What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump

I believe there is a lot of validity to the OP but there are also those of us that question whether Trump is the one to be our Moses and lead us to the promise land. Personally I don't feel he is the one.

No...he isn't....but he is the only one who can keep hilary from winning...and giving us time to find that one....
What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.

Problem is, with Trump, nothing changes. He doesn't have a plan for any real change. He's not going to change the way people vote, he's not going to stop the power people being in control in 4 or 8 years time. He's merely a "hey look, a guy who isn't one of the power people, or so he says, in the White House for a time".

Maybe he won't be able to do a thing. But the things that the establishment darling Hillary WILL do is far more dangerous.

One issue alone is worth voting for Trump, that is the SCOTUS nominations. Those nominations will change the direction of the country for 30 years. Hillary must not be allowed close to them.

Is it? What did Bill do that was far more dangerous than what Trump will do?

Why is it everyone seems to forget the Senate takes part in Supreme Court nominations?

This just appears to be scaremongering. No one knows what Trump will do, so how you can say Hillary would be worse I have no idea. Trump might appoint someone for to the left than Hillary.
Maybe some of our pro mass immigration and refugee posters here can tell us why obama and hillary are trying to change this country's demographics by bringing so many people here from unlike cultures. Not only are they from unlike cultures, with little hope or desire to assimilate, but they have no money or skills for the most part, but many needs. We are a nation close to bankruptcy ourselves, and there are many Americans who could use help. Why import more problems? I'm for Trump because he's the man who says he will put a stop to this trying to transform America. Well, I have other reasons too, such as clinton's a horrible choice, who will sell out America for a few donations to the clinton fund, but one item at a time
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Two freight trains are heading for a head-on collision...government which is so corrupt and has so rigged elections they no longer fear the people and the people who are pissed.
What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.

you aren't the "regular people of the world".

the only demographic donald wins is uneducated white males. that ISN'T the regular people of the world.
What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.

you aren't the "regular people of the world".

the only demographic donald wins is uneducated white males. that ISN'T the regular people of the world.
Keep muttering that nonsense under you breathe as the Black NON-Educated Welfare crowd runs to the polls to continue the flow of the feeding trough.
Maybe some of our pro mass immigration and refugee posters here can tell us why obama and hillary are trying to change this country's demographics by bringing so many people here from unlike cultures. Not only are they from unlike cultures, with little hope or desire to assimilate, but they have no money or skills for the most part, but many needs. We are a nation close to bankruptcy ourselves, and there are many Americans who could use help. Why import more problems? I'm for Trump because he's the man who says he will put a stop to this trying to transform America. Well, I have other reasons too, such as clinton's a horrible choice, who will sell out America for a few donations to the clinton fund, but one item at a time

Look at the Reagan era, a massive jump from the 1970s. Psst, don't say it and it won't be true.
Maybe some of our pro mass immigration and refugee posters here can tell us why obama and hillary are trying to change this country's demographics by bringing so many people here from unlike cultures. Not only are they from unlike cultures, with little hope or desire to assimilate, but they have no money or skills for the most part, but many needs. We are a nation close to bankruptcy ourselves, and there are many Americans who could use help. Why import more problems? I'm for Trump because he's the man who says he will put a stop to this trying to transform America. Well, I have other reasons too, such as clinton's a horrible choice, who will sell out America for a few donations to the clinton fund, but one item at a time

Look at the Reagan era, a massive jump from the 1970s. Psst, don't say it and it won't be true.

Thanks for reply, but it doesn't answer my question. The massive jump under reagan was because of illegal immigration. Under Ike, and even Kennedy, people that snuck in here and were caught, were sent back to their country. At one time America used immigration to bring people here to first, benefit America. They were people who had some skills and wanted to become Americans. We do not get this with muslims. Look at Europe's experience with them. The ones coming here are from the third world with no money or skills. They are costing us money from day one. How does this benefit our country?
With the few supporters in Congress that Trump has...

... the status quo not likely to change anyway...

... more'n likely dey just gonna ignore him...

... an' go on with dey's gridlock.
With the few supporters in Congress that Trump has...

... the status quo not likely to change anyway.

He sure has the support of the people though, judging by the massive numbers at his rallies. They're sick of the status quo. His running without needing financing by the banks and wall street is a threat to those who buy off politicians like clinton. They want to own our politicians. My take anyway, and I admit that Trump is a man with many faults.
Maybe some of our pro mass immigration and refugee posters here can tell us why obama and hillary are trying to change this country's demographics by bringing so many people here from unlike cultures. Not only are they from unlike cultures, with little hope or desire to assimilate, but they have no money or skills for the most part, but many needs. We are a nation close to bankruptcy ourselves, and there are many Americans who could use help. Why import more problems? I'm for Trump because he's the man who says he will put a stop to this trying to transform America. Well, I have other reasons too, such as clinton's a horrible choice, who will sell out America for a few donations to the clinton fund, but one item at a time

Look at the Reagan era, a massive jump from the 1970s. Psst, don't say it and it won't be true.

Thanks for reply, but it doesn't answer my question. The massive jump under reagan was because of illegal immigration. Under Ike, and even Kennedy, people that snuck in here and were caught, were sent back to their country. At one time America used immigration to bring people here to first, benefit America. They were people who had some skills and wanted to become Americans. We do not get this with muslims. Look at Europe's experience with them. The ones coming here are from the third world with no money or skills. They are costing us money from day one. How does this benefit our country?

Okay, the massive jump under Reagan was due to illegal immigration, so Reagan wasn't stopping illegal immigration then. But he's the god of the right, right? But apparently it's the left that is all about immigration, yet there we have Reagan not dealing with it.

Oh, and what he did was make an amnesty for illegal immigrants, this was 1986, so perhaps he encouraged more immigrants to come over. Yeah, Reagan hated immigration so much he encouraged it. Yeah, go on, blame the left.
What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.

And that is your just your opinion.
I have no stake in the status quo and I'm really sick of our incompetent government and two major parties. My voting history shows many, many votes for outsiders. But does not give me an excuse to vote for the first "outsider" that may have a chance to win the presidency.
Because Donald Trump is NOT the answer. He is in no way prepared to govern, he didn't possess the responsibility to prepare for the first debate, his knowledge of the issues is terrible, his preparation for his run is/was naive and his temperament is a huge weak point.
As much as I can't stand the Clintons, it's not enough for me to vote for Trump, I couldn't live with myself if I voted for someone who is so unqualified.
So again, I will cast my vote for someone who isn't a Republican or Democrat. At least my conscience will be clear.
Maybe some of our pro mass immigration and refugee posters here can tell us why obama and hillary are trying to change this country's demographics by bringing so many people here from unlike cultures. Not only are they from unlike cultures, with little hope or desire to assimilate, but they have no money or skills for the most part, but many needs. We are a nation close to bankruptcy ourselves, and there are many Americans who could use help. Why import more problems? I'm for Trump because he's the man who says he will put a stop to this trying to transform America. Well, I have other reasons too, such as clinton's a horrible choice, who will sell out America for a few donations to the clinton fund, but one item at a time

Look at the Reagan era, a massive jump from the 1970s. Psst, don't say it and it won't be true.

Thanks for reply, but it doesn't answer my question. The massive jump under reagan was because of illegal immigration. Under Ike, and even Kennedy, people that snuck in here and were caught, were sent back to their country. At one time America used immigration to bring people here to first, benefit America. They were people who had some skills and wanted to become Americans. We do not get this with muslims. Look at Europe's experience with them. The ones coming here are from the third world with no money or skills. They are costing us money from day one. How does this benefit our country?

Okay, the massive jump under Reagan was due to illegal immigration, so Reagan wasn't stopping illegal immigration then. But he's the god of the right, right? But apparently it's the left that is all about immigration, yet there we have Reagan not dealing with it.

Oh, and what he did was make an amnesty for illegal immigrants, this was 1986, so perhaps he encouraged more immigrants to come over. Yeah, Reagan hated immigration so much he encouraged it. Yeah, go on, blame the left.
Did Reagan authorize sanctuary cities?
He sure has the support of the people though...

The problem is...

... the people don't vote at the Congressional level...

... and not many in Congress listen to the will of the people...

... which is why we have the gridlock we see in getting, for example...

... a nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy confirmed and appointed.
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.

With the liberals running our school system I dont see much hope in your plan.
"What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump"



Everyone who believes in sound, responsible governance, who supports our Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, and who opposes fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate are against Trump.
What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.

Problem is, with Trump, nothing changes. He doesn't have a plan for any real change. He's not going to change the way people vote, he's not going to stop the power people being in control in 4 or 8 years time. He's merely a "hey look, a guy who isn't one of the power people, or so he says, in the White House for a time".

Maybe he won't be able to do a thing. But the things that the establishment darling Hillary WILL do is far more dangerous.

One issue alone is worth voting for Trump, that is the SCOTUS nominations. Those nominations will change the direction of the country for 30 years. Hillary must not be allowed close to them.
He can do a lot without Congress.....,,,,clean house in the Bureaucracy......roll back /obamas executive orders......direct agencies to find and eliminate waste and fraud.......

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