What's worse in America - Lawyers or Criminals ?


Righteous Robert
May 26, 2009
What's worse in America - Lawyers or Criminals ?

I'd say Lawyers because most of them are Criminals.
They take your money if or not they succeed in your case.
They're failure rate is 50%.

I had three different lawyers over a 7 year period
in my Divorce and Child Visitation cases
from 1999 thru 2006.
The last lawyer screwed up big time
and will never admit to it.
Actually all 3 screwed up.
I made contact with the 2nd one a few years later
and he wouldn't even spend a few minutes on the phone with me.
Probably realizing that he screwed up.

At least Criminals take your stuff and if you have insurance
you actually in some instances make out.

I haven't gotten a cent back from any Lawyer.
There not even nice people.

I searched for a lawyer to get a discount.
Not one got back to me.
I was willing to pay $50/hour.
Cheapest one was $100/hour.

So by far Lawyers.
I'd even say Prostitutes are better people.
At least when they screw you they screw you.

Baltimore Bob
It is fifty-fifty for me, yet criminals don't even pretend they're helping you; at the very least a lawyer may accidentally help you. ;)
What's worse in America - Lawyers or Criminals ?

I'd say Lawyers because most of them are Criminals.
They take your money if or not they succeed in your case.
They're failure rate is 50%.

I had three different lawyers over a 7 year period
in my Divorce and Child Visitation cases
from 1999 thru 2006.
The last lawyer screwed up big time
and will never admit to it.
Actually all 3 screwed up.
I made contact with the 2nd one a few years later
and he wouldn't even spend a few minutes on the phone with me.
Probably realizing that he screwed up.

At least Criminals take your stuff and if you have insurance
you actually in some instances make out.

I haven't gotten a cent back from any Lawyer.
There not even nice people.

I searched for a lawyer to get a discount.
Not one got back to me.
I was willing to pay $50/hour.
Cheapest one was $100/hour.

So by far Lawyers.
I'd even say Prostitutes are better people.
At least when they screw you they screw you.

Baltimore Bob

What, is John Edwards running again or are you guys trying to shift he focus off the insurance companies?

Because malpractice only accounts for 1/2 of 1% of our out of control healthcare costs.

This is how they bashed the unions. Keep it up for 20 years. TRIAL LAWYERS, friviolus lawsuits! BOOO!!! :lol:
Ask yourself what Occupation has a Bigger failure rate
or any that has a failure rate of 50%.
I state my case.

Thank You
Baltimore Bob
Lawyers have a 50% failure rate
name any Occupation that are basically failures.

Say you had an operation with another guy
and one of you dies.
How would you like those odds.

Baltimore Bob
What's worse than BOTH lawyers and criminals? People who whine like Baltimore Bitch.
A meteorologist is one that studies Meteors - Right ?

No it's a Weatherman
and they are more successful then Lawyers.
No occupation has more of a failure rate then Lawyers.

If you ever used/paid for a lawyer you would understand me
but if you never used a Lawyer you're Clueless.

Besides if there were no lawyers
the other side wouldn't have one to use against you.
Here is an idea
commit a serious enough crime and get executed.
I bet that would eliminate serious crime in America.
I'm for the Death Penalty.
Only cowards are against the Death Penalty.

Baltimore Bob
Lawyers have a 50% failure rate
name any Occupation that are basically failures.

Say you had an operation with another guy
and one of you dies.
How would you like those odds.

Baltimore Bob

Baseball players.

A very good baseball player is one who fails to get a hit 7 out of 10 times at bat.
But there is more to being a Baseball player then Hitting.
There is also Fielding.
Also say you got 200 hits in a saeason and batted 300.
You got every one of those hits with the bases empty.
Then you struck out 200 times with the bases full.
You drove in 0 RBI's.

Does that make you a Success ?

Baltimore Bob
But there is more to being a Baseball player then Hitting.
There is also Fielding.
Also say you got 200 hits in a saeason and batted 300.
You got every one of those hits with the bases empty.
Then you struck out 200 times with the bases full.
You drove in 0 RBI's.

Does that make you a Success ?

Baltimore Bob

it makes the player a coward Bob....send him to Nam....
Quote: it makes the player a coward Bob....send him to Nam....

That makes No sense
I don't do anything with Cowards.
I try not to acknowledge that they even exist.

That's what a Person of Courage like myself does.
Baltimore Bob
Quote: it makes the player a coward Bob....send him to Nam....

That makes No sense
I don't do anything with Cowards.
I try not to acknowledge that they even exist.

That's what a Person of Courage like myself does.
Baltimore Bob

Then why are you here, since you think everyone else is a coward except you, that's pretty cowardly of you to post on a forum instead of ranting on the street corner.
Quote: Then why are you here, since you think everyone else is a coward except you,
that's pretty cowardly of you to post on a forum instead of ranting on the street corner.

Please return to 3rd grade and learn Reading and Comprehension.

I say 75% are Cowards.
That's just a calculated guess.
I could be off by 10%.
Could be 85% Cowards.
Or maybe 65% Cowards.

Not Everyone else besides me.

So inform me when you pass.

See that's a Lie you told everyone on this message board
And I don't do that.

Baltimore Bob
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Quote: it makes the player a coward Bob....send him to Nam....

That makes No sense
I don't do anything with Cowards.
I try not to acknowledge that they even exist.

That's what a Person of Courage like myself does.
Baltimore Bob

WTF??...."I try not to acknowledge that they even exist"

.....EVERY fucking post you make Bob you get back to cowards and Nam......so dont fucking lie to our faces here and say you try not to acknowledge they even exist....some guys NEVER made it back Bob,you did....some guys came back without legs, arms, blind....ALL FUCKED UP Bob....those guys would think your a COWARD for whining about standing guard duty in Saigon.....a person of COURAGE Bob will get on with his life AND QUIT LIVING IN THE PAST....move on,YOUR whining IS GETTING OLD....
Lives were damaged and lives were lost by Vietnam.

Only one reason A Cowardly nation (75%) acting Cowardly.
America is a Country about the People not the President.
The People rule in America.

Imagine this if 40% of the Americans told
the President will return to work
when there is no American person in Vietnam
that doesn't want to be there.

Now that couldn't happen because Americans
don't care about their fellow Americans.

I do - do you ?
I'm a Person of Courage - are you.

Baltimore Bob

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