What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
It is your opinion only. I believe that President Obama did a fine job over the last 7 years. Certainly better than the President before him.
No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.
Blaming the other party doesn't justify the problems being caused by your party.
No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.
Blaming the other party doesn't justify the problems being caused by your party.
Read again.... I did not blame the other party.... there is no other party...
No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.
Blaming the other party doesn't justify the problems being caused by your party.
Read again.... I did not blame the other party.... there is no other party...
You are trying to call anybody who objects to the GOPs hold out as a hypocrite... That has nothing to do with the issue at hand. I have yet to hear a justification that makes sense
No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.

Typical right winger. When you can no longer claim you aren't an ass, you try to say "everyone does it"
You are trying to call anybody who objects to the GOPs hold out as a hypocrite... That has nothing to do with the issue at hand. I have yet to hear a justification that makes sense
It has everything to do with the issue at hand. Try to be consistent. Don't whine now if you did not whine about the same before.
No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.

Typical right winger. When you can no longer claim you aren't an ass, you try to say "everyone does it"
What difference do you see this time around? Same politics as usual in D.C.
You are trying to call anybody who objects to the GOPs hold out as a hypocrite... That has nothing to do with the issue at hand. I have yet to hear a justification that makes sense
It has everything to do with the issue at hand. Try to be consistent. Don't whine now if you did not whine about the same before.
No. The word is childish or vindictive. Behavior you might expect from an ex mother in law, but totally not acceptable for elected representatives.
Not again.... How many threads were about this and it was proven time and time again that the other wing of the Party did the same thing... Did you bitch then too? You people are fucking hypocrites.

Typical right winger. When you can no longer claim you aren't an ass, you try to say "everyone does it"
What difference do you see this time around? Same politics as usual in D.C.
If the left was doing the same thing under the same circumstances then I'd be just as objectionable to it. I don't care who is doing it.
If the left was doing the same thing under the same circumstances then I'd be just as objectionable to it. I don't care who is doing it.
Good thing we are unable to prove it either way.
Well, I said I wanted to... bye
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

Maybe Joe Biden could explain it to you, Obama and the leftist media then:

Biden in 1992, if there was an opening on the Supreme Court, HW should “not name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” and if he did, “the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over.”


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Give it a freaking chance. Hussein only nominated him the day before yesterday. On the surface it seems that the judge might be a moderate but rumors persist that he holds unconstitutional personal bias against the 2nd Amendment. Let it play out.
I hope it plays out and congress does their job. I've been shaking my head for weeks at this posturing by the GOP to not even consider a nominee. It blows my mind and I still haven't heard a sensible justification.

You're do as the Democrats say, not as they do, are you?
There's already a 5 Justice majority on liberal progressive activists on the Court. One more would seal the Court's fate forever....and the country along with it..

Besides, if you think that nomination would be conservative in any way, consider that he was blubbering and crying when Obama announced he was the nominee. I'm sure he's a staunch and sober conservative.. NOT :gay::crybaby:Jesus H. Christ.. :disbelief:

The Court, like our political system, absolutely must have balance between an accelerator and braking system. Any other vehicle is quite dangerous...
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

Maybe Joe Biden could explain it to you, Obama and the leftist media then:

Biden in 1992, if there was an opening on the Supreme Court, HW should “not name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” and if he did, “the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over.”
Thank you for demonstrating their hypocrisy AGAIN!!!!! We had a gazillion threads already about this. They've been whining about this since Scalia's passing... WTF?????
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

Maybe Joe Biden could explain it to you, Obama and the leftist media then:

Biden in 1992, if there was an opening on the Supreme Court, HW should “not name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” and if he did, “the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over.”
1. Trying to expose hypocrisy because the other side did it in the past doesn't justify or excuse problematic actions from your party. So what if the left did it? That doesn't give you a pass to do it. They teach us this principle in elementary school.

2. Biden was referring to a totally different situation that involved coordinating a Justice to retire at the end of a presidential term so that president could replace him with a like minded candidate. He was trying to block political manipulation of the system. This is a different case then this vacancy that was cause because of a death.

The pundants and politicians are totally politicizing this situation... Its an embarrassment.
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

Maybe Joe Biden could explain it to you, Obama and the leftist media then:

Biden in 1992, if there was an opening on the Supreme Court, HW should “not name a nominee until after the November election is completed,” and if he did, “the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over.”
Thank you for demonstrating their hypocrisy AGAIN!!!!! We had a gazillion threads already about this. They've been whining about this since Scalia's passing... WTF?????

I'm not whining about anything you stupid bitch. I agree with Biden in 1992 and I agree with the Republicans now. The Supreme Court doesn't give a shit about the law, they have a lifetime political appointment. Our country is too divided to be filling Supreme Court seats in the environment.

You're the whining hypocrite. Where do you think Biden was wrong exactly?
There's already a 5 Justice majority on liberal progressive activists on the Court. One more would seal the Court's fate forever....and the country along with it..

Besides, if you think that nomination would be conservative in any way, consider that he was blubbering and crying when Obama announced he was the nominee. I'm sure he's a staunch and sober conservative.. NOT :gay::crybaby:Jesus H. Christ.. :disbelief:

The Court, like our political system, absolutely must have balance between an accelerator and braking system. Any other vehicle is quite dangerous...
Then Vote NO on the nomination... This does not justify blocking a hearing and vote all together.
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:

The consequences will be hillary and dem congress selecting the next Justice.

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