What's wrong with atheists?

A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

I've never had an atheist come to my door to try to convince me there is no god

I have seen atheists object to themselves or their children being forced to participate in religious observances against their will

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A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.

I clearly stated that it was a joke, you likely won't hear about it in a bar but the gist of the joke is accurate. Few atheists can simply be atheists and shut up about it. That isn't enough for them.

How would you know? Again- I am far more likely to encounter someone who wants to spread the joy of their religion to me, than meeting anyone who wants to tell me that they don't believe in any religion.

I could be starting threads about the obnoxious Christians who actually go door to door trying to foist their views on everyone- but I don't- because I don't label the actions of all Christians by the actions of a few.

Far, far more common though are self proclaimed Christians who insist that everyone listen to their views, and live by their standards.

That is because there are a vast majority of people who don't concider themselves to be religious or even belong to a religion, but if you ask them if they are atheist they will say no. The few actual atheists, the ones I'm referring to, will push their beiefs in some way on us. Of course not all of them, that's a given.

I didn't tell people I was an atheist for years- frankly I just didn't want to deal with all of the Christians who felt compelled to tell me I was wrong- I would usually go with the weaker 'agnostic' but atheist is the correct term for my lack of belief.

I am amused by your pretending that Christians do not push their beliefs on people in a far vaster way. Of course not all Christians try to push their beliefs in some way on us. That's a given.
What militant atheists think that Christians should not be allowed to vote? None. That's why I find their desires absurd. Of course Christians are going to vote for candidates that have the same values as them. It would be ridiculous to expect otherwise.

Why exactly do you think that a Jewish child should be forced to pray to Jesus in public school? I don't.

Or that an atheist should be required to swear on a Bible?
I think that is a pretty odd custom myself.

Or that Muslims should have their tax dollars used to build a giant cross in the city park? That could easily happen. Muslims are a minority. They wouldn't have enough votes to block it from happening.

If there is no separation of church and state- what prevents schools from requiring a Jewish child to pray to Jesus?

The first amendment.

Hence once again the separation of church and state.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

Note this entire thread is about a Christian attacking atheists.
You too are labeling all athiests as being 'this' or 'that'- which of course is grossly dishonest.

There are people who attack others for their beliefs or lack of beliefs- and those people can be Christians or atheists. This thread is an example of a Christian attacking atheists for not believing in his fairy tales.

Funny that. I never hear a Christian announcing their beliefs.

So you have never had Christians knock on your door, or try to hand your pamphlets on the street to tell you the 'good news'?

I certainly have- and frankly thats okay- I don't really mind them doing it.

But I have never had an atheist come to my door to tell me how religion is all wrong, or pass out anti-Christianity pamphlets to me on the street.

True, and likely that has much more to do with the fact that they don't have an organized group to belong to. They must do that individually. I don't have very many atheist friends, but the few that I have worked with in the past will jump right on you if you mention your faith.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

I've never had an atheist come to my door to try to convince me there is no god

I have seen atheists object to themselves or their children being forced to participate in religious observances against their will

I have never seen anyone actually forced to pray or participate against their will. If you are in a classroom as a kid and you don't want to pray, you don't have to, but you also don't have to sue the school district and prevent others from doing so.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

My experience with atheists is different. Yes, some are angry, more are non-committal and matter-of-fact. As a whole they are intelligent, caring people. What I have noticed is something different than what you have picked up on.

It has been my experience that people are atheist, or become atheist, because God does not meet their expectations--neither in scripture nor in their individual life. They have their own ideas about what God would do, or would not do. God--even--or maybe especially--the one described by Christians does not live up to those ideas. Their conclusion is that there is no God, or if there is, He is useless, which is pretty much the same as no God.

If we, as Christians, are losing people to atheism, perhaps our approach to teaching about God is lacking.

As an atheist, I appreciate your comments.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.

I clearly stated that it was a joke, you likely won't hear about it in a bar but the gist of the joke is accurate. Few atheists can simply be atheists and shut up about it. That isn't enough for them.

How would you know? Again- I am far more likely to encounter someone who wants to spread the joy of their religion to me, than meeting anyone who wants to tell me that they don't believe in any religion.

I could be starting threads about the obnoxious Christians who actually go door to door trying to foist their views on everyone- but I don't- because I don't label the actions of all Christians by the actions of a few.

Far, far more common though are self proclaimed Christians who insist that everyone listen to their views, and live by their standards.

That is because there are a vast majority of people who don't concider themselves to be religious or even belong to a religion, but if you ask them if they are atheist they will say no. The few actual atheists, the ones I'm referring to, will push their beiefs in some way on us. Of course not all of them, that's a given.

I didn't tell people I was an atheist for years- frankly I just didn't want to deal with all of the Christians who felt compelled to tell me I was wrong- I would usually go with the weaker 'agnostic' but atheist is the correct term for my lack of belief.

I am amused by your pretending that Christians do not push their beliefs on people in a far vaster way. Of course not all Christians try to push their beliefs in some way on us. That's a given.

Well you should learn to read better. I never said any of that.
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

You seem angry.
Atheists are just as deluded as theists, as there's no proof that a god can't exist.

As an atheist I don't think that its impossible that a god could exist- I just have seen no evidence that a god or gods do exist.
Then you're an agnostic. You're welcome.

Nope- I am an atheist.
An atheist says that god is not possible. Now you know.

No I don't.

Definition of atheism
  1. 1 archaic : ungodliness, wickedness

  2. 2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity
  3. b : the doctrine that there is no deity
I am an atheist as in 2.a.
b says: "the doctrine that there is no deity", so you close the door to the possibility.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

Funny that. I rarely ever meet anyone who tells me that they are an atheist. I meet lots of people who tell me about their Christian faith.

I clearly stated that it was a joke, you likely won't hear about it in a bar but the gist of the joke is accurate. Few atheists can simply be atheists and shut up about it. That isn't enough for them.

How would you know? Again- I am far more likely to encounter someone who wants to spread the joy of their religion to me, than meeting anyone who wants to tell me that they don't believe in any religion.

I could be starting threads about the obnoxious Christians who actually go door to door trying to foist their views on everyone- but I don't- because I don't label the actions of all Christians by the actions of a few.

Far, far more common though are self proclaimed Christians who insist that everyone listen to their views, and live by their standards.

That is because there are a vast majority of people who don't concider themselves to be religious or even belong to a religion, but if you ask them if they are atheist they will say no. The few actual atheists, the ones I'm referring to, will push their beiefs in some way on us. Of course not all of them, that's a given.

I didn't tell people I was an atheist for years- frankly I just didn't want to deal with all of the Christians who felt compelled to tell me I was wrong- I would usually go with the weaker 'agnostic' but atheist is the correct term for my lack of belief.

I am amused by your pretending that Christians do not push their beliefs on people in a far vaster way. Of course not all Christians try to push their beliefs in some way on us. That's a given.

I rarely recall any atheist publically proclaiming...I am an Atheist!

Most atheists I know keep their mouth shut about their real beliefs. I will generally just say...No thanks, I am not religious and leave it at that

Some Christians look at you like you are the devil if you tell them you really think there is no such thing as god. Better to just leave them with their beliefs
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

I've never had an atheist come to my door to try to convince me there is no god

I have seen atheists object to themselves or their children being forced to participate in religious observances against their will

I have never seen anyone actually forced to pray or participate against their will. If you are in a classroom as a kid and you don't want to pray, you don't have to, but you also don't have to sue the school district and prevent others from doing so.

Let me see

I have been to public luncheons that begin with a benediction, I have been to public school graduations where a pastor comes out and leads a prayer, I have been to public school football games where the coach leads the team in a prayer

Nothing stops a kid in a classroom from praying on his own. But when you force twenty children to pray you are inducing non believers to participate or risk being ostracized

Do you believe an atheist teacher should lead young children in reciting that there is no God?
I had someone ask me recently why, if atheism is so fulfilling, why are atheists so angry? I have been thinking about it and this is what I came up with:

Number one, atheists have to establish some kind of victimhood status so they can make it personal. They'll go back a thousand years to complain about something the Church allegedly did (and they usually make that up) to establish some level of butthurtedness. (I know, that's not a word, stay on point.) The Crusades is one of their favorites because they can make things up about that and nobody bothers to check the facts.

One of their complaints is that they claim Christianity (It's always Christianity, they never bitch about Judaism or Islam) "passes laws" that keep them from doing things they want to do, whatever that is. Well, we don't "pass laws", we have state and federal legislatures to do that. So the real problem is that we vote. The idea that people who don't believe what they believe vote is repugnant to them. So they hate freedom.

Finally, if I ever meet an atheist who has the slightest inkling of a clue about what Christianity really believes I will shake his hand and buy him a cigar. What they usually do is twist the beliefs of a doomsday cult and claim that's what the Bible teaches and what Christianity believes.

BUT, let some cult (you know who you are) speak up and they will defend them with their dying breath because they think the very fact that heretics exist must mean they have a case.

Pathetic. Hypocritical. Illogical. Non factual. Atheists.

You seem angry.

Atheists proselytizing to me always makes me angry.
Yes, Congress shall make no law

Meaning taxpayer funded schools and public meetings can't be used to promote religion. As an individual, you can take your children to church where religion should be taught ...not public schools

I am glad to see you are so enlightened about your children being subjected to other religious views. Most Christians are not so enlightened

Congress cannot establish a religion. It cannot prohibit religious practice. Saying a prayer does not establish a religion. Religion does not start and stop at the front doors of a church. Religion is a way of life, and prayer is part of religion.

It is not "enlightenment" you see, but common sense. I find it interesting that Congress and citizens--due to the Constitution's position on free speech--has no problem with obscene language and vulgar suggestive images being promoted in public but run like scared rabbits when the prayer is the issue. Public school is the perfect place to teach children that America is a place where open practice of any and all (or no) religion is welcome.
I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

Note this entire thread is about a Christian attacking atheists.
You too are labeling all athiests as being 'this' or 'that'- which of course is grossly dishonest.

There are people who attack others for their beliefs or lack of beliefs- and those people can be Christians or atheists. This thread is an example of a Christian attacking atheists for not believing in his fairy tales.

Funny that. I never hear a Christian announcing their beliefs.

So you have never had Christians knock on your door, or try to hand your pamphlets on the street to tell you the 'good news'?

I certainly have- and frankly thats okay- I don't really mind them doing it.

But I have never had an atheist come to my door to tell me how religion is all wrong, or pass out anti-Christianity pamphlets to me on the street.

True, and likely that has much more to do with the fact that they don't have an organized group to belong to. They must do that individually. I don't have very many atheist friends, but the few that I have worked with in the past will jump right on you if you mention your faith.

Hmmmm so you are saying that atheists will only bring it up- after you have brought up your faith?

Like I said- its pretty much always Christians who want to talk about their faith. Not atheists who want to talk about their non-existent faith.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I posted this in another forum and the leftwits went ballistic.
No one can prevent anyone from praying. It is simply physically impossible to prevent anyone from praying.
What people are against is children being required to pray in school.
Or public funds being used to support religions.

If you are not aware of lawsuits being filed over prayer at school graduations, ballgames, etc, then perhaps you should look into it. Praying during class, graduation, or before a game is far from using public funds to support religion.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I'm an atheist and I rarely tell people of my beliefs...even if asked

Our society is not there yet in accepting outright atheism. Even politicians will hide their atheist views because they know the devoutly religious will use it against them

The problem I have with them is they can't just be atheist and shut up about it. No, they have to attack a person's beliefs whenever possible and/or use the legal system to voice his offended their delicate sensibilities are. Perhaps YOU don't do this but you cannot deny that others do.

I've never had an atheist come to my door to try to convince me there is no god

I have seen atheists object to themselves or their children being forced to participate in religious observances against their will

I have never seen anyone actually forced to pray or participate against their will. If you are in a classroom as a kid and you don't want to pray, you don't have to, but you also don't have to sue the school district and prevent others from doing so.

If I was Jewish and my child was going to a public school and the school insisted that my child participate in prayers praising Jesus- I sure would sue to prevent the public school endorsing Christianity- and making my child participate in it.

And yes- when I was a kid, that did happen in public schools. Until Atheists and Jews and other sued to stop it from happening.

Of course this works both ways- it also means that Christian kids cannot be forced to participate in Jewish prayers or Muslim prayers.
No one can prevent anyone from praying. It is simply physically impossible to prevent anyone from praying.
What people are against is children being required to pray in school.
Or public funds being used to support religions.

If you are not aware of lawsuits being filed over prayer at school graduations, ballgames, etc, then perhaps you should look into it. Praying during class, graduation, or before a game is far from using public funds to support religion.

I am very aware- personally I don't care that much about generic prayers before a ball game, though I think that they are pretty meaningless- but at the same time I can see the point.

Again- no one can be prevented from praying- its not possible- but schools can be prevented from endorsing religions or promoting religions by having public prayers during school events.

And yes- that is using public funds to support religion.
A joke:

An atheist, a vegan, and a cross fitter walk into a bar.

We know they are because they told everyone in the bar in the first 5 seconds.

And that's what is wrong with atheists.

I posted this in another forum and the leftwits went ballistic.

Very funny from the faux Christian who started a thread attacking atheists.

Why do you feel compelled to attack those who don't believe in your fairy tales?

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