What's wrong with atheists?

If there is no separation of church and state- what prevents schools from requiring a Jewish child to pray to Jesus? And this is not hypothetical- this happened for decades.

And that is by the way just a different side of the coin from using public money to support a specific religion.

No one is in favor of requiring a Jewish or a Muslim child to pray to Jesus. What people are in favor of is that people of all faiths being able to pray--even in school.

Everyone is allowed to pray in school

What they can't do is hold group prayers where children are forced to participate in beliefs that are not their own

At the time of Madeline Murray O'Hair, children were forced to recite the Lords Prayer every morning
Everyone is allowed to pray in school

What they can't do is hold group prayers where children are forced to participate in beliefs that are not their own

At the time of Madeline Murray O'Hair, children were forced to recite the Lords Prayer every morning

Are you saying that the Lord's Prayer can be a group prayer in school, and led by a teacher, as long as no one is forced to participate? A teacher can lead a Muslim prayer, facing Mecca, as long as no one is forced to participate? A teacher can pronounce a Jewish blessing upon the class, as long as children are permitted to leave before the blessing?
Everyone is allowed to pray in school

What they can't do is hold group prayers where children are forced to participate in beliefs that are not their own

At the time of Madeline Murray O'Hair, children were forced to recite the Lords Prayer every morning

Are you saying that the Lord's Prayer can be a group prayer in school, and led by a teacher, as long as no one is forced to participate? A teacher can lead a Muslim prayer, facing Mecca, as long as no one is forced to participate? A teacher can pronounce a Jewish blessing upon the class, as long as children are permitted to leave before the blessing?


I'm saying each student can recite the Lords Prayer on their own

Being "forced to participate" is a difficult concept. If twenty students are saying the Lords Prayer and one does not want to...is that student being coerced to participate just to get along?

If the teacher is an atheist...is she allowed to lead the students in a recitation that claims that God and Jesus do not exist?

I'm saying each student can recite the Lords Prayer on their own

Being "forced to participate" is a difficult concept. If twenty students are saying the Lords Prayer and one does not want to...is that student being coerced to participate just to get along?

If the teacher is an atheist...is she allowed to lead the students in a recitation that claims that God and Jesus do not exist?

Congress was told to "Make no law..."

And, no, being forced to participate is not a difficult concept. I am a substitute teacher, and students regularly, without difficulty, opt out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance. I have no difficulty with an atheist teacher telling children God does not exist--but then I have a husband who was comfortable telling our children God does not exist. Didn't bother me or the children in the least. Didn't bother him that the children chose to go to church with me.

One of my girls had an English teacher who regularly spoke about being a witch and her pagan beliefs. So. What. Congress shall make no law...
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm saying each student can recite the Lords Prayer on their own

Being "forced to participate" is a difficult concept. If twenty students are saying the Lords Prayer and one does not want to...is that student being coerced to participate just to get along?

If the teacher is an atheist...is she allowed to lead the students in a recitation that claims that God and Jesus do not exist?

Congress was told to "Make no law..."

And, no, being forced to participate is not a difficult concept. I am a substitute teacher, and students regularly, without difficulty, opt out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance. I have no difficulty with an atheist teacher telling children God does not exist--but then I have a husband who was comfortable telling our children God does not exist. Didn't bother me or the children in the least. Didn't bother him that the children chose to go to church with me.

One of my girls had an English teacher who regularly spoke about being a witch and her pagan beliefs. So. What. Congress shall make no law...

Yes, Congress shall make no law

Meaning taxpayer funded schools and public meetings can't be used to promote religion. As an individual, you can take your children to church where religion should be taught ...not public schools

I am glad to see you are so enlightened about your children being subjected to other religious views. Most Christians are not so enlightened
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them
Atheists are just as deluded as theists, as there's no proof that a god can't exist.

As an atheist I don't think that its impossible that a god could exist- I just have seen no evidence that a god or gods do exist.
Then you're an agnostic. You're welcome.

Nope- I am an atheist.
An atheist says that god is not possible. Now you know.

No I don't.

Definition of atheism
  1. 1 archaic : ungodliness, wickedness

  2. 2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity
  3. b : the doctrine that there is no deity
I am an atheist as in 2.a.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.
If there is no separation of church and state- what prevents schools from requiring a Jewish child to pray to Jesus? And this is not hypothetical- this happened for decades.

And that is by the way just a different side of the coin from using public money to support a specific religion.

No one is in favor of requiring a Jewish or a Muslim child to pray to Jesus. What people are in favor of is that people of all faiths being able to pray--even in school.

No one can prevent anyone from praying. It is simply physically impossible to prevent anyone from praying.
What people are against is children being required to pray in school.
Or public funds being used to support religions.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.

I clearly stated that it was a joke, you likely won't hear about it in a bar but the gist of the joke is accurate. Few atheists can simply be atheists and shut up about it. That isn't enough for them.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

Note this entire thread is about a Christian attacking atheists.
You too are labeling all athiests as being 'this' or 'that'- which of course is grossly dishonest.

There are people who attack others for their beliefs or lack of beliefs- and those people can be Christians or atheists. This thread is an example of a Christian attacking atheists for not believing in his fairy tales.
If there is no separation of church and state- what prevents schools from requiring a Jewish child to pray to Jesus? And this is not hypothetical- this happened for decades.

And that is by the way just a different side of the coin from using public money to support a specific religion.

No one is in favor of requiring a Jewish or a Muslim child to pray to Jesus. What people are in favor of is that people of all faiths being able to pray--even in school.

...and yet, back in the 1950's, I distinctly remember some religious organization passing out free copies of the New Testament to all us 7th grade kids. I wonder what message they sere trying to convey by not including the entire Bible?

A jewish kid in my class told me that he used it as a door stop.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.

I clearly stated that it was a joke, you likely won't hear about it in a bar but the gist of the joke is accurate. Few atheists can simply be atheists and shut up about it. That isn't enough for them.

How would you know? Again- I am far more likely to encounter someone who wants to spread the joy of their religion to me, than meeting anyone who wants to tell me that they don't believe in any religion.

I could be starting threads about the obnoxious Christians who actually go door to door trying to foist their views on everyone- but I don't- because I don't label the actions of all Christians by the actions of a few.

Far, far more common though are self proclaimed Christians who insist that everyone listen to their views, and live by their standards.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

Note this entire thread is about a Christian attacking atheists.
You too are labeling all athiests as being 'this' or 'that'- which of course is grossly dishonest.

There are people who attack others for their beliefs or lack of beliefs- and those people can be Christians or atheists. This thread is an example of a Christian attacking atheists for not believing in his fairy tales.

Funny that. I never hear a Christian announcing their beliefs.

This forum is different. Notice how I didn't point out the numerous threads from atheists attacking religion. This is essentially an argument forum. Everything is fair game.
I think that most Christians would take an exception to the god of Jesus being lumped together with Ganesh- with Ganesh being called God.

Do I agree that humans have always found some supernatural explanation for the unknown? Sure.

Now we have UFO's.

I don't think most Christians are as touchy as you think. I think most would simply feel that the Ganesha depiction of God is inaccurate and incomplete. Remember, the Hindu view is one of many Gods/Goddesses, portraying different virtues/actions of God. The few Hindus I have spoken seem to select a "favorite", which in turn as a Christian I would see as a favorite attribute of one God, not as an entirely separate being.

My friends who are Christians range from evangelicals to Catholics to the far left almost Unitarian Christians- and I have had discussions like this with them- and other than the almost Unitarians- none agree with equating the God of Jesus to other gods.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.

I clearly stated that it was a joke, you likely won't hear about it in a bar but the gist of the joke is accurate. Few atheists can simply be atheists and shut up about it. That isn't enough for them.

How would you know? Again- I am far more likely to encounter someone who wants to spread the joy of their religion to me, than meeting anyone who wants to tell me that they don't believe in any religion.

I could be starting threads about the obnoxious Christians who actually go door to door trying to foist their views on everyone- but I don't- because I don't label the actions of all Christians by the actions of a few.

Far, far more common though are self proclaimed Christians who insist that everyone listen to their views, and live by their standards.

That is because there are a vast majority of people who don't concider themselves to be religious or even belong to a religion, but if you ask them if they are atheist they will say no. The few actual atheists, the ones I'm referring to, will push their beiefs in some way on us. Of course not all of them, that's a given.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

Note this entire thread is about a Christian attacking atheists.
You too are labeling all athiests as being 'this' or 'that'- which of course is grossly dishonest.

There are people who attack others for their beliefs or lack of beliefs- and those people can be Christians or atheists. This thread is an example of a Christian attacking atheists for not believing in his fairy tales.

Funny that. I never hear a Christian announcing their beliefs.

So you have never had Christians knock on your door, or try to hand your pamphlets on the street to tell you the 'good news'?

I certainly have- and frankly thats okay- I don't really mind them doing it.

But I have never had an atheist come to my door to tell me how religion is all wrong, or pass out anti-Christianity pamphlets to me on the street.

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