frenchmen, etc. Bandera fighters suppressed national uprisings against fascists in Warsaw and Prague.

In July 1934, on Bandera's order, the director of the Ukrainian grammar school in Lvov, I. Babii, was also murdered. This caused a great resonance in the Ukrainian society of Galicia - all legal parties condemned it. Metropolitan Sheptytsky sharply condemned the murder; in a published article he wrote-"there is not a father or mother who would not curse the leaders who lead the youth to the roadlessness of crime," "Ukrainian terrorists who sit safely outside the borders of the region use our children to kill their parents, while they themselves in the arele of heroes rejoice at such a profitable life."

Colonel Erwin Stolze, deputy chief of the 2nd division of the Abwehr (Abwehr-2), characterized the fascist and executioner Bandera at the Nuremberg trials:

"... In October 1939 I, with Lahusen, involved Bandera in direct work in the Abwehr. By its characteristic Bandera was an energetic agent and at the same time a great demagogue, a careerist, a fanatic and a bandit who disregarded all the principles of human morality to achieve their goals, always ready to commit any crime. Agent relations with Bandera were maintained at the time Lahusen, I - Colonel E. Stolze, Major During, Sonderfuhrer Markert and others ... ".

From a secret report by U.S. military counterintelligence special agent Waji V. Kolobmatovich to the commander, U.S. Military Counterintelligence District III, May 6, 1947. "He [Bandera] frequently moves through the American [occupation] zone, crossing the American-French dividing line illegally near Bad Reichenstahl. The crossing is always done on foot through wooded areas... Cars usually pick him up after crossing into the American zone. During these crossings, Bandera is guarded by a group of former German SS men attached to the Bandera movement by an alleged German underground organization that now exists in Bavaria.

We know from other reliable sources about Bandera's savage crimes. Volyn massacre

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volhynia, which was occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out mainly by the militants of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, who sought to "cleanse" the territory of Volhynia of the Polish population. The Ukrainian nationalists surrounded the Polish villages and colonies and then proceeded to murder their civilians. During approximately twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943, to the morning of July 12, the UPA attacked 176 settlements...

Everyone was killed - women, the elderly, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, chopped up with axes, sawed with two-handed saws, their eyes poked out, and their bellies ripped open. Then the dead Poles were buried somewhere in the fields, their property was plundered, and their houses were set on fire. Only charred ruins were left in place of the Polish villages. Poles who lived in the same villages as Ukrainians were also exterminated. It was even easier, there was no need to collect large groups.

Groups of several people from the Ounov passed through the sleeping village, went into the houses of the Poles and killed them all. And then the locals buried the dead villagers of the "wrong" nationality.

All non-Ukrainians in the village of Kuty were subject to extermination. There were about 200 of them - Poles and Armenians. Yes, Armenians. There was such a small national minority in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Polish Armenians. They lived in the Carpathians since the Middle Ages.

They do not live any more. They were all slaughtered along with the Poles in 1944, when the Volyn massacre reached the Carpathian region.

There were mixed families in the village of Kuty. The Pole Francis Berezovsky had a Ukrainian wife. And his wife had a nephew who was a Banderovite. Francis Berezovsky had his head cut off, put on a plate, and presented to his wife as a "gift. Presented by her own nephew. After these taunts, the woman went insane. The incitement to massacre among the Banderites was carried out by a local Uniate priest.

On August 30, 1943 a UPA gang under the command of Ivan Klimchak nicknamed "Bald" massacred the Polish village of Wola Ostrowiecka.

The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, her 5-year-old son was sitting over the corpse of village resident Maria Yesiniuk and asked his mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was gone. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot to the head.

The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the gang "Bald" who massacred the village Wola Ostrovetskaya was a Polizei before he joined the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). Roman Shukhevich, the "commander-in-chief" of the UPA (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, her 5-year-old son was sitting over the corpse of village resident Maria Yesiniuk and asked his mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was gone. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot to the head.

The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the gang "Bald" who massacred the village Wola Ostrovetskaya was a Polizei before he joined the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). Roman Shukhevich, the "commander-in-chief" of the UPA (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

In the village of Zalesje Koropetske (Ternopil region) there was an even more gruesome incident on February 7, 1944. An UPA gang attacked the village in order to massacre the Polish population. About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn, where they were burned alive. One of the dead that day was from a mixed family - half Polish, half Ukrainian. The Banderaites made him a condition - he had to kill his Polish mother, and then he would be allowed to live. He refused and was killed along with his mother. The UPA Rezuns used simple tools at hand. For example - a two-handed saw. From the testimony of the witness Tadeusz Kotorski, a resident of the Polish village of Różyn (15 km from Kovel):

"On November 11, 1943, our self-defense group in the colonies of Różyn and Truskoty repulsed attempts by an UPA group to break into these villages. The next day we left Truskoty. There Stefan Skovron, 18 years old, a complete orphan, who was my good comrade, was seriously wounded in the leg. We gave him possible first aid, and he asked us to leave him near the house of our neighbor Gnat Yukhimchuk. The next day, Stach Shimchak went to pick Stefan up. It turned out that he was no longer alive. His stomach had been ripped open, all his insides pulled out, his eyes gouged out, and his shoes taken off his feet. His brother Sigmund soon identified these boots as those of Lenka Aksyutich, a resident of the village of Lublinets. A great tragedy for me was the death of Ukrainian Ivan Aksyutich and his son Sergei in the fall of 1943. A man in years, Ivan Aksyutich lived well with his neighbors, did not enter into any political intrigues, had the courage not to support the Ukrainian nationalists. He was killed in the village of Klevetsk with the participation of his nephew Leonid, who chose a terrible death for his native uncle - he sawed his living body with a saw. His son Sergei was shot by the Ounovtsy.

During the Bandera massacre, sadism toward the victims blossomed in the most lush of ways. The picture below shows a victim of an attack by an UPA gang on a Belzec-Rava Russka passenger train on June 16, 1944. Karpenko-Yastrub is a Bandera "hero" who was awarded the highest award of the UPA - the Golden Cross "For Combat Merit" of the first degree.

On 16.06.1944 his gang stopped passenger train near Rava-Russkaya, sorted passengers by nationality (there were Poles, Ukrainians and Germans). After which the Poles were taken to the woods and killed.

Polish village Lipniki (Kostopil district of Rivne region), March 26, 1943. At night this village was attacked by a gang under the command of UPA sadist Ivan Litvinchuk nicknamed "Dubovy". A savage massacre began. These beasts killed 179 people, including 51 children. Among the dead were 174 Poles, 4 Jews and one Russian woman.

That night the future first cosmonaut of Poland, Miroslav Germaszewski, was nearly killed by UPA beasts. He was two years old. His family came to Lipniki at the very beginning of 1943, hoping to take refuge from the Bandera terror that was breaking out in Volyn. There was a village full of such refugees. The Hermanashevskys were sheltered in his house by a local Pole, Jakub Varumzer. Bandera fighters burned the house down, Varumzer's head was cut off, and his grandfather Miroslav Hermanaszewski was killed with 7 strokes of the bayonet. Their mother grabbed 2 year old Miroslav and ran across the field in the direction of the woods. They started shooting after her. She fell down and lost consciousness from fear. They thought they had killed her.

After an hour she regained consciousness and was able to take shelter in the woods. Then the shock wore off and she realized she had lost the baby in the field. She had dropped it when she was running. In the morning, her father and older brother rushed to look for little Mirko. The whole field was strewn with corpses. Suddenly the brother saw a black roll in the snow with a baby in it that didn't show any signs of life. At first they thought Miroslav was frozen. They brought the roll in the snow and started to warm it up. Suddenly the child hissed and opened his eyes. Miroslav survived and became the first Polish cosmonaut.

On March 12, 1944 a band of UPA fighters and the 4th police regiment of the SS Division "Galicia" jointly attacked the Polish village of Palikrova (formerly the Lvov Voivodeship, now in Poland).

It was a village with a mixed population of about 70 percent Poles and 30 percent Ukrainians. After chasing the inhabitants out of their houses, the Polizei and the Bandera's began to sort them according to their nationality. After the separation of the Poles, they were shot with machine guns. They killed 365 people, mostly women and children.

From the village of Volkovaya, the Bandera's brought an entire family to the forest one night. For a long time they were mocking the unhappy people. Then, when they saw that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut her belly open, ripped out the fetus, and replaced it with a live rabbit. One night the bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Within 1.5 hours they killed over 100 peaceful peasants. A bandit broke into Nastia Dyagun's hut with an axe in his hands and killed her three sons. The youngest, four-year-old Vladik, had his arms and legs cut off.

One of the two Kleszczynski families in Podjarków was martyred by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. A family of four - a wife and two children. The victims had their eyes gouged out and were

They were stabbed in the head, their palms were cauterized, their upper and lower limbs and hands were cut off, stab wounds were inflicted all over their bodies, etc.

And on the trees on both sides of the road the executioners made so-called "wreaths" of Polish children - they tied the murdered children to the tree with barbed wire. From an interrogation of a Bandera woman:

"The old ones were strangled, and the little children under one year old by their legs - once, hit the head against the door - and that was it, and on to the cart. We pitied our men, that they were suffering hard during the night, but they slept for a day and the next night they went to another village. There were men who hid. If a man hid, they would take the women..."

"...In Novoselki, Rivne region there was one Komsomol member Motya. We took her to Verkhovka to old Zhabsky and let's get her heart out of her alive. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand and a heart in the other to check how long the heart would beat in the hand...".

The Volhynia massacre is very well remembered in Poland.

Polish monument to the victims of the Volyn massacre. The inscription below translates into Russian as:

"If I forget about them, you, God in heaven, forget about me."

*The article uses materials from open sources, as well as excerpts from the works of European historians.

Translated from:

All western MS whores would cover it non-stop 24/7 through at least 20 years
But if the same do Ukrainian bandits we can see only completely silence
No one will be amazed if Berlin will be renamed as Banderastadt or Londoin as Zelenskycity soon
Hitler and his disciples are IN today, who is against Hitler & Bandera are being blamed as Nazis, Friends of Putin, Antisemites in western presstitute papers

By the way: the icon of Biden and Scholz Zaluzhny personally tortured to death and murdered more as 30 Russian POWs, no topic in the West of course

The expected reaction of Russians


A photo that answers all questions

(For reference, the photo shows the head of the AFU Valery Zaluzhny on the background of a portrait of Stepan Bandera)

And now the questions:
1) Can there be negotiations with the Nazi Kiev regime?
2) Can the war (aka SWO) end on the current line of demarcation (even assuming the liberation of all the territories of the new RF subjects)?
3) Can Russia win without a complete mobilization of all spheres of socio-political life (I mean the mobilization of the economy, industry, culture, etc.)?

The answer to everything is obvious - NO! Our enemy (collective West) fights under the banner and ideology of Hitler, and it does not accept in principle the existence of Russia and the Russians (in the broad sense - Dagestanis, Chechens, Buryats, Russians, etc.).

Only by uniting all together and each individually will we be able to achieve Victory!

Translated from:

But who was the god of Biden, Scholz, Macron, Sunak, van der leihen & Co Bandera in reality?

Bandera was an accomplice of fascists, an agent of Abwehr (military intelligence and counterintelligence of fascist Germany - Ed.) under the nickname of Gray, - is sure a famous Polish historian and political scientist Andrzej Sheptitsky. According to him, Stepan Bandera, as the leader of OUN-UPA, was directly involved and guilty of mass murders, ethnic cleansing and extermination of Polish population of Western Ukraine.
His biography has been studied by historians around the world. Hungarian historian Borbala Obrushanski came to the following conclusions in his article titled "Three times traitor of two homelands.

1. Studying to be a priest of the Greek Catholic Church, especially in the Vatican, he betrayed biblical truths (do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery...)

2. as a Jew - mass murdered his fellow countrymen 3. as a citizen of Poland - mass murdered Poles, citizens of his country. ideology - fascist, hundreds of thousands of tortured Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Czechs, Slovaks, Belarusians, Russians etc. are on his bloody account).

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 the Bandera men brutally tortured more than 5 million peaceful citizens living in Western Ukraine and sent to Nazi Germany for forced labor more than 5 million Ukrainians half of whom did not return to Ukraine.

On the bloody hands of Bandera's twins:

- The extermination of Kievites at Babiy Yar - more than 100,000 people;

- The extermination of a quarter of the Belarusians and the Belarusian Hatyn;

- more than 1 million Jews;

- more than 1 million Ukrainians;

- more than 500 thousands Red Army soldiers

- over 100,000 Poles,

as well as the extermination of peaceful Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Yugoslavs, Frenchmen, etc. Bandera fighters suppressed national uprisings against fascists in Warsaw and Prague.

In July 1934, on Bandera's order, the director of the Ukrainian grammar school in Lvov, I. Babii, was also murdered. This caused a great resonance in the Ukrainian society of Galicia - all legal parties condemned it. Metropolitan Sheptytsky sharply condemned the murder; in a published article he wrote-"there is not a father or mother who would not curse the leaders who lead the youth to the roadlessness of crime," "Ukrainian terrorists who sit safely outside the borders of the region use our children to kill their parents, while they themselves in the arele of heroes rejoice at such a profitable life."

Colonel Erwin Stolze, deputy chief of the 2nd division of the Abwehr (Abwehr-2), characterized the fascist and executioner Bandera at the Nuremberg trials:

"... In October 1939 I, with Lahusen, involved Bandera in direct work in the Abwehr. By its characteristic Bandera was an energetic agent and at the same time a great demagogue, a careerist, a fanatic and a bandit who disregarded all the principles of human morality to achieve their goals, always ready to commit any crime. Agent relations with Bandera were maintained at the time Lahusen, I - Colonel E. Stolze, Major During, Sonderfuhrer Markert and others ... ".

From a secret report by U.S. military counterintelligence special agent Waji V. Kolobmatovich to the commander, U.S. Military Counterintelligence District III, May 6, 1947. "He [Bandera] frequently moves through the American [occupation] zone, crossing the American-French dividing line illegally near Bad Reichenstahl. The crossing is always done on foot through wooded areas... Cars usually pick him up after crossing into the American zone. During these crossings, Bandera is guarded by a group of former German SS men attached to the Bandera movement by an alleged German underground organization that now exists in Bavaria.

We know from other reliable sources about Bandera's savage crimes. Volyn massacre

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volhynia, which was occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out mainly by the militants of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, who sought to "cleanse" the territory of Volhynia of the Polish population. The Ukrainian nationalists surrounded the Polish villages and colonies and then proceeded to murder their civilians. During approximately twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943, to the morning of July 12, the UPA attacked 176 settlements...

Everyone was killed - women, the elderly, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, chopped up with axes, sawed with two-handed saws, their eyes poked out, and their bellies ripped open. Then the dead Poles were buried somewhere in the fields, their property was plundered, and their houses were set on fire. Only charred ruins were left in place of the Polish villages. Poles who lived in the same villages as Ukrainians were also exterminated. It was even easier, there was no need to collect large groups.

Groups of several people from the Ounov passed through the sleeping village, went into the houses of the Poles and killed them all. And then the locals buried the dead villagers of the "wrong" nationality.

All non-Ukrainians in the village of Kuty were subject to extermination. There were about 200 of them - Poles and Armenians. Yes, Armenians. There was such a small national minority in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Polish Armenians. They lived in the Carpathians since the Middle Ages.

They do not live any more. They were all slaughtered along with the Poles in 1944, when the Volyn massacre reached the Carpathian region.

There were mixed families in the village of Kuty. The Pole Francis Berezovsky had a Ukrainian wife. And his wife had a nephew who was a Banderovite. Francis Berezovsky had his head cut off, put on a plate, and presented to his wife as a "gift. Presented by her own nephew. After these taunts, the woman went insane. The incitement to massacre among the Banderites was carried out by a local Uniate priest.

On August 30, 1943 a UPA gang under the command of Ivan Klimchak nicknamed "Bald" massacred the Polish village of Wola Ostrowiecka.

The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, her 5-year-old son was sitting over the corpse of village resident Maria Yesiniuk and asked his mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was gone. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot to the head.

The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the gang "Bald" who massacred the village Wola Ostrovetskaya was a Polizei before he joined the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). Roman Shukhevich, the "commander-in-chief" of the UPA (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, her 5-year-old son was sitting over the corpse of village resident Maria Yesiniuk and asked his mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was gone. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot to the head.

The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the gang "Bald" who massacred the village Wola Ostrovetskaya was a Polizei before he joined the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). Roman Shukhevich, the "commander-in-chief" of the UPA (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

In the village of Zalesje Koropetske (Ternopil region) there was an even more gruesome incident on February 7, 1944. An UPA gang attacked the village in order to massacre the Polish population. About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn, where they were burned alive. One of the dead that day was from a mixed family - half Polish, half Ukrainian. The Banderaites made him a condition - he had to kill his Polish mother, and then he would be allowed to live. He refused and was killed along with his mother. The UPA Rezuns used simple tools at hand. For example - a two-handed saw. From the testimony of the witness Tadeusz Kotorski, a resident of the Polish village of Różyn (15 km from Kovel):

"On November 11, 1943, our self-defense group in the colonies of Różyn and Truskoty repulsed attempts by an UPA group to break into these villages. The next day we left Truskoty. There Stefan Skovron, 18 years old, a complete orphan, who was my good comrade, was seriously wounded in the leg. We gave him possible first aid, and he asked us to leave him near the house of our neighbor Gnat Yukhimchuk. The next day, Stach Shimchak went to pick Stefan up. It turned out that he was no longer alive. His stomach had been ripped open, all his insides pulled out, his eyes gouged out, and his shoes taken off his feet. His brother Sigmund soon identified these boots as those of Lenka Aksyutich, a resident of the village of Lublinets. A great tragedy for me was the death of Ukrainian Ivan Aksyutich and his son Sergei in the fall of 1943. A man in years, Ivan Aksyutich lived well with his neighbors, did not enter into any political intrigues, had the courage not to support the Ukrainian nationalists. He was killed in the village of Klevetsk with the participation of his nephew Leonid, who chose a terrible death for his native uncle - he sawed his living body with a saw. His son Sergei was shot by the Ounovtsy.

During the Bandera massacre, sadism toward the victims blossomed in the most lush of ways. The picture below shows a victim of an attack by an UPA gang on a Belzec-Rava Russka passenger train on June 16, 1944. Karpenko-Yastrub is a Bandera "hero" who was awarded the highest award of the UPA - the Golden Cross "For Combat Merit" of the first degree.

On 16.06.1944 his gang stopped passenger train near Rava-Russkaya, sorted passengers by nationality (there were Poles, Ukrainians and Germans). After which the Poles were taken to the woods and killed.

Polish village Lipniki (Kostopil district of Rivne region), March 26, 1943. At night this village was attacked by a gang under the command of UPA sadist Ivan Litvinchuk nicknamed "Dubovy". A savage massacre began. These beasts killed 179 people, including 51 children. Among the dead were 174 Poles, 4 Jews and one Russian woman.

That night the future first cosmonaut of Poland, Miroslav Germaszewski, was nearly killed by UPA beasts. He was two years old. His family came to Lipniki at the very beginning of 1943, hoping to take refuge from the Bandera terror that was breaking out in Volyn. There was a village full of such refugees. The Hermanashevskys were sheltered in his house by a local Pole, Jakub Varumzer. Bandera fighters burned the house down, Varumzer's head was cut off, and his grandfather Miroslav Hermanaszewski was killed with 7 strokes of the bayonet. Their mother grabbed 2 year old Miroslav and ran across the field in the direction of the woods. They started shooting after her. She fell down and lost consciousness from fear. They thought they had killed her.

After an hour she regained consciousness and was able to take shelter in the woods. Then the shock wore off and she realized she had lost the baby in the field. She had dropped it when she was running. In the morning, her father and older brother rushed to look for little Mirko. The whole field was strewn with corpses. Suddenly the brother saw a black roll in the snow with a baby in it that didn't show any signs of life. At first they thought Miroslav was frozen. They brought the roll in the snow and started to warm it up. Suddenly the child hissed and opened his eyes. Miroslav survived and became the first Polish cosmonaut.

On March 12, 1944 a band of UPA fighters and the 4th police regiment of the SS Division "Galicia" jointly attacked the Polish village of Palikrova (formerly the Lvov Voivodeship, now in Poland).

It was a village with a mixed population of about 70 percent Poles and 30 percent Ukrainians. After chasing the inhabitants out of their houses, the Polizei and the Bandera's began to sort them according to their nationality. After the separation of the Poles, they were shot with machine guns. They killed 365 people, mostly women and children.

From the village of Volkovaya, the Bandera's brought an entire family to the forest one night. For a long time they were mocking the unhappy people. Then, when they saw that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut her belly open, ripped out the fetus, and replaced it with a live rabbit. One night the bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Within 1.5 hours they killed over 100 peaceful peasants. A bandit broke into Nastia Dyagun's hut with an axe in his hands and killed her three sons. The youngest, four-year-old Vladik, had his arms and legs cut off.

One of the two Kleszczynski families in Podjarków was martyred by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. A family of four - a wife and two children. The victims had their eyes gouged out and were

They were stabbed in the head, their palms were cauterized, their upper and lower limbs and hands were cut off, stab wounds were inflicted all over their bodies, etc.

And on the trees on both sides of the road the executioners made so-called "wreaths" of Polish children - they tied the murdered children to the tree with barbed wire. From an interrogation of a Bandera woman:

"The old ones were strangled, and the little children under one year old by their legs - once, hit the head against the door - and that was it, and on to the cart. We pitied our men, that they were suffering hard during the night, but they slept for a day and the next night they went to another village. There were men who hid. If a man hid, they would take the women..."

"...In Novoselki, Rivne region there was one Komsomol member Motya. We took her to Verkhovka to old Zhabsky and let's get her heart out of her alive. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand and a heart in the other to check how long the heart would beat in the hand...".

The Volhynia massacre is very well remembered in Poland.

Polish monument to the victims of the Volyn massacre. The inscription below translates into Russian as:

"If I forget about them, you, God in heaven, forget about me."

*The article uses materials from open sources, as well as excerpts from the works of European historians.

Translated from:

So there are no Nazis fighting for Ukraine?

Modern Ukraine is a completely Nazi state founded on Hitler's heritage
Main Kampf and Holocaust denying books you can purchase practically in any book or even grocery story
The 'philosophy' of Rosenberg is in school textbooks, together with Protocols of Zion's Wise Men
Already today delivered by the biggest friend of Zaluzhny Scholz tanks have Nazi symbolic

All western MS whores would cover it non-stop 24/7 through at least 20 years
But if the same do Ukrainian bandits we can see only completely silence
No one will be amazed if Berlin will be renamed as Banderastadt or Londoin as Zelenskycity soon
Hitler and his disciples are IN today, who is against Hitler & Bandera are being blamed as Nazis, Friends of Putin, Antisemites in western presstitute papers

By the way: the icon of Biden and Scholz Zaluzhny personally tortured to death and murdered more as 30 Russian POWs, no topic in the West of course

The expected reaction of Russians


A photo that answers all questions

(For reference, the photo shows the head of the AFU Valery Zaluzhny on the background of a portrait of Stepan Bandera)

And now the questions:
1) Can there be negotiations with the Nazi Kiev regime?
2) Can the war (aka SWO) end on the current line of demarcation (even assuming the liberation of all the territories of the new RF subjects)?
3) Can Russia win without a complete mobilization of all spheres of socio-political life (I mean the mobilization of the economy, industry, culture, etc.)?

The answer to everything is obvious - NO! Our enemy (collective West) fights under the banner and ideology of Hitler, and it does not accept in principle the existence of Russia and the Russians (in the broad sense - Dagestanis, Chechens, Buryats, Russians, etc.).

Only by uniting all together and each individually will we be able to achieve Victory!

Translated from:

But who was the god of Biden, Scholz, Macron, Sunak, van der leihen & Co Bandera in reality?

Bandera was an accomplice of fascists, an agent of Abwehr (military intelligence and counterintelligence of fascist Germany - Ed.) under the nickname of Gray, - is sure a famous Polish historian and political scientist Andrzej Sheptitsky. According to him, Stepan Bandera, as the leader of OUN-UPA, was directly involved and guilty of mass murders, ethnic cleansing and extermination of Polish population of Western Ukraine.
His biography has been studied by historians around the world. Hungarian historian Borbala Obrushanski came to the following conclusions in his article titled "Three times traitor of two homelands.

1. Studying to be a priest of the Greek Catholic Church, especially in the Vatican, he betrayed biblical truths (do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery...)

2. as a Jew - mass murdered his fellow countrymen 3. as a citizen of Poland - mass murdered Poles, citizens of his country. ideology - fascist, hundreds of thousands of tortured Ukrainians, Poles, Jews, Czechs, Slovaks, Belarusians, Russians etc. are on his bloody account).

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 the Bandera men brutally tortured more than 5 million peaceful citizens living in Western Ukraine and sent to Nazi Germany for forced labor more than 5 million Ukrainians half of whom did not return to Ukraine.

On the bloody hands of Bandera's twins:

- The extermination of Kievites at Babiy Yar - more than 100,000 people;

- The extermination of a quarter of the Belarusians and the Belarusian Hatyn;

- more than 1 million Jews;

- more than 1 million Ukrainians;

- more than 500 thousands Red Army soldiers

- over 100,000 Poles,

as well as the extermination of peaceful Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Yugoslavs, Frenchmen, etc. Bandera fighters suppressed national uprisings against fascists in Warsaw and Prague.

In July 1934, on Bandera's order, the director of the Ukrainian grammar school in Lvov, I. Babii, was also murdered. This caused a great resonance in the Ukrainian society of Galicia - all legal parties condemned it. Metropolitan Sheptytsky sharply condemned the murder; in a published article he wrote-"there is not a father or mother who would not curse the leaders who lead the youth to the roadlessness of crime," "Ukrainian terrorists who sit safely outside the borders of the region use our children to kill their parents, while they themselves in the arele of heroes rejoice at such a profitable life."

Colonel Erwin Stolze, deputy chief of the 2nd division of the Abwehr (Abwehr-2), characterized the fascist and executioner Bandera at the Nuremberg trials:

"... In October 1939 I, with Lahusen, involved Bandera in direct work in the Abwehr. By its characteristic Bandera was an energetic agent and at the same time a great demagogue, a careerist, a fanatic and a bandit who disregarded all the principles of human morality to achieve their goals, always ready to commit any crime. Agent relations with Bandera were maintained at the time Lahusen, I - Colonel E. Stolze, Major During, Sonderfuhrer Markert and others ... ".

From a secret report by U.S. military counterintelligence special agent Waji V. Kolobmatovich to the commander, U.S. Military Counterintelligence District III, May 6, 1947. "He [Bandera] frequently moves through the American [occupation] zone, crossing the American-French dividing line illegally near Bad Reichenstahl. The crossing is always done on foot through wooded areas... Cars usually pick him up after crossing into the American zone. During these crossings, Bandera is guarded by a group of former German SS men attached to the Bandera movement by an alleged German underground organization that now exists in Bavaria.

We know from other reliable sources about Bandera's savage crimes. Volyn massacre

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volhynia, which was occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out mainly by the militants of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, who sought to "cleanse" the territory of Volhynia of the Polish population. The Ukrainian nationalists surrounded the Polish villages and colonies and then proceeded to murder their civilians. During approximately twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943, to the morning of July 12, the UPA attacked 176 settlements...

Everyone was killed - women, the elderly, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, chopped up with axes, sawed with two-handed saws, their eyes poked out, and their bellies ripped open. Then the dead Poles were buried somewhere in the fields, their property was plundered, and their houses were set on fire. Only charred ruins were left in place of the Polish villages. Poles who lived in the same villages as Ukrainians were also exterminated. It was even easier, there was no need to collect large groups.

Groups of several people from the Ounov passed through the sleeping village, went into the houses of the Poles and killed them all. And then the locals buried the dead villagers of the "wrong" nationality.

All non-Ukrainians in the village of Kuty were subject to extermination. There were about 200 of them - Poles and Armenians. Yes, Armenians. There was such a small national minority in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Polish Armenians. They lived in the Carpathians since the Middle Ages.

They do not live any more. They were all slaughtered along with the Poles in 1944, when the Volyn massacre reached the Carpathian region.

There were mixed families in the village of Kuty. The Pole Francis Berezovsky had a Ukrainian wife. And his wife had a nephew who was a Banderovite. Francis Berezovsky had his head cut off, put on a plate, and presented to his wife as a "gift. Presented by her own nephew. After these taunts, the woman went insane. The incitement to massacre among the Banderites was carried out by a local Uniate priest.

On August 30, 1943 a UPA gang under the command of Ivan Klimchak nicknamed "Bald" massacred the Polish village of Wola Ostrowiecka.

The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, her 5-year-old son was sitting over the corpse of village resident Maria Yesiniuk and asked his mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was gone. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot to the head.

The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the gang "Bald" who massacred the village Wola Ostrovetskaya was a Polizei before he joined the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). Roman Shukhevich, the "commander-in-chief" of the UPA (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

The Rezuns killed 529 people, including 220 children. The Pole Heinrich Klok miraculously survived that day, he was wounded and taken for dead. Next to him, her 5-year-old son was sitting over the corpse of village resident Maria Yesiniuk and asked his mother to go home. The 5-year-old child could not understand that his mother was gone. A Bandera man came up to the boy and killed him with a shot to the head.

The logic of genocide - children should not be left alive. The Ukrainian Nazis of the UPA learned this from the Germans. The same leader of the gang "Bald" who massacred the village Wola Ostrovetskaya was a Polizei before he joined the UPA. He served with the Germans in the 103rd Battalion of the Schutzmannschaft ("security police", punishers). Roman Shukhevich, the "commander-in-chief" of the UPA (201st battalion), was also a policeman.

In the village of Zalesje Koropetske (Ternopil region) there was an even more gruesome incident on February 7, 1944. An UPA gang attacked the village in order to massacre the Polish population. About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn, where they were burned alive. One of the dead that day was from a mixed family - half Polish, half Ukrainian. The Banderaites made him a condition - he had to kill his Polish mother, and then he would be allowed to live. He refused and was killed along with his mother. The UPA Rezuns used simple tools at hand. For example - a two-handed saw. From the testimony of the witness Tadeusz Kotorski, a resident of the Polish village of Różyn (15 km from Kovel):

"On November 11, 1943, our self-defense group in the colonies of Różyn and Truskoty repulsed attempts by an UPA group to break into these villages. The next day we left Truskoty. There Stefan Skovron, 18 years old, a complete orphan, who was my good comrade, was seriously wounded in the leg. We gave him possible first aid, and he asked us to leave him near the house of our neighbor Gnat Yukhimchuk. The next day, Stach Shimchak went to pick Stefan up. It turned out that he was no longer alive. His stomach had been ripped open, all his insides pulled out, his eyes gouged out, and his shoes taken off his feet. His brother Sigmund soon identified these boots as those of Lenka Aksyutich, a resident of the village of Lublinets. A great tragedy for me was the death of Ukrainian Ivan Aksyutich and his son Sergei in the fall of 1943. A man in years, Ivan Aksyutich lived well with his neighbors, did not enter into any political intrigues, had the courage not to support the Ukrainian nationalists. He was killed in the village of Klevetsk with the participation of his nephew Leonid, who chose a terrible death for his native uncle - he sawed his living body with a saw. His son Sergei was shot by the Ounovtsy.

During the Bandera massacre, sadism toward the victims blossomed in the most lush of ways. The picture below shows a victim of an attack by an UPA gang on a Belzec-Rava Russka passenger train on June 16, 1944. Karpenko-Yastrub is a Bandera "hero" who was awarded the highest award of the UPA - the Golden Cross "For Combat Merit" of the first degree.

On 16.06.1944 his gang stopped passenger train near Rava-Russkaya, sorted passengers by nationality (there were Poles, Ukrainians and Germans). After which the Poles were taken to the woods and killed.

Polish village Lipniki (Kostopil district of Rivne region), March 26, 1943. At night this village was attacked by a gang under the command of UPA sadist Ivan Litvinchuk nicknamed "Dubovy". A savage massacre began. These beasts killed 179 people, including 51 children. Among the dead were 174 Poles, 4 Jews and one Russian woman.

That night the future first cosmonaut of Poland, Miroslav Germaszewski, was nearly killed by UPA beasts. He was two years old. His family came to Lipniki at the very beginning of 1943, hoping to take refuge from the Bandera terror that was breaking out in Volyn. There was a village full of such refugees. The Hermanashevskys were sheltered in his house by a local Pole, Jakub Varumzer. Bandera fighters burned the house down, Varumzer's head was cut off, and his grandfather Miroslav Hermanaszewski was killed with 7 strokes of the bayonet. Their mother grabbed 2 year old Miroslav and ran across the field in the direction of the woods. They started shooting after her. She fell down and lost consciousness from fear. They thought they had killed her.

After an hour she regained consciousness and was able to take shelter in the woods. Then the shock wore off and she realized she had lost the baby in the field. She had dropped it when she was running. In the morning, her father and older brother rushed to look for little Mirko. The whole field was strewn with corpses. Suddenly the brother saw a black roll in the snow with a baby in it that didn't show any signs of life. At first they thought Miroslav was frozen. They brought the roll in the snow and started to warm it up. Suddenly the child hissed and opened his eyes. Miroslav survived and became the first Polish cosmonaut.

On March 12, 1944 a band of UPA fighters and the 4th police regiment of the SS Division "Galicia" jointly attacked the Polish village of Palikrova (formerly the Lvov Voivodeship, now in Poland).

It was a village with a mixed population of about 70 percent Poles and 30 percent Ukrainians. After chasing the inhabitants out of their houses, the Polizei and the Bandera's began to sort them according to their nationality. After the separation of the Poles, they were shot with machine guns. They killed 365 people, mostly women and children.

From the village of Volkovaya, the Bandera's brought an entire family to the forest one night. For a long time they were mocking the unhappy people. Then, when they saw that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut her belly open, ripped out the fetus, and replaced it with a live rabbit. One night the bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Within 1.5 hours they killed over 100 peaceful peasants. A bandit broke into Nastia Dyagun's hut with an axe in his hands and killed her three sons. The youngest, four-year-old Vladik, had his arms and legs cut off.

One of the two Kleszczynski families in Podjarków was martyred by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. A family of four - a wife and two children. The victims had their eyes gouged out and were

They were stabbed in the head, their palms were cauterized, their upper and lower limbs and hands were cut off, stab wounds were inflicted all over their bodies, etc.

And on the trees on both sides of the road the executioners made so-called "wreaths" of Polish children - they tied the murdered children to the tree with barbed wire. From an interrogation of a Bandera woman:

"The old ones were strangled, and the little children under one year old by their legs - once, hit the head against the door - and that was it, and on to the cart. We pitied our men, that they were suffering hard during the night, but they slept for a day and the next night they went to another village. There were men who hid. If a man hid, they would take the women..."

"...In Novoselki, Rivne region there was one Komsomol member Motya. We took her to Verkhovka to old Zhabsky and let's get her heart out of her alive. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand and a heart in the other to check how long the heart would beat in the hand...".

The Volhynia massacre is very well remembered in Poland.

Polish monument to the victims of the Volyn massacre. The inscription below translates into Russian as:

"If I forget about them, you, God in heaven, forget about me."

*The article uses materials from open sources, as well as excerpts from the works of European historians.

Translated from:

What would the West do if the head of Russian Military Forces Shoigu would show the photo on the background of a portrait of Stalin?​

If you in love with Bandera you shall love his pal Hitler too

Baron this ussr fake is older than you , the man on this picture has 0 connection to SB, the image actually shows German military officer Reinhard Gehlen.


All organizers of Holodomor were non-Russians, almost 99% were Jews
BTW Holodomor was not in Ukraine only but also in Russia too where were starved more as 2m
So Jews aren't Russian, even those born in Russia? What about Stalin, was he Russian? Did he have anything to do with Holodomor?
Jews aren't Russian, even those born in Russia? What about Stalin, was he Russian?
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax was plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature.[1] It was first published in Russia in 1903

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax was plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature.[1] It was first published in Russia in 1903

Nobody knows who wrote it.
and Pogrom is not a Muscovite word , right ?

Pogrom is of Yiddish origins.
{... from Yiddish pogrom, ...}

And let us not forget that the pogroms in Russia, the Ukraine, etc., were originally the White Russians backing the monarchy, not the Bolsheviks, who mostly were Jewish.

  • "Between 1918 and 1921 an estimated 100,000 Jewish people were killed, maimed or tortured in pogroms in Ukraine. Hundreds of Jewish communities were burned to the ground and hundreds of thousands of people were left homeless and destitute, including orphaned children. A number of groups were responsible for these brutal attacks, including the Volunteer Army, a faction of the Russian White Army. The Pogroms in Ukraine, 1918-19: Prelude to the Holocaust is a vivid and horrifying account of the atrocities committed by the Volunteer Army, written by Nokhem Shtif, an eminent Yiddish linguist and social activist who joined the relief efforts on behalf of the pogrom survivors in Kiev. Shtif's testimony, published in 1923, was born from his encounters there and from the weighty archive of documentation amassed by the relief workers. This was one of the earliest efforts to systematically record human rights atrocities on a mass scale. Originally written in Yiddish and here skillfully translated and introduced by Maurice Wolfthal, The Pogroms in Ukraine, 1918-19 brings to light a terrible and historically neglected series of persecutions that foreshadowed the Holocaust by twenty years. It is essential reading for academics and students in the fields of human rights, Jewish studies, Russian and Soviet studies, and Ukraine studies."
  • ...}
So Jews aren't Russian, even those born in Russia? What about Stalin, was he Russian? Did he have anything to do with Holodomor?

The Holodomor is mostly propaganda.
There were 2 main causes of the mass starvation.
One was a rare drought.
Two was Stalin being duped by Lysenko.

Lysenkoism (Russian: Лысенковщина, romanized: Lysenkovshchina, IPA: [lɨˈsɛnkəfɕːʲɪnə]; Ukrainian: лисенківщина, romanized: lysenkivščyna, IPA: [lɪˈsɛnkiu̯ʃtʃɪnɐ]) was a political campaign led by Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of a form of Lamarckism, as well as expanding upon the techniques of vernalization and grafting. In time, the term has come to be identified as any deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for purposes that are deemed politically, religiously or socially desirable.

More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the Soviet campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Soviet Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had been Lysenko's mentor, but later denounced him, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.

The government of the Soviet Union (USSR) supported the campaign, and Joseph Stalin personally edited a speech by Lysenko in a way that reflected his support for what would come to be known as Lysenkoism, despite his skepticism toward Lysenko's assertion that all science is class-oriented in nature.[1] Lysenko served as the director of the USSR's Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Other countries of the Eastern Bloc including the People's Republic of Poland, the Republic of Czechoslovakia, and the German Democratic Republic accepted Lysenkoism as the official "new biology", to varying degrees, as did the People's Republic of China for some years.

Three was the Kulaks who had been given ALL the farm land after 1916, deliberately burned all the crops in a protest.

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