What's it gonna take for this to end, people?

DISCLAIMER: This opinion in no way indicates my support or lack thereof of an assault weapons ban.

Now the opinion.

I feel that if you have an assault weapon, you should be able to keep it once a potential assault weapons ban goes into effect. However, if one were to take effect, you shouldn't be able buy any more. It seems like to me you are not being prevented from bearing the arms you purchased previously.


On the other hand, the muskets and other long rifles used during the Revolutionary War were essentially what assault rifles are today: the top of the line weapons of their era. Presumably, the founders foresaw the use of even more advanced rifles for self defense by the citizenry, hence the Second Amendment.

So, two arguments. One question:

Is there a middle ground? What compromise can we reach to stop crazed mass shooters?

And no "enforce the laws we already have" wont work this time. The Odessa shooter exploited a loophole to get the weapon he murdered those people with.

Molon Abe? Please. Come and take them? Please. Stop trying to be the tough guy/gal you aren't.

Declare the NRA (and thus all 5.5 million of its members) as a domestic terror group like the city of San Francisco just did? Please. PLEASE. What the actual f**k? Put your fake emotions away, you aren't convincing anyone.

Be reminded that if I have an opinion of my own on this subject, I will share it. Do not apply opinions to me. If you do, you will be ignored, immediately. Thank you, kindly.

Okay, let the cage match begin.
I’ll tell you this about the 2nd amendment: if the founding fathers knew that one day an assault rifle would invented, they would have made the amendment a lot more clear. Hell, it’s vague because they actually believed a goddamn musket was the best we could ever come up with.

I really don’t care that law-abiding citizens own guns because it has gotten to the point where people need guns. Too goddamn many wind up in the hands of criminals. If the country didn’t become so gun crazy to begin with, maybe the invention of guns would have been so much more limited to simple home protection and nothing else. Instead, this country has 11,000 deaths per year from guns - a rate that per capita far exceeds any other developed nation.

Republicans love guns simply because it gives them a false sense of manliness and toughness. If they didn’t have such childish minds, the 2nd amendment wouldn’t matter to them but instead they get butthurt about the slightest compromise.
All false and wrong.

They had what we would call assault rifles in the 18 the century meaning weapons which were breach loading and capable of rapid fire and they were used against us in the Revolutionary war which means the founding fathers knew about them

They knew perfectly well technology was advancing and better weaponry being invented,

You demonstrate typical left wing ignorance of history,

Republicans love the right to own guns which is necessary always.
Actually this is wrong.

The possession of AR 15s is not within the scope of Second Amendment protections – or any other firearm designated by law to be an assault weapon.

If the Supreme Court should rule sometime in the future that the possession of AR 15s is within the scope of Second Amendment protections, it will be for the same reason that radio and television broadcasts are entitled to First Amendment protections, although neither existed during the 18th Century.
Curious... are you the supreme court? You make a lot of foolhardy determinations of your own. As if the law and constitution itself bends to meet the faux realities set upon them.

You probably don't care if you're wrong either. Well, not only are you wrong, you're arrogant.

Stop acting like you can read minds.
DISCLAIMER: This opinion in no way indicates my support or lack thereof of an assault weapons ban.

Now the opinion.

I feel that if you have an assault weapon, you should be able to keep it once a potential assault weapons ban goes into effect. However, if one were to take effect, you shouldn't be able buy any more. It seems like to me you are not being prevented from bearing the arms you purchased previously.


On the other hand, the muskets and other long rifles used during the Revolutionary War were essentially what assault rifles are today: the top of the line weapons of their era. Presumably, the founders foresaw the use of even more advanced rifles for self defense by the citizenry, hence the Second Amendment.

So, two arguments. One question:

Is there a middle ground? What compromise can we reach to stop crazed mass shooters?

And no "enforce the laws we already have" wont work this time. The Odessa shooter exploited a loophole to get the weapon he murdered those people with.

Molon Abe? Please. Come and take them? Please. Stop trying to be the tough guy/gal you aren't.

Declare the NRA (and thus all 5.5 million of its members) as a domestic terror group like the city of San Francisco just did? Please. PLEASE. What the actual f**k? Put your fake emotions away, you aren't convincing anyone.

Be reminded that if I have an opinion of my own on this subject, I will share it. Do not apply opinions to me. If you do, you will be ignored, immediately. Thank you, kindly.

Okay, let the cage match begin.
I’ll tell you this about the 2nd amendment: if the founding fathers knew that one day an assault rifle would invented, they would have made the amendment a lot more clear. Hell, it’s vague because they actually believed a goddamn musket was the best we could ever come up with.

I really don’t care that law-abiding citizens own guns because it has gotten to the point where people need guns. Too goddamn many wind up in the hands of criminals. If the country didn’t become so gun crazy to begin with, maybe the invention of guns would have been so much more limited to simple home protection and nothing else. Instead, this country has 11,000 deaths per year from guns - a rate that per capita far exceeds any other developed nation.

Republicans love guns simply because it gives them a false sense of manliness and toughness. If they didn’t have such childish minds, the 2nd amendment wouldn’t matter to them but instead they get butthurt about the slightest compromise.
All false and wrong.

They had what we would call assault rifles in the 18 the century meaning weapons which were breach loading and capable of rapid fire and they were used against us in the Revolutionary war which means the founding fathers knew about them

They knew perfectly well technology was advancing and better weaponry being invented,

You demonstrate typical left wing ignorance of history,

Republicans love the right to own guns which is necessary always.
Actually this is wrong.

The possession of AR 15s is not within the scope of Second Amendment protections – or any other firearm designated by law to be an assault weapon.

If the Supreme Court should rule sometime in the future that the possession of AR 15s is within the scope of Second Amendment protections, it will be for the same reason that radio and television broadcasts are entitled to First Amendment protections, although neither existed during the 18th Century.
The supreme court HAS ruled in 1939 US vs Miller that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use owned by private citizens that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
Pre-Crime? Red flag laws? Can somebody's mental health state be legislated? Can somebody's intentions be pre-determined?
When Walmart bans carrying guns in their stores, who will be bringing guns into Walmart? The good guys for protection, or the bad guys for mass murder?
No easy answers here. I can only add that taking guns away from folks who have them exclusively for self defense is not the answer.
When do we say "it isn't okay for you to have a gun"?
That's an easy one. When a convicted person is serving his sentence of incarceration.
Democrats running cities like Chicago and Baltimore need to solve their out-of-control shooting / murder problem, proving their ideas can/will work 1st...then lecture the rest of us on how to 'end this' on a national scale...
In the history of our nation we have banned ...

Alcohol, recreational drugs, books with naughty words, and unpasteurized cheeses.

Did those bans make any of those things go away?
We put more than a dent in drunk driving.

Yeah, thanks to a sustained, multi-pronged and well designed PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN (thanks MADD!) not much to do with laws since they were already on the books long before the public awareness campaign started.
Not exactly. Before Madd, people who injured others by driving drunk often got passes. Now you go to jail.

Right, more rigorous enforcement of the existing laws started AFTER the public awareness campaign.

It's amazing the results you can achieve when you do the hard work of CONVINCING people that something is the right thing to do instead of using Government to force them to do it.
I think we agree. My basic idea is that within individual states there is a general consensus of how reasonable people use products that are very dangerous when misused. There's no way to do anything nationally because no matter how many people approve of whatever is proposed, a focal and well funded minority will threaten to target individual pols

For example, in Colo a large supermajority thought a law for temporarily restricting a person's access to guns was a good idea. The law already existed for domestic disputes. the 2nd Amend absolutists lost the argument.

in Miss there's no similar consensus. We're still struggling to get consensus on domestic abuse protection orders. The 2nd amend absolutists here run the legislature.
My conclusion:

There is no solution. Neither side wants one.

I want a solution...
What solution specifically?

I'm all for tackling mental illness somehow, but I don't see it receiving bipartisan support.

Honestly, I think ANY solution would be a step in the right direction. Suppose we do X. If X doesn't work, then we can say "Well we tried X and it didn't work. So let's try Y now." I really don't even care if it's an idea proposed by the other political party. Just something.

But instead, what we have is one side with a lot of ideas and the other side refusing to do ANYTHING about the problem.
I am suspicious of folks from foreign nations that come and try to take my freedom away.
Come on. To think you could be less free to slaughter your fellow citizens today than you were yesterday. Perish the thought.

No one is free to commit murder you idiot
US citizens are more free to commit mass killings of their fellows than are citizens of countries where access to handguns and assault style rifles is severely restricted.

No one is free to commit murder, you idiot
US citizens are more free to commit mass killings of their fellows than are citizens of countries where access to handguns and assault style rifles is severely restricted.
less than 1% of all murders occur in mass shootings.

It's not that big of a problem, it just gets all the media coverage
Yes, as I said, I understand you don't mind the mass killing of other people as long as you have easy access to handguns and assault style rifles.

I'm sure you mourn for every person who gets murdered in the world.
Whereas you have intimated you're fine with murder as long as easy access to handguns and assault style rifles is not restricted.
Taking both sides in an argument doesn't make sense, naturally, to those who are hopelessly biased to one viewpoint or another.

I made the constitutional and statistical case for gun ownership in multiple posts.

I also gave the basis why mentally unstable individuals should be restricted from owning a firearm ... in multiple posts.

I got nowhere.

My mistake.
Yes. You took the exceptional American view in both cases, which, as you bemoan, do not work. Those views are what have got you into this mess. When you start following the examples of countries that are doing much better in the way of mass shooting rates and firearms homicide rates you'll make some progress. I'm certainly not holding my breath.
Yet other economically advanced countries demonstrate the solution everyday. 'No solution'!
Those other nations are living with the illusion that they are still "open societies."
They aren't.
When the Boogaloo hits, those so called "economically advanced countries" can be turned into closed societies in a heart beat.
This is what bothers the ruling global elites. While the USA has the 2A and large scale civilian gun ownership, turning America into a closed society will be a little more difficult.
Well, looks like you're helpless all right.

The successful solution to the problem of gun crime and violence will have little to do with the actual regulation of firearms, if any.
But reducing the easy access to and number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation will reduce the rates of mass shootings and of firearms homicides.
The successful solution to the problem of gun crime and violence will have little to do with the actual regulation of firearms, if any.
But reducing the easy access to and number of handguns and assault style rifles in circulation will reduce the rates of mass shootings and of firearms homicides.
Nope, nothing will change and the numbers produced with not stop.
I am suspicious of folks from foreign nations that come and try to take my freedom away.
Come on. To think you could be less free to slaughter your fellow citizens today than you were yesterday. Perish the thought.

No one is free to commit murder you idiot
US citizens are more free to commit mass killings of their fellows than are citizens of countries where access to handguns and assault style rifles is severely restricted.

No one is free to commit murder, you idiot
US citizens are more free to commit mass killings of their fellows than are citizens of countries where access to handguns and assault style rifles is severely restricted.

No they are not.

No one is free to commit murder

words mean things.
And what do you care what an American thinks ?
Your toxic culture gets spread over the net and we pay the price.
So you're saying that you can't think for yourself and that's my fault?
I'm saying other crazies are infected by your toxic culture and we pay the price.

So you can't take care of your own crazies and it's my fault?

No one is responsible for your behavior except you
less than 1% of all murders occur in mass shootings.

It's not that big of a problem, it just gets all the media coverage
Yes, as I said, I understand you don't mind the mass killing of other people as long as you have easy access to handguns and assault style rifles.

I'm sure you mourn for every person who gets murdered in the world.
Whereas you have intimated you're fine with murder as long as easy access to handguns and assault style rifles is not restricted.

Where did I say I was fine with murder ?

If you are going to insist on telling me what I said then use the fucking quote function.

I have no sympathy for any fucking piece of shit criminal but I am also not responsible for their behavior.
And what do you care what an American thinks ?
Your toxic culture gets spread over the net and we pay the price.
So you're saying that you can't think for yourself and that's my fault?
I'm saying other crazies are infected by your toxic culture and we pay the price.
MAybe your little sheep ranch that you call a country can ban all things American. You like to ban stuff so just think of all the laws you could pass banning everything AMerican

No US anything and you can get back to your national sport of sheep fucking
the start of an AR lower looks like this

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