Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

A private citizen on private property has the right to refuse anything for any reason. Period.
Where exactly did you learn this lie? It is a lie BTW. You've been lied to.

I learned it in the U.S. Constitution. You would have too had you ever read it. Here, let me help you....

IX Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Allow me to interpret for you liberals: enumeration means a list of something (in this case, rights). The 9th Amendment is stating that my rights are not limited to the specific rights listed in the amendments (ie my 1st amendment rights to speech, religion, etc., my 2d Amendment right to arms, and so on). Those were specifically cited to further secure them and prevent the type of perversion of interpretation we see by anti-constitutional libtards on a daily basis.

In short, a private citizen on private property has the inalienable right to deny anything they want to deny. It is indisputable. And you just got owned with facts. Now tell us again junior how the Constitution is a "lie" :lol:
In short, a private citizen on private property has the inalienable right to deny anything they want to deny.
The Constitution isn't a lie, that's not where you learned it, and that's also not what is says, and even less so what it means.

And you're in kind of a bind here since the People made these laws, and the Court decided they were Constitutional. Now what?

And tell us, is the law against yelling fire in a crowded theater when there isn't one Constitutional?

Ahahahahahahahaha!!! PMH didn't respond to my actual post because it humiliated him and proved he was wrong! :lmao:

I'm sorry PMH - I don't see anything about the Constitution mentioned in this series of posts, so I'm a bit confused here. Would you like to respond to my actual post about it (including the facts that proved you were wrong) so that this can be clear and we can continue?

By the way, it's fall down hilarious that you claim "that's not what the Constitution says" but you are unable to articulate what it does say. I was able to articulate (accurately) exactly what it says. I love watching you get owned by the U.S. Constitution which you hate and which you consider to be a "lie" :lol:
And yet again cat toy pats himself on the back while being dead wrong, and avoiding a simple question that shows what he believes to be true is actually dead wrong. Onward.
I support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws? Huh?

As I've said multiple times, maybe a hundred times by now, this is not about public accommodations laws as the Left claims. This is about conformity, control, political correctness, intimidation. You are not required to issue "consequences" to those who disagree with you. You choose to. The public accommodation law -- and indeed, it is a law -- only comes into this because the guys sued. They did not have to sue, but they see an opportunity and they're running with it.

I'll bet you know this, but I'll also bet you won't admit it.



Mac despises the bigotry that the cake baker is exhibiting. He simply doesn't want anything to be done about it beyond having a discussion with the proprietor whereby one tries to reason with him or her. Mac wants to change hearts and minds. Mac does not agree with applying force to illicit this change.

Mac can live with the bigotry being carried out in his neighborhood. He just can't take it when anyone attempts to stamp out the bigotry.

Don't you see? It makes perfect sense. There is no rush! Why are you in such a hurry to realize an end to bigotry based on sexual orientation? Relax.....all in good time. Relax.

We could reduce drug abuse by allowing the police to stage house to house searches and arresting anyone if they found drugs in their homes. According to you, if you oppose allowing the police to search your house without a warrant, then you support drug abuse.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Well...that made absolutely no sense. Let me respond appropriately.

I can see why bigots like you appreciate Mac so much on this issue. You have found a person who does not hold intense hatred for gay people.....but won't hold you accountable for yours. Oh! If you were in his real life, he'd spend hours trying to convince you....calmly and without insult or any leverage of force....that you are wrong and should have a change of heart. It won't matter to him if you do or not......it's the thought that counts.

Here? No.....he won't do that here. He's got PC police to deal with!
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Tolerance, like most things, has limits. It stops at intolerance generally.

You're so intolerant you want government to use the force of guns to force people to bake cakes. For you, tolerance has limits, intolerance has none

That's just nonsense and the force is called "the law", no guns required. And there are plenty of laws I'd like not to deal with but owning a business requires that you do. If you bake cakes, do that, for any and all. It's good business and allows everyone the ability to get on with their lives.

So, a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for the gay people. Or Christians or whatever.

They can leave and go to the baker down the street who cares about running a business instead of judging their customers.

They can run to government to use the force of guns to FORCE that baker to make them a cake with their own property against their will.

You consider the latter to be to "get on with their lives." LOL, you're an authoritarian leftist, there is nothing liberal about you, not at all.
You're so intolerant you want government to use the force of guns to force people to bake cakes. For you, tolerance has limits, intolerance has none

That's just nonsense and the force is called "the law", no guns required. And there are plenty of laws I'd like not to deal with but owning a business requires that you do. If you bake cakes, do that, for any and all. It's good business and allows everyone the ability to get on with their lives.

So, a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for the gay people. Or Christians or whatever.

They can leave and go to the baker down the street who cares about running a business instead of judging their customers.

They can run to government to use the force of guns to FORCE that baker to make them a cake with their own property against their will.

You consider the latter to be to "get on with their lives." LOL, you're an authoritarian leftist, there is nothing liberal about you, not at all.
More nonsense. The No ******* gas station doesn't promote Freedom, it does the exact opposite actually, but your faith in the Free Market is noted, and not entirely incorrect, however we are past that stage of capitalism now.
Private property rights are so passé.
Yes they are, since we no longer get water from a stream and hunt for dinner.

That's because liberals are so fuck'n lazy, they would die. They can barely get up from the couch and make it over to their government provided sink with government flowing water. We can't expect them to actually walk to the river in their backyard... :eusa_whistle:
They did not ask for a special item you moron, they ordered a wedding cake. The baker made wedding cakes, they ordered a wedding cake. It was not a special order item, it was a fucking cake, likely from a catalog.

COUPLE: We'd like a wedding cake
BAKER: Here's what we have
COUPLE: We'll take #4
BAKER: $500
COUPLE: We will pick it up Friday
BAKER: Thank you, have a nice day
COUPLE: You too

Here's an alternative:

COUPLE: We'd like a wedding cake for our wedding
BAKER: For your wedding? I don't bake cakes for gays.
COUPLE: See ya

COUPLE: What a prick, let's go to the baker down the street who wants our money

BTW, unless this is a different case than the one discussed before, they did actually want a cake shaped like a penis.

I have no idea what case Rotty was blathering about. In the recently ruled Masterpiece case, the couple ordered a wedding cake, not a penis cake. Unless the baker advertises that they make penis cakes, and there are plenty that do, there would be no lawsuit.

Interracial Couple: We'd like a wedding cake for our wedding
Baker: We don't bake for n words or n word lovers
Couple: See ya?

Muslim Couple: We'd like gas for our car please
Gas Station: We don't serve your kind
Couple: See ya?

I've not seen a single piece of legislation introduced anywhere that would repeal ALL public accommodation laws...I just see people bitching because in some places "the gheys" are included in them. Odd isn't it?

I don't know about what laws have been proposed, but you're not reading the discussion very closely because there have been regular comments from those of us who think businesses should be able to discriminate against gays that they should be able to discriminate against anyone else as well. Christians, whites, whatever.

Customers discriminate all the time, should that be illegal? The local liberal gay community in Durham targets any openly conservative owner. Or is just one way discrimination OK? It stupid, pointless and unnecessary. The few discriminators cause massive government power, which is what the left is actually after. Ignore the idiots and do business with someone else.
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I don't know about what laws have been proposed, but you're not reading the discussion very closely because there have been regular comments from those of us who think businesses should be able to discriminate against gays that they should be able to discriminate against anyone else as well.
Being consistent is good in this case. Your argument is DOA but I like the consistency.
...not what some political hacks on the Supreme Court have ruled.
And the rejection of reality #3 was just waiting for me.

Your post nicely elucidates why it's so frustrating to argue with a stupid person. A smart person would never use an argument that amounts to saying nothing more than "you're wrong," because he doesn't like the idea that people are laughing or smirking at him. a stupid person, on the other hand, doesn't even know that people are laughing at him. Not only will he use the most idiotic arguments imaginable, he'll feel smug about it and use them over and over no patter how many times he is told his arguments are stupid.
More nonsense. The No ******* gas station doesn't promote Freedom, it does the exact opposite actually, but your faith in the Free Market is noted, and not entirely incorrect, however we are past that stage of capitalism now.

Even in Alabama the government had to pass Jim Crow laws to stop businesses from serving blacks because the color the owners cared about was green. The bus company was totally against the blacks being forced to sit in the back because blacks were most of their customers. If free markets worked there, where would they not work exactly? You have zero argument that anyone is going to have trouble getting a cake, a bus ride or gas in a free market. You're just pulling that out of your ass like you do everything else.
Here's an alternative:

COUPLE: We'd like a wedding cake for our wedding
BAKER: For your wedding? I don't bake cakes for gays.
COUPLE: See ya

COUPLE: What a prick, let's go to the baker down the street who wants our money

BTW, unless this is a different case than the one discussed before, they did actually want a cake shaped like a penis.

I have no idea what case Rotty was blathering about. In the recently ruled Masterpiece case, the couple ordered a wedding cake, not a penis cake. Unless the baker advertises that they make penis cakes, and there are plenty that do, there would be no lawsuit.

Interracial Couple: We'd like a wedding cake for our wedding
Baker: We don't bake for n words or n word lovers
Couple: See ya?

Muslim Couple: We'd like gas for our car please
Gas Station: We don't serve your kind
Couple: See ya?

I've not seen a single piece of legislation introduced anywhere that would repeal ALL public accommodation laws...I just see people bitching because in some places "the gheys" are included in them. Odd isn't it?

I don't know about what laws have been proposed, but you're not reading the discussion very closely because there have been regular comments from those of us who think businesses should be able to discriminate against gays that they should be able to discriminate against anyone else as well. Christians, whites, whatever.

Customers discriminate all the time, should that be illegal? The local liberal gay community in Durham targets any openly conservative owner. Or is just one way discrimination OK? It stupid, pointless and unnecessary. The few discriminators cause massive government power, which is what the left is actually after. Ignore the idiots and do business with someone else.

Of course, giving government pervasive control over business is the whole point of anti discrimination laws.
Of course, giving government pervasive control over business is the whole point of anti discrimination laws.

Yes, exactly. Jim Crow was government oppression of business just as it was government oppression of blacks
...not what some political hacks on the Supreme Court have ruled.
And the rejection of reality #3 was just waiting for me.

Your post nicely elucidates why it's so frustrating to argue with a stupid person. A smart person would never use an argument that amounts to saying nothing more than "you're wrong," because he doesn't like the idea that people are laughing or smirking at him. a stupid person, on the other hand, doesn't even know that people are laughing at him. Not only will he use the most idiotic arguments imaginable, he'll feel smug about it and use them over and over no patter how many times he is told his arguments are stupid.
In this case the one avoiding reality, which is stupid, and banging his head against the wall, also very cat toy dumb, is you. Your society has moved on, and left you behind.

Your Fantasyland will never be found here. Rational people have found better ways of dealing with the issues society faces. Nothing you say is going to change that but, carry on.
More nonsense. The No ******* gas station doesn't promote Freedom, it does the exact opposite actually, but your faith in the Free Market is noted, and not entirely incorrect, however we are past that stage of capitalism now.

Even in Alabama the government had to pass Jim Crow laws to stop businesses from serving blacks because the color the owners cared about was green. The bus company was totally against the blacks being forced to sit in the back because blacks were most of their customers. If free markets worked there, where would they not work exactly? You have zero argument that anyone is going to have trouble getting a cake, a bus ride or gas in a free market. You're just pulling that out of your ass like you do everything else.

Actually I'm not. If you knew American history you'd know why these laws were passed and why, 50 years ago, the court decided they were constitutional.

Nice place eh? No ******* allowed, until the court found your arguments invalid.
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Mac despises the bigotry that the cake baker is exhibiting. He simply doesn't want anything to be done about it beyond having a discussion with the proprietor whereby one tries to reason with him or her. Mac wants to change hearts and minds. Mac does not agree with applying force to illicit this change.

Mac can live with the bigotry being carried out in his neighborhood. He just can't take it when anyone attempts to stamp out the bigotry.

Don't you see? It makes perfect sense. There is no rush! Why are you in such a hurry to realize an end to bigotry based on sexual orientation? Relax.....all in good time. Relax.

We could reduce drug abuse by allowing the police to stage house to house searches and arresting anyone if they found drugs in their homes. According to you, if you oppose allowing the police to search your house without a warrant, then you support drug abuse.

In short, you're an imbecile.

Well...that made absolutely no sense. Let me respond appropriately.

I can see why bigots like you appreciate Mac so much on this issue. You have found a person who does not hold intense hatred for gay people.....but won't hold you accountable for yours. Oh! If you were in his real life, he'd spend hours trying to convince you....calmly and without insult or any leverage of force....that you are wrong and should have a change of heart. It won't matter to him if you do or not......it's the thought that counts.

Here? No.....he won't do that here. He's got PC police to deal with!

It made no sense because you're a moron. We can accomplish a lot of things if we point guns in people's faces and treat them like serfs. The fact that we can do something doesn't mean we should do it. we don't allow the police to search homes without a warrant because that violates the rights of the owner. Likewise, forcing a business to serve people the owner doesn't want to serve also violates his rights.

Yeah, I know, reasoning with people sure is hard. Just consider how difficult it is for me to pound even simple ideas into your skull, but that's the difference between a free country and a tyranny. In a free country, we use reason to make changes in society, not guns.

You and all your ilk are nothing more than incipient tyrants.
More nonsense. The No ******* gas station doesn't promote Freedom, it does the exact opposite actually, but your faith in the Free Market is noted, and not entirely incorrect, however we are past that stage of capitalism now.

Even in Alabama the government had to pass Jim Crow laws to stop businesses from serving blacks because the color the owners cared about was green. The bus company was totally against the blacks being forced to sit in the back because blacks were most of their customers. If free markets worked there, where would they not work exactly? You have zero argument that anyone is going to have trouble getting a cake, a bus ride or gas in a free market. You're just pulling that out of your ass like you do everything else.

When you pull shit out of your ass, have the decency to eat it and not leave it on this board.
More nonsense. The No ******* gas station doesn't promote Freedom, it does the exact opposite actually, but your faith in the Free Market is noted, and not entirely incorrect, however we are past that stage of capitalism now.

Even in Alabama the government had to pass Jim Crow laws to stop businesses from serving blacks because the color the owners cared about was green. The bus company was totally against the blacks being forced to sit in the back because blacks were most of their customers. If free markets worked there, where would they not work exactly? You have zero argument that anyone is going to have trouble getting a cake, a bus ride or gas in a free market. You're just pulling that out of your ass like you do everything else.

Actually I'm not. If you knew American history you'd know why these laws were passed and why, 50 years ago, the court decided they were constitutional.

If you knew American history, you would know that the reason the laws were passed was because governments were discriminating against blacks. Jim Crow was government. Segregation in schools was government.

You are using a non sequitur argument where government eliminated government's right to discriminate to bash free markets, which had nothing to do with it. In fact, free markets were against discrimination, which is why government forced them to do it.

Given how little you know, it's hilarious how you like to lecture anyone about being ignorant. If you have two braincells and any knowledge of history, it's dawning on you what I'm saying. I'm guessing it's still pitch black in there....

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