What's in the JFK assassination records they still refuse to release ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
From 2017.

More than five decades after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, for many people there remain troubling questions about the official story: Was Lee Harvey Oswald the killer ? Did he act alone or was it a conspiracy ?

Now, thousands of once-secret classified documents about the Kennedy assassination have finally been made public. Can those recently-released records explain the inexplicable -- and what’s in the thousands of assassination records they still refuse to release? When The Fifth Estate first broadcast its investigation into the JFK assassination back in 1983, it was the most watched show in the program’s history. Now Bob McKeown updates that story, with new interviews with some of the leading investigators of the JFK mystery: what did they find in those files, and what questions do they still have ?

What is the importance of this 56 years later?
If you have to ask that question, you don't qualify as American.

Now that's funny...........NOT! Keep your day job.
Questioning government over a "dead" issue is not going to change the answer. Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now let's say the unreleased documents point the finger at, oh say the CIA, just what do you think is going to happen? You think someone(s) will be tried (providing the someone(s) is/are still alive)?
As long as anyone associated with the case is still alive they will not release it....
Who cares ! And everybody already knows that the Cia tried to kill Castro using the Mob in Florida (Trafficante) . Louisiana Mob Boss (Marcello) basically admitted he got the job done . Ever been to Dealey Plaza? It wouldn't take an "Expert Marksman" to make the kill shot. It was less than 100 yards! I've killed deer running at full tilt further than 80 meters away. They should ask "Roger Stone" he knows!
... Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
As a patsy under CIA's watch, and the only evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy is the CIA's word .

Ok, but that still begs the question, what are you going to do with anyone responsible who may be alive? Also, what are all conspiracy theorists going to do if the still unreleased documents gives no further evidence?
First of all, most people looking for the facts are not 'conspiracy theorists', including myself. If the POTUS was murdered in a coup, the world deserves to know. That simple.
Gee, let me check.......yep, thread is posted in Conspiracy Theories. So it a reasonable presumption that you are/were a conspiracy theorist. I beg your pardon, I would not sleep well if I besmirched your character. .

Now let me try again - What are you going to do/say if there is NO further evidence of any kind. Nothing to support a coup by the CIA, Mafia, Cuba, etc? Is it worthwhile to our existence as a nation to spend time on this issue when there are a hell of a lot more pressing issues in this country.

Oh, and while "world deserves to know" I would disagree. Maybe the USA deserves to know, but then there are a lot of things the citizenry of the US deserves to know.
From 2017.

More than five decades after the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, for many people there remain troubling questions about the official story: Was Lee Harvey Oswald the killer ? Did he act alone or was it a conspiracy ?

Now, thousands of once-secret classified documents about the Kennedy assassination have finally been made public. Can those recently-released records explain the inexplicable -- and what’s in the thousands of assassination records they still refuse to release? When The Fifth Estate first broadcast its investigation into the JFK assassination back in 1983, it was the most watched show in the program’s history. Now Bob McKeown updates that story, with new interviews with some of the leading investigators of the JFK mystery: what did they find in those files, and what questions do they still have ?

Who gives a shit? The asshole is dead and that's good enough. His wife moved on so why can't everyone else?
Gee, let me check.......yep, thread is posted in Conspiracy Theories. So it a reasonable presumption that you are/were a conspiracy theorist. I beg your pardon, I would not sleep well if I besmirched your character. .

Now let me try again - What are you going to do/say if there is NO further evidence of any kind. Nothing to support a coup by the CIA, Mafia, Cuba, etc? Is it worthwhile to our existence as a nation to spend time on this issue when there are a hell of a lot more pressing issues in this country.

Oh, and while "world deserves to know" I would disagree. Maybe the USA deserves to know, but then there are a lot of things the citizenry of the US deserves to know.
Translation ;
"What difference does it make if our government has been lying to us for 56 years ?"

If you just want to ask stupid questions try facebook.
Who gives a shit? The asshole is dead and that's good enough. His wife moved on so why can't everyone else?
She "moved on" ? More likely feared for her own life and the rest of her family's, rightfully so.
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