When Amazon Kills all the Malls

When Amazon Kills all the Malls....

... what can we repurpose those dinosaur huge buildings to do? Homeless shelters and retraining centers? Hives for computer hacking and trolling centers?

Where will the mall employees get jobs? I know that the free market has essentially declared big box stores as losers and they will fade away over the next 10 years. Will food stores be next? I think it will take longer for food stores since people like to see and touch what they’re gonna eat.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot of empty malls. What’re we gonna do with them?

Damn. I thought the OP was gonna say, ""...... where will Roy Moore be banned from?"
Then I won't have to worry about dealing with some 18 year old snob who can't look at you or speak to you when they're cashing you out.

Ever watch a customer check out with their purchase, and never even bother to get off the cell phone while they're doing it?

Society collapsing.
You know, I kinda think that the malls paved the way for the big box stores to take over.

And now, it looks like the internet is going to take over most of the stores.
The new niche market is in parcel delivery...

Too funny, I was talking about this with my wife last night.
With most major retailers, especially including Amazon, partnering with the MUCH-MUCH hated USPS and their lousy service, no specific date tracking etc. etc. I was saying there has to be a better way.
I was thinking of a "Receiving center" where consumers can choose between pickup or delivery for their packages. Safe place to receive packages, no more worrying if the package is still on your porch when you get home, and weather related issues...to delivery when you are home.
... what can we repurpose those dinosaur huge buildings to do? Homeless shelters and retraining centers? Hives for computer hacking and trolling centers?

Where will the mall employees get jobs? I know that the free market has essentially declared big box stores as losers and they will fade away over the next 10 years. Will food stores be next? I think it will take longer for food stores since people like to see and touch what they’re gonna eat.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot of empty malls. What’re we gonna do with them?

After they go bankrupt they will be sold for pennies on the dollar. Up north, although most will disappear, but the weather will keep some viable, others will be easier to rent as the mortgage on them will be tiny.

Malls were conceived to be fun and entertaining venues. Most today forgot that and became just big hallways with stores.

Many will be taken back down to dirt and the real estate sold for other purposes, others? Hospitals? High Schools? Community colleges?
This is what will kill the malls.

Do you see anyone buying anything.

He Is still pissed about that whole Sean Young crazy glue incident.

But you’re right. People who dress differently than I quite often don’t buy things in malls.
This is what will kill the malls.

Do you see anyone buying anything.

He Is still pissed about that whole Sean Young crazy glue incident.

But you’re right. People who dress differently than I quite often don’t buy things in malls.

Do you see shoppers?

For Muslims in Minnesota, when winter eliminates any hope of outdoor celebration, Mall of America has become a new culture sanctuary. Thousands of American Muslims of all ethnicities, races and creeds gather to celebrate our own native customs and identities.

Next to the Betty Crocker bakery, a few Egyptian men catch up on the latest political jokes in Egypt. Several Palestinian women watch nervously as their kids vanish into the maze at the Kambis Nobi Indoor Playground(ph). Next to them, a cluster of young Pakistani men are listening to their iPods. By the Rainforest Cafe, some West Africans in crisp white robes and hats seem oblivious to the strange artificial noises coming from the theme restaurant. On the roller coaster, Muslim boys ride with Muslim girls, who laugh as their head scarfs, hijabs, fly all over their faces above their unconcerned parents.

And in the middle of the mall, a few Muslim women, cloaked with their traditional black dress, burqas, walk together. Their black unified bodies eclipse the front windows of Victoria's Secret, but they seem oblivious to its window undressing displays. We aren't shopping, just celebrating. There are no bags to carry, just our kids; no cultural idol to worship except our God. No fashion trends to follow; only our tradition. It is Christmas, without the shopping.

Every year, thousands of Muslims in Minnesota turn the biggest shopping center in the world into a non-shopping mall, where the biggest gift we get is our free spirits.

Celebrating Eid al-Adh at the Mall of America

Of course for someone that just wants to get into the mall and actually BUY something, this is not helpful and for stores struggling to remain open, the non shopping throngs keeping customers away is very bad news.
... what can we repurpose those dinosaur huge buildings to do? Homeless shelters and retraining centers? Hives for computer hacking and trolling centers?

Where will the mall employees get jobs? I know that the free market has essentially declared big box stores as losers and they will fade away over the next 10 years. Will food stores be next? I think it will take longer for food stores since people like to see and touch what they’re gonna eat.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot of empty malls. What’re we gonna do with them?

I never really liked malls. Perhaps we could turn them into specialized liquor stores and pot shops.
... what can we repurpose those dinosaur huge buildings to do? Homeless shelters and retraining centers? Hives for computer hacking and trolling centers?

Where will the mall employees get jobs? I know that the free market has essentially declared big box stores as losers and they will fade away over the next 10 years. Will food stores be next? I think it will take longer for food stores since people like to see and touch what they’re gonna eat.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot of empty malls. What’re we gonna do with them?
wal marts and stores like it, will fill that gap.

there's certain things I will never buy online; food, cloths, books

fresh food for obvious reasons
cloths b/c not everything fits the same and if my weight changes my size changes
books, I like to look through books and won't buy based on cover and author
As a truck driver I got to go inside one of their Amazon sort locations. While I was waiting to be unloaded I went into the small area they allow drivers, but it was in the same building as their sort facility. It really is incredible to see this endless pile of boxes go down this little track and then an arm whacks it left or right or onto yet another track. Then after more whacks left or right it slides down a ramp and a loader takes it from the track and puts it into the trailer.

They have this shipping thing down pat. They are the picture of perfect efficiency or as perfect as modern technology would allow.
... what can we repurpose those dinosaur huge buildings to do? Homeless shelters and retraining centers? Hives for computer hacking and trolling centers?

Where will the mall employees get jobs? I know that the free market has essentially declared big box stores as losers and they will fade away over the next 10 years. Will food stores be next? I think it will take longer for food stores since people like to see and touch what they’re gonna eat.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot of empty malls. What’re we gonna do with them?
Maybe the socialists can borrow money for all of them, so they can keep their socialism to themselves...
Amazon engages in cross-subsidization of its product sales (on which he makes no profit, particularly when fulfillment along with G&A are included) with other sales, particularly in AWS, where he does. This now includes government sales of AWS which means you're being forced to subsidize Jeff Bezos' destruction of retailers all across the United States at literal gunpoint, along with all the jobs that go when those retailers are forced out of business.

This is illegal under 100+ year old anti-trust law which says that any attempt to monopolize trade is a felony. Jeff Bezos and All He Owns Must Be Destroyed
Amazon engages in cross-subsidization of its product sales (on which he makes no profit, particularly when fulfillment along with G&A are included) with other sales, particularly in AWS, where he does. This now includes government sales of AWS which means you're being forced to subsidize Jeff Bezos' destruction of retailers all across the United States at literal gunpoint, along with all the jobs that go when those retailers are forced out of business.

This is illegal under 100+ year old anti-trust law which says that any attempt to monopolize trade is a felony. Jeff Bezos and All He Owns Must Be Destroyed
Survival of the fittest? Isn’t that the way it should be?
Amazon engages in cross-subsidization of its product sales (on which he makes no profit, particularly when fulfillment along with G&A are included) with other sales, particularly in AWS, where he does. This now includes government sales of AWS which means you're being forced to subsidize Jeff Bezos' destruction of retailers all across the United States at literal gunpoint, along with all the jobs that go when those retailers are forced out of business.

This is illegal under 100+ year old anti-trust law which says that any attempt to monopolize trade is a felony. Jeff Bezos and All He Owns Must Be Destroyed
Survival of the fittest? Isn’t that the way it should be?
If you follow the law
You know, I kinda think that the malls paved the way for the big box stores to take over.

And now, it looks like the internet is going to take over most of the stores.
The new niche market is in parcel delivery...

Too funny, I was talking about this with my wife last night.
With most major retailers, especially including Amazon, partnering with the MUCH-MUCH hated USPS and their lousy service, no specific date tracking etc. etc. I was saying there has to be a better way.
I was thinking of a "Receiving center" where consumers can choose between pickup or delivery for their packages. Safe place to receive packages, no more worrying if the package is still on your porch when you get home, and weather related issues...to delivery when you are home.
Amazon wants your house keys.

Amazon Key is a new service that lets couriers unlock your front door
Its an interesting concept. It's a one-time key to let them place your package inside your house rather than at your door. It would practically eliminate the problem of people snatching packages off of their porches.

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