Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

The law of the land is what the SC signs off on. That's all.

You wish junior. The Supreme Court is the judicial branch. Laws are made by the legislative branch. Thanks for illustrating your complete lack of knowledge about your own government and how it operates.

Folks - you can officially place PMH on ignore as he has illustrated he has ZERO credibility in even the most basic capacity.

Laws are made by the LEGISLATIVE branch.

I meant to type LEGISLATIVE and you know it. Hence my point that PMH's belief that the Supreme Court decides our laws is utterly absurd. Unfortunately, there are so many ignorant liberals roaming USMB that I had to type it so many times just in this thread alone that I made a typo.
Tolerance, like most things, has limits. It stops at intolerance generally.

You're so intolerant you want government to use the force of guns to force people to bake cakes. For you, tolerance has limits, intolerance has none

That's just nonsense and the force is called "the law", no guns required. And there are plenty of laws I'd like not to deal with but owning a business requires that you do. If you bake cakes, do that, for any and all. It's good business and allows everyone the ability to get on with their lives.

Every law is enforced with guns, you witless git. I can't imagine anyone with two brain cells to rub together claiming laws don't require guns.

God, are you stupid!

BTW, I wasn't put on this earth to allow others to "get on with their lives." Their lives are their responsibility, not mine.
Even before gays have been added to some state or local public accommodation laws, you never fully had the right to refuse service for any reason. The Right to Refuse Service

If you want to discriminate against the gays, learn the laws of your locality.

Maps of State Laws & Policies

This one may be especially helpful:

Public Accommodation Laws

Public accommodations refers to both governmental entities and private businesses that provide services to the general public such as restaurants, movie theaters, libraries and shops. It does not encompasses private clubs that have a membership or dues process.

States that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (17 states and D.C.):California (2005, 2011), Colorado (2008), Connecticut (1991, 2011), Delaware (2009, 2013), District of Columbia (1977, 2006), Hawaii (2006), Illinois (2006), Iowa (2007), Maine (2005), Maryland (2009, 2014) Minnesota (1993), Nevada (2009, 2011), New Jersey (1992, 2006), New Mexico (2004), Oregon (2007), Rhode Island (1995),
Vermont (1992, 2007) and Washington (2006).

States that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation only (4 states): Massachusetts (1989), New Hampshire (1998), New York (2002) and Wisconsin (2009).

A private citizen on private property has the right to refuse anything for any reason. Period. It cannot be debated (though that doesn't stop the unhinged from trying).

Furthermore, even those unconstitutional absurd liberal laws cited above, passed by unhinged liberal politicians do not apply as these people did not attempt to walk in and purchase things available to other people (such as the pies in the display case, the cupcakes on the counter, etc.). They asked for a special item made specifically for them. They asked for a custom item that was not available to anyone else. Therefore, the baker had even further grounds to deny service.

Game. Set. Match.

You're just blathering. Don't like the law, change it, but you can't close your eyes, plug your ears and go "nah, nah, nah", I don't see you.

They did not ask for a special item you moron, they ordered a wedding cake. The baker made wedding cakes, they ordered a wedding cake. It was not a special order item, it was a fucking cake, likely from a catalog.

COUPLE: We'd like a wedding cake
BAKER: Here's what we have
COUPLE: We'll take #4
BAKER: $500
COUPLE: We will pick it up Friday
BAKER: Thank you, have a nice day
COUPLE: You too

The whole point of this thread is that the law is unjust.
You wish junior. The Supreme Court is the judicial branch. Laws are made by the legislative branch. Thanks for illustrating your complete lack of knowledge about your own government and how it operates.

Folks - you can officially place PMH on ignore as he has illustrated he has ZERO credibility in even the most basic capacity.

Laws are made by the LEGISLATIVE branch.

I meant to type LEGISLATIVE and you know it. Hence my point that PMH's belief that the Supreme Court decides our laws is utterly absurd. Unfortunately, there are so many ignorant liberals roaming USMB that I had to type it so many times just in this thread alone that I made a typo.
The SC decides what is Constitutional my little cat toy.
Laws are made by the LEGISLATIVE branch.

I meant to type LEGISLATIVE and you know it. Hence my point that PMH's belief that the Supreme Court decides our laws is utterly absurd. Unfortunately, there are so many ignorant liberals roaming USMB that I had to type it so many times just in this thread alone that I made a typo.
The SC decides what is Constitutional my little cat toy.

It's decisions have the force of law. That doesn't make them correct in any objective sense. Most of what the court has ruled in the last 100 years is dead wrong.

Then how do you point that out as supposed hypocrisy by "the left"? You support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws, but not from immigration laws? I'm confused as to why you keep bringing them up.

I support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws? Huh?

As I've said multiple times, maybe a hundred times by now, this is not about public accommodations laws as the Left claims. This is about conformity, control, political correctness, intimidation. You are not required to issue "consequences" to those who disagree with you. You choose to. The public accommodation law -- and indeed, it is a law -- only comes into this because the guys sued. They did not have to sue, but they see an opportunity and they're running with it.

I'll bet you know this, but I'll also bet you won't admit it.



Mac despises the bigotry that the cake baker is exhibiting. He simply doesn't want anything to be done about it beyond having a discussion with the proprietor whereby one tries to reason with him or her. Mac wants to change hearts and minds. Mac does not agree with applying force to illicit this change.

Mac can live with the bigotry being carried out in his neighborhood. He just can't take it when anyone attempts to stamp out the bigotry.

Don't you see? It makes perfect sense. There is no rush! Why are you in such a hurry to realize an end to bigotry based on sexual orientation? Relax.....all in good time. Relax.
I meant to type LEGISLATIVE and you know it. Hence my point that PMH's belief that the Supreme Court decides our laws is utterly absurd. Unfortunately, there are so many ignorant liberals roaming USMB that I had to type it so many times just in this thread alone that I made a typo.
The SC decides what is Constitutional my little cat toy.

It's decisions have the force of law. That doesn't make them correct in any objective sense. Most of what the court has ruled in the last 100 years is dead wrong.

Your total rejection of reality is noted.
In short, a private citizen on private property has the inalienable right to deny anything they want to deny.
The Constitution isn't a lie, that's not where you learned it, and that's also not what is says, and even less so what it means.

And you're in kind of a bind here since the People made these laws, and the Court decided they were Constitutional. Now what?

And tell us, is the law against yelling fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one Constitutional?

Ahahahahahahahaha!!! PMH didn't respond to my actual post because it humiliated him and proved he was wrong! :lmao:

I'm sorry PMH - I don't see anything about the Constitution mentioned in this series of posts, so I'm a bit confused here. Would you like to respond to my actual post about it (including the facts that proved you were wrong) so that this can be clear and we can continue?

By the way, it's fall down hilarious that you claim "that's not what the Constitution says" but you are unable to articulate what it does say. I was able to articulate (accurately) exactly what it says. I love watching you get owned by the U.S. Constitution which you hate and which you consider to be a "lie" :lol:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Ever heard of it?

Go back to Stormfront and circle jerk with your homophobic racist pals.
Then how do you point that out as supposed hypocrisy by "the left"? You support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws, but not from immigration laws? I'm confused as to why you keep bringing them up.

I support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws? Huh?

As I've said multiple times, maybe a hundred times by now, this is not about public accommodations laws as the Left claims. This is about conformity, control, political correctness, intimidation. You are not required to issue "consequences" to those who disagree with you. You choose to. The public accommodation law -- and indeed, it is a law -- only comes into this because the guys sued. They did not have to sue, but they see an opportunity and they're running with it.

I'll bet you know this, but I'll also bet you won't admit it.



Mac despises the bigotry that the cake baker is exhibiting. He simply doesn't want anything to be done about it beyond having a discussion with the proprietor whereby one tries to reason with him or her. Mac wants to change hearts and minds. Mac does not agree with applying force to illicit this change.

Mac can live with the bigotry being carried out in his neighborhood. He just can't take it when anyone attempts to stamp out the bigotry.

Don't you see? It makes perfect sense. There is no rush! Why are you in such a hurry to realize an end to bigotry based on sexual orientation? Relax.....all in good time. Relax.

We could reduce drug abuse by allowing the police to stage house to house searches and arresting anyone if they found drugs in their homes. According to you, if you oppose allowing the police to search your house without a warrant, then you support drug abuse.

In short, you're an imbecile.
Laws are made by the LEGISLATIVE branch.

I meant to type LEGISLATIVE and you know it. Hence my point that PMH's belief that the Supreme Court decides our laws is utterly absurd. Unfortunately, there are so many ignorant liberals roaming USMB that I had to type it so many times just in this thread alone that I made a typo.
The SC decides what is Constitutional my little cat toy.

Junior continues to illustrate his complete and total lack of knowledge about his own government and how it operates.

The Supreme Court is the judicial branch my little boy toy for homo's. Laws are made by the LEGISLATIVE branch.

Game over.


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