Whatever Happened to Our Moral Standards to Speak Truth?

I've always felt that virtually all of our major problems are rooted in a culture in decay.

Lowered standards & expectations across the board, including our politics.

I am not saying that the King James Bible is the only valid Bible or any similar nonsense. But the public's familiarity of the old King James language made reading Shakespeare much easier as it was a familiar style to most. These two works of literature, the Bible and Shakespears plays, were foundational to our culture and its working assumptions.

When the King James was updated to the current language, it seems that the playwrights took a pass on doing something similar with Shakespear. And both became a confusing mish mash of lost euphemisms and analogies that once bound all of us to concepts we held in common.

The loss of these works as foundational to our culture has unmade our culture. We are no longer what we once were, and now the Social Marxists control our universities, our media, our kids cartoons, etc and so our culture is evaporating before our eyes. I taught my kids about the great heroes of history, but all they ever talk about are the comic book heroes and their super powers, as if it could ever be real or say something about reality.

The old heroes were real. They did heroic things and were popular precisely because they inspired us and taught us that we too can be noble, can aspire to the heroic and slay the monsters. Comic book characters can not inspire anything as they win because the writers say they do and for no other reason.

Without our iconic heroes, our common experiences and common literature, we no longer exist as a cohesive culture any more.

And so we do not.
If the principal is telling kids they can't pray, the principal is in the wrong and the school board attorney will have a word with him as the school board writes a check.
No, actually the school board after consulting with the school districts attorneys decide to not allow it instead of risking a lawsuit by the ACLU.
Um, no. The KJV was intentionally written in a more archaic version of Early Modern English that even people in Shakespeare's time would have found old fashioned. It was deliberately done that way to give the work more gravitas.

By the way, in Shakespeare's time, thou was the informal address used by intimates and by people of higher status to inferiors) and you was the more formal address. I know people think that thou is more formal, but it's the other way around. Just a helpful hint when reading Shakespeare and contemporaries.
Um, no. The KJV was intentionally written in a more archaic version of Early Modern English that even people in Shakespeare's time would have found old fashioned. It was deliberately done that way to give the work more gravitas.

Straw Man. I never said anything about that, but only that the King James style of English was used in the KJ Bible and made people familiar enough to be able to watch Shakespear's plays. That is all I said.

By the way, in Shakespeare's time, thou was the informal address used by intimates and by people of higher status to inferiors) and you was the more formal address. I know people think that thou is more formal, but it's the other way around. Just a helpful hint when reading Shakespeare and contemporaries.

Lol, yes, and some King james only, Bible literalists have a hard time accepting that.

I remember reading some account of a duel and the one offended to make the challenge made his complaint, 'Thou? Dost thou thou me, cur?'

But by the late 19th century the way people took it had changed. To call someone Thou was akin to comparing them to the divine, so used to it being a reference used only for God.

But the history of word usage, while useful at time is a fragile thing to build an argument on, givne the shifting sands of usage, especially now.
Our society's morals have been eroding for a few decades now.
Yes when the government takes God out of itself, nothing but trouble can become of it.

Where do you live? Saudi Arabia?
South Carolina.

Ah yes. Same thing only closer and with less oil.

There's a reason we have a wall between the states yanno. We've been trying to get Georgia to go in with us on a project that would saw off SC and let it float out to the Bermuda Triangle. And we'll make Rump pay for it.
Beautiful places, smiling faces our motto. Great place to live and raise a family. We have mountains, beaches, and plenty of lakes. Best of all worlds.

eh---- you only have the mountains we let you keep along the north border. They go away in ten miles.
Yes when the government takes God out of itself, nothing but trouble can become of it.

Where do you live? Saudi Arabia?
South Carolina.

Ah yes. Same thing only closer and with less oil.

There's a reason we have a wall between the states yanno. We've been trying to get Georgia to go in with us on a project that would saw off SC and let it float out to the Bermuda Triangle. And we'll make Rump pay for it.
Beautiful places, smiling faces our motto. Great place to live and raise a family. We have mountains, beaches, and plenty of lakes. Best of all worlds.

eh---- you only have the mountains we let you keep along the north border. They go away in ten miles.
Still have them, I got Paris mountain less than thirty minutes. Also I think downtown Greenville is a top ten city, or it was at onetime. Very nice.

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