When did it start?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
When did each side start hating the other?

If you look closely at each party and where they stand, pretty much the only difference in both are on social issues. You know, things like abortion.

Is this by design from both parties to hide their true agendas?

What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans? And don't say tax and spend versus tax cuts and spending cuts because this isn't the case. Both parties want to tax and spend, both parties want the people dependent on government. If it was about real issues a the direction of the country, this past election would have been about the real issues and not about old white men in women's vaginas or religion.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I lost all interest in the democratic party when I saw them cannablizing their own. I had been a democrat for years, but during the 2008 primaries I saw....really for the first time....that the dems were more than willing to eat their own in order to get the person in office that they want rather than be civilized and treat people like human beings. Their treatment of Hillary Clinton was nauseating, vicious, hateful, hypocritical, and filled with character assasinations.....all so they could put obama in office. They are just as wrapped up in Wall Street, use lobbyists, trade political favors for huge campaign donations, have no real interest in helping "the little guy" except the nonsense they spout during elections, favor tax issues that give them the best results, force the general public to pay for their pet projects, have no interest at all in changing regs to force Congress or the WH to use the same retirement/healthcare system that we have to use, etc.... What's far worse is that the dem party is filled with the far left element....and they are the ones who make the party look absolutely crazy. Since when are polar bears more important than people or why should women be allowed to have on demand abortions at 6 months of pregnancy but be against the death penalty for a convicted murderer? That's nuts. And it was mind-blowing how awful his campaign treated anyone that went up against him. McCain, even if he had been a really good candidate, stood no chance because the elite media were force-feeding obama 24/7....covering for him, preventing any vetting at all, and outright pushing him into office. Anyway, it was then that I saw how the dems really operated.....and I decided to go Independent. I'm not republican but do have conservative leanings. The repubs, to be sure, have their own issues......they can be just as vicious and money-hungry as the dems. And the conservatives have the far right wing element that makes them look crazy as well. Yet both sides of each party spend more time complaining and politicking about what the other side is to blame for......when do WE get a president and a congress to work for us, rather than work for themselves??? All the far left wants is for obama to "stick it" to the repubs and all the far right want is to make things nearly impossible for obama in the WH and congress....both sides are idiots and they dont' give a shit about The People. Why do they "hate" each other?? Dunno......one side is just as damn bad as the other. What's baffling is that we continue to vote in these idiots for 20+years, and expecting something different in the process. I swear, most voters are just plain fucking dumb asses.
Under Reagan with Newt in congress.
Actually when the fairness doctrine was ended giving money free reign in the media.
It is when Liberal was spun into a bad word by the right.

I was there when it all began and knew what it would bring.
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About the time Hatepope Jerry Falwell made it a sin to vote democrat or give a damn about others. It got really going good when Gingrich became the most hypocritical mouth piece ever and became permanent when we were called traitors for being against the Iraq war. You can only scapegoat half of America for so long before the feelings become mutual.
Do you agree that both parties are the same and the only thing that separates the two are social issues?
My hatred of the fanatical elements of the right-wing began during the Bush Administration. After watching them destroy small business in our country, getting several of my friends murdered in far off hell holes and taking this country into an utterly unbelievable dark age, I honestly hope they all burn in hell and I'll do anything to keep them from ever getting power again.
I don't hate liberals or conservatives as a whole. However, there are people in both parties who sour the name of their group.
It started when Obama was first elected and brought his racist Chicago-style community organizing mentality to the White House.

The left hated the right since at least the 2000 Election dispute.
My hatred of the fanatical elements of the right-wing began during the Bush Administration. After watching them destroy small business in our country, getting several of my friends murdered in far off hell holes and taking this country into an utterly unbelievable dark age, I honestly hope they all burn in hell and I'll do anything to keep them from ever getting power again.

Prosperity is the dark ages for you now?

This is precisely why we are destined to descend lower. People have no realistic viewpoint of how blessed they truly are.
Under Reagan with Newt in congress.
Actually when the fairness doctrine was ended giving money free reign in the media.
It is when Liberal was spun into a bad word by the right.

I was there when it all began and knew what it would bring.

Yeah heaven forbid we have a free press. Definitely need to regulate it so only those in power can dictate what the people know.
When did each side start hating the other?

If you look closely at each party and where they stand, pretty much the only difference in both are on social issues. You know, things like abortion.

Is this by design from both parties to hide their true agendas?

What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans? And don't say tax and spend versus tax cuts and spending cuts because this isn't the case. Both parties want to tax and spend, both parties want the people dependent on government. If it was about real issues a the direction of the country, this past election would have been about the real issues and not about old white men in women's vaginas or religion.

I really think you need to read the thread quoting Pravda. Then read some of the liberal responses in this thread and see if what the Pravda article says about liberals and what you see in this thread don't match exactly.

Realize this, Bush did run up the debt that is for sure. He faced some severe economic issues but in the end the debt did increase. Obama called Bush unpatriotic for doing so. Obama has increased the same debt a whole lot more then did GWB promising unemployment to stay under 8 percent, didn't happen. Did Romney call Obama unpatriotic, I didn't hear him do so. Obama and company ran perhaps the nastiest lying campaign I can remember and there have been some bad ones. Romney acted more presidential but that didn't matter. The real nastiness started when Bush won his second term. Then when the democrats took control of Congress they completely ignored Bush and ratcheted up the hate speech. So when Palin was picked as VP they pillaged her like no other. The Democrat party has devolved but they have their black friend in the WH and that is all that matters.
Federalist vs. Republicans...1800


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