What's wrong with smart guns?

What is 21/175? Is that 21,175? So like almost half of all suicides are by gun? Kind of high.

And all of the suicides in Japan, South Korea and China are not by gun….and they have more of them…and Apparently so does Scandinavia, Poland and Hungary……..

And you would have to convince us that since 19,900 people in the United States commit suicide without guns, that the 21,175 people wouldn't just commit suicide with the other methods the other 19,900 used….

And I don't believe you answered my question……since you lefties love the idea of Doctor assisted suicide…would it be okay with you if the Dr. just shot the person they were assisting?

Why not pick the UK? They have far fewer suicides than we do, you're cherry picking.

In the meantime states with lax gun laws have 6k more suicides with 1 million less people.

Lax gun law states
population: 39 million
47% of population owns guns
non-gun suicides:5,060
gun suicides: 9,749
total suicides: 14,089
suicides per million: 361.25

Stricter gun law states
population: 40 million
15% of population owns guns
non-gun suicides: 5,446
gun suicides: 2,696
total suicides: 8,142
suicides per million: 203.55

So, while states with fewer guns slightly edge out states with more guns in the number of non-gun suicides, it's insignificant compared to gun suicides.

And yes, you already have the link to the stats.

Guns do not cause suicides

Guns cause suicide about as much as a hammer causes a nail to drive into a 2x4.

Other than that, I have stats and you don't

Lies damn lies and....

Tell me how many of those people who kill themselves with guns in the US wouldn't still commit suicide if there were no guns available?

And besides suicide is not a crime and people have the right to decide whether they live or die so your suicide numbers don't count as far as I'm concerned

Well, if you look at states that have a lot of guns and states that don't you will find that gun suicides are higher while non-gun suicides are relatively even. But, you won't even comment on that.

My guess is that often times suicide is not well thought, more of an impulse and when someone does not attain immediate success (like shooting yourself often will) they give up, maybe get help, get sober, whatever the reasons obviously according to the numbers suicide is less prevalent with less guns.
Bullshit. Take ten cookies. Coat one with cyanide. Place in bowl and have someone else mix them. Choose one and eat it. An intellectually honest person would agree that those are not favorable odds WITH YOUR LIFE!

But we know that you are not intellectually honest so have fun with your retarded circle jerk.

Please. What percent do you put on you being attacked and needing to fire there little bunny? Why is it I know so many people that are completely unarmed and they aren't scared?

I don't give a fuck moron. Real life isn't a game. Real life is one shot. Take your BS games and take a flying leap.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked. Real life is if you are attacked just pointing a gun at the person will stop them. You live in some fantasy place where you are really scared.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked.

I agree….until you actually are attacked……..and you have listed 1.5 million reported crimes where actual human beings have been attacked…so it does in fact happen…and each day you wake up, you have no idea if that is your day to be a victim….unless they are like you brain and can see into the future.

And you know a huge number are gang related. Are you involved in gang activity? And another huge chunk are committed by friends and family who wouldn't let you use a gun for defense anyhow. And well in a country of over 300 million it's just a fraction of a pecent anyhow. Don't be so paranoid and scared.
Ya so why are you worried about firearm violence hardly anyone is effected by it and those that predominately are are criminals to begin with?
And all of the suicides in Japan, South Korea and China are not by gun….and they have more of them…and Apparently so does Scandinavia, Poland and Hungary……..

And you would have to convince us that since 19,900 people in the United States commit suicide without guns, that the 21,175 people wouldn't just commit suicide with the other methods the other 19,900 used….

And I don't believe you answered my question……since you lefties love the idea of Doctor assisted suicide…would it be okay with you if the Dr. just shot the person they were assisting?

Why not pick the UK? They have far fewer suicides than we do, you're cherry picking.

In the meantime states with lax gun laws have 6k more suicides with 1 million less people.

Lax gun law states
population: 39 million
47% of population owns guns
non-gun suicides:5,060
gun suicides: 9,749
total suicides: 14,089
suicides per million: 361.25

Stricter gun law states
population: 40 million
15% of population owns guns
non-gun suicides: 5,446
gun suicides: 2,696
total suicides: 8,142
suicides per million: 203.55

So, while states with fewer guns slightly edge out states with more guns in the number of non-gun suicides, it's insignificant compared to gun suicides.

And yes, you already have the link to the stats.

Guns do not cause suicides

Guns cause suicide about as much as a hammer causes a nail to drive into a 2x4.

Other than that, I have stats and you don't

Lies damn lies and....

Tell me how many of those people who kill themselves with guns in the US wouldn't still commit suicide if there were no guns available?

And besides suicide is not a crime and people have the right to decide whether they live or die so your suicide numbers don't count as far as I'm concerned

Well, if you look at states that have a lot of guns and states that don't you will find that gun suicides are higher while non-gun suicides are relatively even. But, you won't even comment on that.

My guess is that often times suicide is not well thought, more of an impulse and when someone does not attain immediate success (like shooting yourself often will) they give up, maybe get help, get sober, whatever the reasons obviously according to the numbers suicide is less prevalent with less guns.

Suicides committed without guns in the United States….over 19,900……they didn't use a gun. IF the other 21,000 didn't have a gun, they would use whatever the other 19,900 used.
Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket.

Very good point. When the Second Amendment was written, "arms" meant a very different thing than it does now. At that time not even the Minié Ball had been invented. To read the Amendment literally, I should be allowed to bear a fighter jet or a nuclear missile if I want to.
Wrong read the Constitution again strategic weapons belong to the Government thus why NO STATE could have a Navy since in that day and age only the navy was strategic.

And where does the COTUS mention "strategic arms"?
The constitution says that ONLY the federal Government may have an Armed navy. Perhaps if you were not so fucking stupid you would understand simple concepts.
If you decided to go skydiving...Which would you trust more. A regular parachute...or a fingerprint reading, electronically controlled parachute?


Its ironic that progressives always think they are the smartest guys in the room.

Oh....and like every good progressive, they never ever consider "costs" in anything. Are they going to pay for the cost of increased price due to the added technology.

If not, its a non-starter >>> :fu:
I still squirrel hunt with my grandfather's Winchester 1892 in 32-20...it's almost 100 years old. Never heard of 32-20? That's because the gun outlasted the ammunition...I have to special order it...but I can still get it. It's a great feeling, a real connection to the past to hunt with the same gun your grandfather and father hunted with...and if I have kids, they'll get this gun from me.

Conversely...the right rear window in my wife's three year old car won't roll down.

Do I want a electronic smart gun?...:eusa_think:...I don't think so. :eusa_hand:
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And all of the suicides in Japan, South Korea and China are not by gun….and they have more of them…and Apparently so does Scandinavia, Poland and Hungary……..

And you would have to convince us that since 19,900 people in the United States commit suicide without guns, that the 21,175 people wouldn't just commit suicide with the other methods the other 19,900 used….

And I don't believe you answered my question……since you lefties love the idea of Doctor assisted suicide…would it be okay with you if the Dr. just shot the person they were assisting?

Why not pick the UK? They have far fewer suicides than we do, you're cherry picking.

In the meantime states with lax gun laws have 6k more suicides with 1 million less people.

Lax gun law states
population: 39 million
47% of population owns guns
non-gun suicides:5,060
gun suicides: 9,749
total suicides: 14,089
suicides per million: 361.25

Stricter gun law states
population: 40 million
15% of population owns guns
non-gun suicides: 5,446
gun suicides: 2,696
total suicides: 8,142
suicides per million: 203.55

So, while states with fewer guns slightly edge out states with more guns in the number of non-gun suicides, it's insignificant compared to gun suicides.

And yes, you already have the link to the stats.

Guns do not cause suicides

Guns cause suicide about as much as a hammer causes a nail to drive into a 2x4.

Other than that, I have stats and you don't

Lies damn lies and....

Tell me how many of those people who kill themselves with guns in the US wouldn't still commit suicide if there were no guns available?

And besides suicide is not a crime and people have the right to decide whether they live or die so your suicide numbers don't count as far as I'm concerned

Well, if you look at states that have a lot of guns and states that don't you will find that gun suicides are higher while non-gun suicides are relatively even. But, you won't even comment on that.

My guess is that often times suicide is not well thought, more of an impulse and when someone does not attain immediate success (like shooting yourself often will) they give up, maybe get help, get sober, whatever the reasons obviously according to the numbers suicide is less prevalent with less guns.

My guess is that often times suicide is not well thought, more of an impulse and when someone does not attain immediate success (like shooting yourself often will) they give up, maybe get help, get sober, whatever the reasons obviously according to the numbers suicide is less prevalent with less guns

Except in Japan, China and South Korea…….where my guess is that often times suicide in Japan, South Korea and China are not well thought, more of an impulse and when someone does not attain immediate success (like jumping in front of a Bullet Train, or off of a tall Chinese building that makes parts for I Pads….) they give up………but since jumping in front of a Bullet Train is mostly fatal……….they have a higher suicide rate than we do…..
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.

Bullet Trains, tall buildings, bridges, home chemicals, and rope….100% effective in Japan, China and South Korea…they use them to kill themselves at 2x our rate.
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.

Bullet Trains, tall buildings, bridges, home chemicals, and rope….100% effective in Japan, China and South Korea…they use them to kill themselves at 2x our rate.

Right, I would guess those types of suicide are covered in the "other" category and are less lethal than guns. Try again.
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.
Guns are used in 5.6% of all suicide attempts.
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.
Guns are used in 5.6% of all suicide attempts.

Yep, but they make up for than half of all suicides.
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.
Guns are used in 5.6% of all suicide attempts.
Yep, but they make up for than half of all suicides.
Probably because the people who use them are serious about success.
Absent guns, people who are serious about success will find another way.
Here is a list of how succesful different types of suicdes are

Lethality of Suicide Method
Fatal Nonfatal Total % Fatal
Firearm fatal: 16,869 non fatal: 2,980 total attempts: 19,849 % successful: 85%
Suffocation fatal: 6,198 non fatal: 2,761 total attempts:8,959 % successful: 69%
Poisoning/overdose fatal: 5,191 non fatal: 215,814 total attempts: 221,005 % successful: 2%
Fall fatal: 651 non fatal: 1434 total attempts: 2,085 % successful: 31%
Cut/pierce fatal: 458 non-fatal: 62,817 total attempts: 63,275 % successful: 1%
Other fatal: 1,109 non fatal: 35,089 total attempts: 36,198 % successful: 3%
Unspecified fatal: 146 non fatal: 2097 total attempts: 2,243% successful: 7%

Total fatal: 30,622 non-fatal: 322,991 total attempts: 353,613 % successful:9%

Data is from 2001. And shows that successful gun suicides make up over 55% of all suicides yet only makes up less than 6% of all suicide attempts. Because guns make the attempt permanent and other forms of suicide attempts usually fail.

The above data also demonstrates that people don't usually end up choosing guns only after exhausting other methods as gun attempts do not come close to equaling other failed types of failed attempts.
Guns are used in 5.6% of all suicide attempts.
Yep, but they make up for than half of all suicides.
Probably because the people who use them are serious about success.
Absent guns, people who are serious about success will find another way.

Good luck proving that.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.

I would not be able to use a smart gun because of my prints being so thin. There are people like me that can not use a bio-metric scanner for fingerprints because those like me have what is consider a light fingerprint that does not scan easily.

It's rare but it is annoying for those like me. I have to use a number code to key in when entering certain buildings because of the weird nonsense with my fingerprints.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.

I would not be able to use a smart gun because of my prints being so thin. There are people like me that can not use a bio-metric scanner for fingerprints because those like me have what is consider a light fingerprint that does not scan easily.

It's rare but it is annoying for those like me. I have to use a number code to key in when entering certain buildings because of the weird nonsense with my fingerprints.

They should put a retinal scanner down inside the barrel. :badgrin: <---completely joking.
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.

I would not be able to use a smart gun because of my prints being so thin. There are people like me that can not use a bio-metric scanner for fingerprints because those like me have what is consider a light fingerprint that does not scan easily.

It's rare but it is annoying for those like me. I have to use a number code to key in when entering certain buildings because of the weird nonsense with my fingerprints.

They should put a retinal scanner down inside the barrel. :badgrin: <---completely joking.

You know what?

There will be someone telling someone that there is one and to look in the barrel and squeeze the trigger... I swear it will happen because some people are not too bright to know it is a joke, and I laughed when I read your response!

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