What's the problem with Aldean's "try that in a small town"

I saw the vid and it resonates with honest Americans both black and white.
At first nothing was wrong with it, then some Marxist looked up 100 years ago when a black was hung in front of the courthouse, then the song became racist.

Of course if Aldean's video is racist, then Hallmark Christmas is racist also.

well to be a bit more precise, it calls for all of that against people who commit crimes:

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough

all those are crimes.

But you're right about the vigilante justice part.

Its frustrating because had this song came out and nobody said anything...99% of the world would have never heard of it. But...just like when some ignorant right wing loon tries to give a speech on a college campus...the left wing making an issue of it gives the object they are trying to criticize more stature.

Activists never cease to amaze me in their urge to inflict wounds upon themselves.
No. Burning a flag or cussing out an LEO are not crimes.
There were many anti-war songs during the 60's and none of them were banned.
According to Rolling Stone, the video maker didn't use authentic all American footage.

"Digging into the stock footage featured in the video, Rolling Stone uncovered clips of protests and police brutality in places like Georgia and New York. But there was also a surprising amount of protest footage from our neighbors to the north. Most prominent is a clip at 2:01 featuring a burning cop car, which appears to have been taken from footage of the 2010 G20 protests in Toronto"

"A few moments before, at 1:55, there’s footage of a bunch of cops in riot gear charging at a group of protesters. That clip comes from Montreal, likely from the wave of student protests that erupted there over planned tuition hikes in 2012. At the 1:01 there’s another clip from Montreal, and you can even probably figure out where Silva found the footage: The stock media library Pond5, where it’s available for $70"

So now everyone has to do history research and hope they covered everything that could possibly
be negative.

Bottom line on this is that they didn't pick this sight because of a long past lynching.
Intent is everything, and who would have known if not for some activist that's out to
disrupt our nation? Or, if it is even true.
It’s also the site of many many many interracial marriages.
According to Rolling Stone, the video maker didn't use authentic all American footage.

"Digging into the stock footage featured in the video, Rolling Stone uncovered clips of protests and police brutality in places like Georgia and New York. But there was also a surprising amount of protest footage from our neighbors to the north. Most prominent is a clip at 2:01 featuring a burning cop car, which appears to have been taken from footage of the 2010 G20 protests in Toronto"

"A few moments before, at 1:55, there’s footage of a bunch of cops in riot gear charging at a group of protesters. That clip comes from Montreal, likely from the wave of student protests that erupted there over planned tuition hikes in 2012. At the 1:01 there’s another clip from Montreal, and you can even probably figure out where Silva found the footage: The stock media library Pond5, where it’s available for $70"

So snowflake? You think small town folks are different up north? 🤦‍♂️

Oh, and Rolling Stone? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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