What would you do if you lost a $25,000 lawsuit?

What would you do if you lost a $25,000.00 lawsuit that you morally do not owe and can't pay back?

  • Sell all your possessions and pay what you can.

  • Ask friends and family to sell all their possessions to pay them.

  • Set up a go fund me page.

  • Other (explain)

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
What would you do if you lost a $25,000.00 lawsuit that you morally do not owe and you know you cannot pay it back?
What would you do if you lost a $25,000.00 lawsuit that you morally do not owe and you know you cannot pay it back?

This is why I execute Hold Harmless contracts with everybody whom I hire to work on my property. People who work for companies, like delivery people and repair people are covered by their employers.

I have plenty of good insurance.

Nobody would have a reason otherwise to sue me.

Don't let the bastards screw you.

How do you lose a lawsuit and feel you do not owe it morally?

You be a transit company and one of your drivers is making a legal turn when a pedestrian runs into the crosswalk and throws itself into the front left corner of the bus, hard, producing a loud THUD.

I was there when it happened. About twenty people gave statements, all of them in favor of the bus driver. The pedestrian won the suit nonetheless.

This was back before cameras every five feet.

Scammers EVERYWHERE who think stealing a living is better than earning it.

That's why I won't hire a person without having them sign a contract that says they agree that nothing that happens to them on my property is my fault.


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