What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?


Don't get in my face with it. I do not want anything to do with such disgusting, immoral, insane sexual deviancies.

And keep it away from children. We should have started to rounding up and exterminating these perverts as soon as they made clear their intent to cross that line.

Mormon Bob, wanting to murder people he disagrees with. but he's totally not psycho.
We're not allowed to come out and say it. but I think it is quite obvious what the motive is behind that.

Teaching kids not to be bigots? Heavens forbid.

No one is going to "teach" kids to be gay any more than they will teach them to be straight.

One of my best friends is a lesbian. She raised two kids. They both turned out to be straight. Imagine that.
In women-only prisons, do sexual assaults happen between the prisoners?

Do women ever sexually assault other women?

If it happens at all, I am sure it must be extremely rare.

Actually, most women in women's prisons turn to lesbian relationships because there's nothing else available.

Research suggests 30 to 60 percent of women engage in lesbian sexual behavior while in prison. Despite labeling themselves as straight on the outside, on the inside they lean more towards bisexuality. Once released, it’s estimated that only 25 percent continue to be with women. The rest usually go back to men.

According to published research in the International Journal of Sociology, women gave several reasons for their interest in other women while locked up. Some said to pass time; some said love, sex, companionship; and some had other reasons, such as money.
Prison rape is its own issue.

Your attempt to make this a trans issue isn’t working.
Sure, let's put a violent male prisoner with nothing better to do except claim he's a woman in with a bunch of captive real women who can't get away from him. What could possibly go wrong? I mean, you don't care because it doesn't impact you directly, but real people do.
Sure. But men aren't in the women's prisons. Transwomen are.
What is required of a lifer in a male prison before he is transferred to a female prison to live out his days with a captive audience?
Sure, let's put a violent male prisoner with nothing better to do except claim he's a woman in with a bunch of captive real women who can't get away from him. What could possibly go wrong? I mean, you don't care because it doesn't impact you directly, but real people do.
I agree with you. Separate them.

But don’t pretend that this is a trans issue. Prison rape is its own issue.
I’m not in charge of prison policies. How about you talk to them instead of whining at me about this?
It's a debate board where we express opinions and ideas. You don't seem to think anything's a problem if it doesn't impact you personally, but this is a reason to oppose treating male prisoners who claim to be women as if they actually are.
The trans population exacerbates the problem. Again I will repeat, why make it easier for women to be victimized just to make a few people feel better?
I will repeat, I agree with separating them.

Read that over a few times. Obviously you didn’t get it the first time.
It's a debate board where we express opinions and ideas. You don't seem to think anything's a problem if it doesn't impact you personally, but this is a reason to oppose treating male prisoners who claim to be women as if they actually are.
You’re “debating” a point that I already said I agree on.
I will repeat, I agree with separating them.

Read that over a few times. Obviously you didn’t get it the first time.
I was reacting to your statement that women in female prisons are being raped by men who claim to be women so they are put in female prisons is not a trans issue.
I was reacting to your statement that women in female prisons are being raped by men who claim to be women so they are put in female prisons is not a trans issue.
It is a prison issue. Rape happens in prison, with or without trans people.

Do you give a flying shit about that? No. Not one word out of you to fix that problem. You‘re only discussing this issue now because you think it gives you an opportunity to talk about trans people, a very small part of a very big problem.

You’re obsessed.
What is required of a lifer in a male prison before he is transferred to a female prison to live out his days with a captive audience?
Each state has their own requirements. To me, it should require the full surgery and/ or taking estrogen.

There was a recent story of a "trans" prisoner pretending to take the estrogen pill. Since he wasn't actually taking it, his dick still worked and had the Normal male sex drive... and went on to sexually assault two female prisoners. So, at the least they need to ensure they are actually taking the medication.
In women-only prisons, do sexual assaults happen between the prisoners?
Do women ever sexually assault other women?
If it happens at all, I am sure it must be extremely rare.
Actually, most women in women's prisons turn to lesbian relationships because there's nothing else available.

Research suggests 30 to 60 percent of women engage in lesbian sexual behavior while in prison. Despite labeling themselves as straight on the outside, on the inside they lean more towards bisexuality. Once released, it’s estimated that only 25 percent continue to be with women. The rest usually go back to men.

According to published research in the International Journal of Sociology, women gave several reasons for their interest in other women while locked up. Some said to pass time; some said love, sex, companionship; and some had other reasons, such as money.

The article seems to be entirely about consensual relationships.

Do you understand that there's a difference between that and nonconsensual sexual assault, which is what was under discussion here?

And the site from which that article comes appears to be a site that is entirely of, by, and for various sorts of fucked-up sexual deviants, so why would any sane, decent person give any credence at all to anything from that source anyway?

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