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When did Antisemites start using the term "ZIONIST" instead of "JEWISH"?

It seems more than a few in this country and the world want a repeat of this.
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Democrats are drooling over the possibility. They want this so bad they can taste it. They love killing babies and if it’s a Jewish one set on fire in a crib they orgasm.

Back on 9-11 it was hard to see the democrats were on the side of the high jackers. It’s not hard to se now.
Has it always been this way?

It seems very prevalent lately.

What is the different between a ZIONIST and a JEW or JEW SYMPATHIZER?
Do you even know what Zionist means?

Look it up jackass. It’s not the same as “Jewish”
Democrats are drooling over the possibility. They want this so bad they can taste it. They love killing babies and if it’s a Jewish one set on fire in a crib they orgasm.

Back on 9-11 it was hard to see the democrats were on the side of the high jackers. It’s not hard to se now.
Christ you are one sick puppy
So antisemites say they are ANTIZIONIST and not ANTIJEWISH why?

I honestly do not get the nuance.

These students are harassing and threatening Jewish students.

I think Israel should be allow to exist without exterminating Jews. I guess that makes me a Zionist?
You dont get it because you dont know what zionism is. If you did, you wouldnt keep asking stupid questions.
It's sort of like how Americans and Warmongers is being used interchangeably, with no real subtle nuances. Both terms are protected from abuse by their captive media efforts.
The arrival of Zionist settlers to Palestine in the late 19th century is widely seen as the start of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[46]: 70 [181][182] Israeli historian Benny Morris quotes David Ben-Gurion as stating in 1938 that "When we say that the Arabs are the aggressors and we defend ourselves—that is only half the truth. As regards our security and life we defend ourselves... But the fighting is only one aspect of the conflict, which is in its essence a political one. And politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves." Morris goes on to say that "Ben-Gurion, of course, was right. Zionism was a colonizing and expansionist ideology and movement", and that "Zionist ideology and practice were necessarily and elementally expansionist." Morris describes the Zionist goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine as necessarily displacing and dispossessing the Arab population.[183] The practical issue of establishing a Jewish state in a majority non-Jewish and Arab region was a fundamental issue for the Zionist movement.[183] Revisionist Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky described the notion of "transfer" (the Zionist euphemism for ethnic cleansing of the Arab Palestinian population)[184] as a "brutal expulsion" which could resolve this challenge.[185] The idea of transfer was not unique to Revisionist Zionism, in fact, as explained by Morris, "the idea of transferring the Arabs out... was seen as the chief means of assuring the stability of the 'Jewishness' of the proposed Jewish State".[183]

According to Morris, the idea of ethnically cleansing the land of Palestine was to play a large role in Zionist ideology from the inception of the movement. He explains that "transfer" was "inevitable and inbuilt into Zionism" and that a land which was primarily Arab could not be transformed into a Jewish state without displacing the Arab population.[186] Further, the stability of the Jewish state could not be ensured given the Arab population's fear of displacement. He explains that this would be the primary source of conflict between the Zionist movement and the Arab population.[185]

Look at how one person yells a line, and the whole crowd repeats and obeys.


Watch that and explain how it is not a cult.

Who would have thunk we'd have hamas terrorist sympathizers and supporters overtaking ivy league schools, essentially terrorist hot beds now, along with tehran north up in minnesota. If you took these lily white libs out of their tents and stuck them in gaza, hamas would rape them and then kill them by shooting them up their vagina...................this is who these lily white libs at these ivy league are protesting for. Its simply mind boggling.
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Who would have thunk we'd have hamas terrorist sympathizers and supporters overtaking ivy league schools, essentially terrorist hot beds now, along with tehran north up in minnesota. If you took these lily white libs out of their tents and stuck them in gaza, hamas would rape them and then kill them by shooting them up their vagina...................this is who these lily white libs at these ivy league are protesting for. Its simply mind boggling.
Stripped that Israeli girl naked, raped her, drove her around in the bed of a truck, cut off a breast and played catch, shot her in the vagina
These are the perverts and non human Hamas slime that lib loons go to bat for
Who would have thunk we'd have hamas terrorist sympathizers and supporters overtaking ivy league schools, essentially terrorist hot beds now, along with tehran north up in minnesota. If you took these lily white libs out of their tents and stuck them in gaza, hamas would rape them and then kill them by shooting them up their vagina...................this is who these lily white libs at these ivy league are protesting for. Its simply mind boggling.

Sunni Muslims are 99.8% of Gaza.


Many of them HATE these fools protesting on their behalf.
Didn't Eisenhower say something about unwanted influence? Meet the Secret Donors Who Fund AIPAC’s Israel Trips for Congress.

As you know, warnings against "foreign entanglements" go back long before Eisenhower.

Whoever doesn't believe that AIPAC and similar right wing Israeli lobbies dominate America's Middle East policy is welcome to try to name another foreign lobby with so much influence that it was "quietly successful" in manipulating the US into sacrificing the blood of countless American G.I.s in a war that primarily benefited "Greater Israel" Zionists.

How many loyal Americans want to sacrifice more of their children so that genocidal Zionists can have their "Greater Israel" / Lebensraum?


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(2). "Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war"

"Douglas Macgregor blamed pro-Israel policy for driving the United States into the Iraq conflict after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,"

EXCERPT "Douglas Macgregor, a top adviser to President Donald Trump’s new acting defense secretary, routinely blames “the Israeli lobby” and “neocons” for pushing the United States into wars.

CNN’s KFile uncovered interviews in which Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who appears frequently on Fox News and other conservative media, says “pro-Israel” donors and the pro-Israel lobby are behind efforts to drive the United States into war." CONTINUED
Whoever doesn't believe that AIPAC and similar right wing Israeli lobbies dominate America's Middle East policy is welcome to try to name another foreign lobby with so much influence that it was "quietly successful" in manipulating the US into sacrificing the blood of countless American G.I.s in a war that primarily benefited "Greater Israel" Zionists.
""They are exempt from registering as a foreign agent because of Congress' interpretation. ""
AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch of the United States. In the past, AIPAC has been able to avoid registration as a foreign agent by emphasizing its status as a domestic organization and by complying with the legal definition of foreign agency under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). FARA requires individuals and organizations to disclose their activities and relationships with foreign principals if they engage in certain political activities on behalf of a foreign government or political party.
For AIPAC to be forced to register as a foreign agent, there would need to be evidence that it is acting as an agent of a foreign government or engaging in activities that meet the legal definition of a foreign agent under FARA. This could involve demonstrating that AIPAC is significantly directed or controlled by a foreign government, or that it is primarily funded by a foreign government. Any determination of this nature would involve legal and regulatory processes, and would likely be subject to legal challenges and scrutiny.""

You know how hard evidence is to find when no one wants it found.
Ahhh, anything to make their so called consciences feeeeel better.

I would say over half of them are fully possessed and the rest severely oppressed by demonic forces. They will giggle away...

I don't know what I have to do to convince these leftists here who just love them some hamas and every other religious group that isn't Christian and brown, (that's all they know and care about as we know) to go on over there with their rainbow lbgtqmnoprsuv shirts and chant we are here and we are queer!!!

Be that much closer to ending the world's problems and save this country from plunging into unimaginable suffering that is on its way.

In the meantime they don't care one hard log about the Israeli babies being placed in ovens and cooked alive while the poor oppressed hamas protecting the so called palestinians plays soccer in the fields with Israeli heads.

Can't we convince them to go over there?

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