What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

You therefore are clearly obsessed with my opinion, because it doesn't impact you in any way, yet here you are, whining about it over and over again.
Oh good. Back to this stupid argument of yours.

Please refer to my Star Trek post. Who is the more obsessed one, A or B?

You didn’t respond last time. Maybe you will this time.
Oh good. Back to this stupid argument of yours.

Please refer to my Star Trek post. Who is the more obsessed one, A or B?

You didn’t respond last time. Maybe you will this time.
You are clearly obsessed with my opinion because it doesn't impact you in any way, yet here you are, whining about it incessantly.

To answer your stupid Star Trek post, saying once or twice that someone is obsessed with something is making a comment. Whining incessantly for page after page when they are talking about an issue in the news, however, merely displays that you are truly obsessed because you simply can't stop talking about them. In short, you are trying to change the subject from what everyone else is talking about to your personal opinion about the people who are talking about it.

You're obsessed.
You are clearly obsessed with my opinion because it doesn't impact you in any way, yet here you are, whining about it incessantly.

To answer your stupid Star Trek post, saying once or twice that someone is obsessed with something is making a comment. Whining incessantly for page after page when they are talking about an issue in the news, however, merely displays that you are truly obsessed because you simply can't stop talking about them. In short, you are trying to change the subject from what everyone else is talking about to your personal opinion about the people who are talking about it.

You're obsessed.
So I asked you A or B and you didn’t answer. Again.

Noted. Not surprising.
So I asked you A or B and you didn’t answer. Again.

Noted. Not surprising.
Because limiting the choice to only A or B is a false choice.

When did you last beat your wife? Was it:

A. Last week.
B. Yesterday.

Those are your only choices.
Because limiting the choice to only A or B is a false choice.

When did you last beat your wife? Was it:

A. Last week.
B. Yesterday.

Those are your only choices.
Can you answer your own question? When did you last beat your wife? Clearly a question that is not intended to be answered.

But I can answer my own question. A. Why can’t you answer it?
Can you answer your own question? When did you last beat your wife? Clearly a question that is not intended to be answered.

But I can answer my own question. A. Why can’t you answer it?
I did. I addressed your question more thoroughly than you wanted me to, which threw off your narrative. Thus, you are reduced to bleating that I didn't give you A or B, which is a false choice in this case. Obviously, you want to pretend that you are the innocent bystander just pointing out that people are obsessed, but don't want to admit that you are, in fact, obsessed with our opinions because you can't stop whining about them. Now, would you care to return to the topic at hand? You've diverted enough.
I did. I addressed your question more thoroughly than you wanted me to, which threw off your narrative. Thus, you are reduced to bleating that I didn't give you A or B, which is a false choice in this case. Obviously, you want to pretend that you are the innocent bystander just pointing out that people are obsessed, but don't want to admit that you are, in fact, obsessed with our opinions because you can't stop whining about them. Now, would you care to return to the topic at hand? You've diverted enough.
So the question asked you to pick between A or B and you couldn’t pick one. Gotcha.

It’s not a false choice. I pick A. You choose to avoid answering.
So the question asked you to pick between A or B and you couldn’t pick one. Gotcha.

It’s not a false choice. I pick A. You choose to avoid answering.
I gave you a thorough answer. You ignored it, insisting on your simplistic choices because they allow you to avoid an inconvenient answer. Now, are you going to talk about trans people and their impact on society, or continue whining about me?
I gave you a thorough answer. You ignored it, insisting on your simplistic choices because they allow you to avoid an inconvenient answer. Now, are you going to talk about trans people and their impact on society, or continue whining about me?
A thorough answer that doesn’t answer the question. Gotcha.
A thorough answer that doesn’t answer the question. Gotcha.
It leaves the actual answering up to the reader. I can lead you to water but I can't force you to drink, therefore I will deign to answer it for you because you won't. You are the complainer in the scenario who is truly obsessed with the guy who complains bout Star Trek. Instead of simply tuning him out because he doesn't impact you directly, you launch a campaign to tell him that he's obsessed about something and go on and on about it, never realizing how obsessed you actually are because you do.

You see, your choices are false for several reasons.

1. Those who talk about the impact trans people are having and will have on society are far from obsessed about it, they're just reacting to and talking about something that will have a definite impact on society and talking through that impact. You obviously don't like them doing that.
2. You are clearly obsessed with people expressing their opinions because you are going on and on ad nauseum complaining about them.

If someone really doesn't care about a subject at all, they don't talk about it, much less announce to everyone that they don't care, then go on for pages about it. Face it, you're obsessed.

Now, are you going to get back on topic or not?
With you, what it ultimately comes down to, always, is that you are openly, unabashedly on the side of the very lowest, most evil of near-human and subhuman shit, against the side of human beings and especially, against the side of children.

Uh, actually, teaching kids not to be bigots is the best thing you can do for them. I mean, if you think you are angry about how you have to bite your tongue, imagine in 50 years when everyone considers LGBTQ normal. Those kids would be about as out of place as a White Supremecist is now.

And that is the position that shows, here. You want to defend sexual deviants that go after children. You want them to be free to fuck children up for life.
Says the guy who belongs to a cult started by pedophiles.

And you condemn me for wishing that children, and society as a whole, be protected form these dangerous perverts.
Uh, yeah, because you aren't protecting anyone teaching your bigotries.

Nobody is going to be gay because they were told gay people exist.

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