When did lefties become government sheep and slaves to authoritarianism?

They've always been that way. The Federalists were left of the anti-Federalists.

Of course, back then, they were still able to draft a constitution that remained an apple of gold around which the Declaration of Independence remained a frame of silver.
lol..no one has more authoritarian tendencies than Trump. The question is why are Trumpers slaves to authoritarianism. The OP is projecting.
Allowing public employees to collectively bargain with and contribute to public officials has overturned 100 years of civil service reform. Now they have become one of the largest special interest groups in the country.
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It has been a gradual process and I have been watching it with dismay since I was young. "do your own thing" has morphed into "do OUR thing OR ELSE!"

My own explanation is that tribalism gradually replaced liberalism as the guiding force of the left as people embraced identity politics and the fierce need to be a member of a tribe has resulted in increasingly authoritarian attitudes.

When I was young (I'm 65) the right was more authoritarian and the left more libertarian. Today, the reverse is true. Anybody with half a brain should be able to realize that it is the left that has seized upon the corona virus as an excuse to stomp all over people's rights and not the right, yet the good little conformusts of the left just go along with it because they are profoundly illiberal little sheep who only know how to soldier on for their tribe.
The left used to stick it to the man. Live free. If it feels good do it. Fuck the government. No war!

Now the left loves big government and loves war.

When did this happen?
When they hired Jesse Jackson and al sharpton to convince blacks demofks didn’t create the kkk and it was conservatives. And that since republicans were conservatives, they were the kkk. It’s quite simple if you follow the facts
The pro war thing throws me.

When did that happen? When Obama started droning bombing brown people or before that?
It has been a gradual process and I have been watching it with dismay since I was young. "do your own thing" has morphed into "do OUR thing OR ELSE!"

My own explanation is that tribalism gradually replaced liberalism as the guiding force of the left as people embraced identity politics and the fierce need to be a member of a tribe has resulted in increasingly authoritarian attitudes.

When I was young (I'm 65) the right was more authoritarian and the left more libertarian. Today, the reverse is true. Anybody with half a brain should be able to realize that it is the left that has seized upon the corona virus as an excuse to stomp all over people's rights and not the right, yet the good little conformusts of the left just go along with it because they are profoundly illiberal little sheep who only know how to soldier on for their tribe.
It’s very complicated to explain here.
It has been a gradual process and I have been watching it with dismay since I was young. "do your own thing" has morphed into "do OUR thing OR ELSE!"

My own explanation is that tribalism gradually replaced liberalism as the guiding force of the left as people embraced identity politics and the fierce need to be a member of a tribe has resulted in increasingly authoritarian attitudes.

When I was young (I'm 65) the right was more authoritarian and the left more libertarian. Today, the reverse is true. Anybody with half a brain should be able to realize that it is the left that has seized upon the corona virus as an excuse to stomp all over people's rights and not the right, yet the good little conformusts of the left just go along with it because they are profoundly illiberal little sheep who only know how to soldier on for their tribe.

Thanks man. Great post.
As I often point out, you can trace it back to LBJ. When he took over the Presidency, the Democratic Party veered Left, abandoned the working class and went for big government control.
lol..no one has more authoritarian tendencies than Trump. The question is why are Trumpers slaves to authoritarianism. The OP is projecting.
Yeah, wanting people to be able to earn a living and voice their own opinions without the fear of retribution is just SO authoritarian.

Even in the 1980s, the left seemed to be the MAKE LOVE NOT WAR group.

Now they are the “kill brown people at will, I dont give a fuck.” Group.
Even in the 1980s, the left seemed to be the MAKE LOVE NOT WAR group.

Now they are the “kill brown people at will, I dont give a fuck.” Group.
All we are saying, give peace a chance. Now it’s listen to us or else! Humility and integrity gone!
lol..no one has more authoritarian tendencies than Trump. The question is why are Trumpers slaves to authoritarianism. The OP is projecting.
Yeah, wanting people to be able to earn a living and voice their own opinions without the fear of retribution is just SO authoritarian.

They have to say it over and over to brainwash the idiots. They are voices of instability

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