What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Each state has their own requirements. To me, it should require the full surgery and/ or taking estrogen.

There was a recent story of a "trans" prisoner pretending to take the estrogen pill. Since he wasn't actually taking it, his dick still worked and had the Normal male sex drive... and went on to sexually assault two female prisoners. So, at the least they need to ensure they are actually taking the medication.
It is a prison issue. Rape happens in prison, with or without trans people.

Do you give a flying shit about that? No. Not one word out of you to fix that problem. You‘re only discussing this issue now because you think it gives you an opportunity to talk about trans people, a very small part of a very big problem.

You’re obsessed.
Hmmm, nice diversion attempt there. Why don't we talk about heart disease while we're talking about things that effect more people and that we're not talking about?

Okay, fine, I admit it. I'm obsessed with people getting a fair shake in life and females not being deliberately placed in harm's way just to make a vanishingly small percentage of the population feel better. Does that make you happy? Apparently, if it doesn't impact you directly, you don't care while I, OTOH, have women in my life I REALLY don't want to face carp like this. They don't want a man swinging a dick around while they're naked and vulnerable in the locker room at the gym and neither do I.

See, the funny thing is, I still decide what I comment on and what I don't, and your opinion about it is still irrelevant. Your attempts to minimize what I'm saying are also irrelevant.
Hmmm, nice diversion attempt there. Why don't we talk about heart disease while we're talking about things that effect more people and that we're not talking about?
Diversion attempt?

Your argument consists of pointing at a systemic issue in our prison system, identifying a handful of such incidents among the trans population of inmates, and then using that as the basis to blame the entire trans population.

It’s a SYSTEMIC issue. Prison rape is a problem and 99% of such incidents are not with trans inmates.
Okay, fine, I admit it. I'm obsessed with people getting a fair shake in life and females not being deliberately placed in harm's way just to make a vanishingly small percentage of the population feel better. Does that make you happy? Apparently, if it doesn't impact you directly, you don't care while I, OTOH, have women in my life I REALLY don't want to face carp like this. They don't want a man swinging a dick around while they're naked and vulnerable in the locker room at the gym and neither do I.
Women are placed in harm’s way in our prison system. And the vast majority of the rape victims are not due to trans people.

Of course you don’t say anything about that. Nope, you don’t give a shit about THOSE women. They make up the majority of women rape victims but they don’t fit your bullshit narrative. So you pretzel logic your way out of addressing that so you can try to pin this problem on trans people.

Because you’re obsessed.
Mormon Bob, wanting to murder people he disagrees with. but he's totally not psycho.

Some people just need killin'.

Sexual deviants who go after children would be very near the top of the list.

Filth such as you who take their side aren't very far down that list, either.

Anyone who takes the side of pedophiles is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's sanity or moral character.
The article seems to be entirely about consensual relationships.

Do you understand that there's a difference between that and nonconsensual sexual assault, which is what was under discussion here?

And the site from which that article comes appears to be a site that is entirely of, by, and for various sorts of fucked-up sexual deviants, so why would any sane, decent person give any credence at all to anything from that source anyway?

you mean why would I talk to gay people about the gay experience?

Gee, I don't know, treating people with respect.

Here's the thing. People turn to homosexuality in prison. In male prisons, that more likely to include rape, because in such a setting, establishing dominance is important.

It shows the insanity of a prison industrial complex, where you throw a kid in for a little weed and he comes out a complete psycho because he's had to survive living with some awful people.
Some people just need killin'.

Sexual deviants who go after children would be very near the top of the list.

Filth such as you who take their side aren't very far down that list, either.

Anyone who takes the side of pedophiles is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's sanity or moral character.

Yup, Bob, we know you want to murder people... You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

And when you go to prison for doing it, you'll finally figure out why prisons are bad.
Women are placed in harm’s way in our prison system. And the vast majority of the rape victims are not due to trans people.

Of course you don’t say anything about that. Nope, you don’t give a shit about THOSE women. They make up the majority of women rape victims but they don’t fit your bullshit narrative. So you pretzel logic your way out of addressing that so you can try to pin this problem on trans people.

Because you’re obsessed.
The topic is the impact trans people are having on society. That's why we're not talking about prison rape in general. Heart disease is also a problem, but we're not talking about that.

The problem is not trans people, it is the idiots who knuckle under to the claims of men that they are actually women who then put them in a target rich environment.
Some people just need killin'.
Sexual deviants who go after children would be very near the top of the list.
Filth such as you who take their side aren't very far down that list, either.
Anyone who takes the side of pedophiles is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's sanity or moral character.
Yup, Bob, we know you want to murder people... You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
And when you go to prison for doing it, you'll finally figure out why prisons are bad.

With you, what it ultimately comes down to, always, is that you are openly, unabashedly on the side of the very lowest, most evil of near-human and subhuman shit, against the side of human beings and especially, against the side of children.

And that is the position that shows, here. You want to defend sexual deviants that go after children. You want them to be free to fuck children up for life.

And you condemn me for wishing that children, and society as a whole, be protected form these dangerous perverts.
The topic is the impact trans people are having on society. That's why we're not talking about prison rape in general. Heart disease is also a problem, but we're not talking about that.
Trans people sometimes have heart disease. Let’s blame trans people for the existence of heart disease in our society.

That’s the equivalent of what you’re saying with the ridiculous prison rape argument.
Trans people sometimes have heart disease. Let’s blame trans people for the existence of heart disease in our society.

That’s the equivalent of what you’re saying with the ridiculous prison rape argument.
Tobacco use increases the incidence of lung cancer. Why would we want to make it easier for kids to get tobacco if they demand that they are really adults and can decide to use it? That's where you're at.

My prison rape by trans men argument boils down to something very simple. Women in prison get raped already. We know that. What we're doing now is putting heterosexual men with functioning male equipment in prison cells with women and claiming, "What could possibly go wrong?".
Tobacco use increases the incidence of lung cancer. Why would we want to make it easier for kids to get tobacco if they demand that they are really adults and can decide to use it? That's where you're at.
So you’re fine with adults being trans then, correct?
My prison rape by trans men argument boils down to something very simple. Women in prison get raped already. We know that. What we're doing now is putting heterosexual men with functioning male equipment in prison cells with women and claiming, "What could possibly go wrong?".
And I already said I agree with you on separating them.

That still doesn’t do anything to address the other 99% of prison rape issues. You’re focusing on a very small part of a very big issue because you’re obsessed with blaming trans people.
The “sick, immoral, insane, fucked-up shit” that you’re describing is going to happen regardless. It’s not my problem that it bothers you so much.

Oh noes, gay people are getting married. Oh noes, Steve wants to be called Stephanie.

Why are you so obsessed what they do? What they do doesn’t impact me whatsoever. They don’t bother me at all.
Because it is a mental illness that effects everyone
So you’re fine with adults being trans then, correct?
It's their choice. I don't have to approve of their choice, because that's MY choice. I am not saying that society should demonize trans people. I am, however, saying that we should not lose all common sense in accommodating them.

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