What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump

"What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump"



Everyone who believes in sound, responsible governance, who supports our Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, and who opposes fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate are against Trump.
Except thats not what Hilly says she is.....
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.

With the liberals running our school system I dont see much hope in your plan.
That's why Obama's free community college and cheap college loans plans etc etc passed with no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.

With the liberals running our school system I dont see much hope in your plan.
That's why Obama's free community college and cheap college loans plans etc etc passed with no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.

Yeah..thats why college debt is exploding. Get the government involved in guaranteed loans and watch college tuition skyrocket.
Holy Fuck you're stupid!!
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.

With the liberals running our school system I dont see much hope in your plan.
That's why Obama's free community college and cheap college loans plans etc etc passed with no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.

Yeah..thats why college debt is exploding. Get the government involved in guaranteed loans and watch college tuition skyrocket.
Holy Fuck you're stupid!!
What about competition? Public U costs doubled just under Boosh. GOP blocks free community college. Reagan started dismantling cheap public college, the greatest generation' system, in Cal. in the 60's. Great job! Anything to save the rich from paying their fair share...
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.

With the liberals running our school system I dont see much hope in your plan.
That's why Obama's free community college and cheap college loans plans etc etc passed with no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.

Yeah..thats why college debt is exploding. Get the government involved in guaranteed loans and watch college tuition skyrocket.
Holy Fuck you're stupid!!
Holy fuck you're brainwashed with simpleton GOP taking points...dupe.
If you vote hillary you're for globalization .....period.
Globalization is natural and can't be stopped. GOOD. Corps will always go to cheap labor for menial labor, and the new markets they'll produce can be a huge boon for us if we simpy follow through as the GOP promised and train our people for the good jobs now going begging. The only question is whether we'll have intelligent leadership and investment, or MORE bought off, pander to the rich GOP bs.

DEMS are for change mindlessly obstructed the last 8 years, the New BS GOP for doubling down on failed Reaganist Boosh tax cuts for the rich, military buildup, and deregulation.

With the liberals running our school system I dont see much hope in your plan.
That's why Obama's free community college and cheap college loans plans etc etc passed with no problem. Brainwashed functional moron.

Yeah..thats why college debt is exploding. Get the government involved in guaranteed loans and watch college tuition skyrocket.
Holy Fuck you're stupid!!
What about competition? Public U costs doubled just under Boosh. GOP blocks free community college. Reagan started dismantling cheap public college, the greatest generation' system, in Cal. in the 60's. Great job! Anything to save the rich from paying their fair share...

Fuck you and your fair share.
Kids used to be able to work their way through college,now with all the guaranteed loans colleges have drastically raised the price of tuition.
Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

Fool, Trump is one of those billionaires you fear so much
Mmmmmm. No.

It's cause sane people know he is fucking crazy .

Funny thing is you should know if he is crazy better than most.

But he isn't crazy regardless of the smear put on him from the left wing.

The people will rise up against the greater evil.

Tell me this ain't Trump?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings.[4][5] People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power or success, or about their appearance. They often take advantage of the people around them. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a variety of situations.[5]

The cause of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown.[6] It is a personality disorder classified within cluster B by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.[5] Diagnosis is by a healthcare professional interviewing the person in question.[4] The condition needs to be differentiated from mania and substance use disorder.[5]

Hillary is the epitome of narcissism. The poster witch for narcissism. Hillary will say anything and do anything breaking every law in the process to attain power. She is a narcissist because that is all she knows how to be and with the support of a paid-for press she will lie and bully her way to the White House. She is also a complete loser.

Trump build a business empire. Bill and Hillary lived off the public dole using their political influence to amass a fortune. Hillary is a typical liberal which means she gets what she wants by smearing her opponents while depending on the press to cover her own crimes and indiscretions. Outside of government employment, if Clinton couldn't get a job as a gossip columnists she would be asking the old familiar question, “Would you like fries with that.”

Hilary is an advocate for open borders, an invitation for criminals and terrorists to enter the United States. Woman have already been raped and murdered by Clinton's/Obama's illegal immigrants and the prognosis is for more of the same. She is also an advocate for illegal wars in the Middle East, wars that have killed and maimed our men and women in service, caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children and displaced countless others. She has received millions in donations from those countries who treat women as inferior beings, created only for the sexual pleasures of men. She has never criticized such practices as arranged child marriages, honor killings (which for some strange reason only apply to women but never to men) and not allowing women to drive; nor has she condemned the practice of throwing gays off the rooftops. But to diehard Hillary supporters, none of this matters. After all, in the fantasy world of liberalism death, destruction and the systemic suppression of women are acceptable, whereas the mere accusation of groping a pussy will get you tarred and feathered. If doesn't matter if the accusations have any basis in fact.
When Comey was done letting Hillary off the hook I wondered to myself how long would it be till the liberal left distorted what he actually said. And now we see it. He caved in and let her skate but he certainly did not exonerate her, he excoriated her.

Listen to this:

What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.
You mean rational people.
What you need to understand is that EVERYONE with a stake in the STATUS QUO is against Trump.

That is why the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly against him, because the mainstream media is owned by large media corporations that have a stake in the status quo, and are lapdogs of the billionaires who really run this country and all its institutions.

Men like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Buffet hold all the purse strings and control both political parties, the banks, the Fortune 500 companies, and the media corporations.

That's why even FOX NEWS has joined the anti-Trump chorus.

The goal of these men is globalization: the surrender of national sovereignty to a one-world government, open trade throughout the world, and open borders throughout the world.

Once national governments, national laws, and national borders have been abolished, large multi-national corporations will wield all real power in the world, and all decisions will be made in corporate boardrooms.

The regular people of the world have woken up to this conspiracy and have started resisting the globalist agenda. Brexit was a big step in the right direction. The election of Trump would be the next.

Problem is, with Trump, nothing changes. He doesn't have a plan for any real change. He's not going to change the way people vote, he's not going to stop the power people being in control in 4 or 8 years time. He's merely a "hey look, a guy who isn't one of the power people, or so he says, in the White House for a time".

Maybe he won't be able to do a thing. But the things that the establishment darling Hillary WILL do is far more dangerous.

One issue alone is worth voting for Trump, that is the SCOTUS nominations. Those nominations will change the direction of the country for 30 years. Hillary must not be allowed close to them.
He can do a lot without Congress.....,,,,clean house in the Bureaucracy......roll back /obamas executive orders......direct agencies to find and eliminate waste and fraud.......

But not do much without cooperating, and he doesn't seem interested in cooperating much.

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