When Did Liberalism Become Fascism?

It didn't. You're an imbecile.

NY, you can end the suffering anytime you want by simply hanging yourself. Don't worry, no one will mind.

What a messed up thing to say. From the mind of a Trumper, of course, which is a collection point of all kinds of people suffering mental illness.

Trumpeter! I get it! Sounds like saying Dumpster. Very clever of the Left. They must have passed out the 'Dem's Guide To Leftist Political Slurs To Use' already.
The OP points out the outrage from a real Liberal, Kirsten Powers, and a conservative, Kimberley Strassel.

What are left are comments from the Fascists in mufti......you can see several of them above.

If Kirsten Powers was a real liberal, you wouldn't admire her.
She is on CNN, which makes her fake..

Powers figured out that if there's anything financially more lucrative than a rightwinger bashing liberals in the media,

it's a liberal bashing liberals in the media.
You're an idiot, and an idiot will believe anything they read on the internet, no matter how stupid.

Wow! Only into his tenth post and already he is out of arguments! If you disagree with Danny, like all other hopeless Lefties, you are either just an Idiot, Moron, Stupid, Jackass, F'ed Up, a Fascist, or some other derogatory slur---- all the while claiming the moral and intellectual high road.
Is this thread about the conservative campaign to get Stephen Colbert fired?

Not really. But now that you mention it, Colbert can probably accomplish that without any help at all.

TV ratings are ratings. At the end of the day, if you do not buy the Shamwow or the Budweiser, Colbert starves to death.
The OP points out the outrage from a real Liberal, Kirsten Powers, and a conservative, Kimberley Strassel.

What are left are comments from the Fascists in mufti......you can see several of them above.

If Kirsten Powers was a real liberal, you wouldn't admire her.
She is on CNN, which makes her fake..

Powers figured out that if there's anything financially more lucrative than a rightwinger bashing liberals in the media,

it's a liberal bashing liberals in the media.
She is just as dumb as the rest, trying to make all leftist liberals...I can remember how the GOP used to be proud to be liberal, and the dems were conservatives..
Powers was raised as an Episcopalian but spent much of her early adult life as an atheist. In her mid-30s, she became an evangelical Christian. The process of conversion began when she dated a religious Christian man, who introduced her to the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and the teachings of its pastor, Tim Keller, and culminated in an experience in 2006 when, during a trip to Taiwan, she believes that she was visited by Jesus after waking up in the middle of the night.[5]

Uh, with all due respect, that's called dreaming.
If Kirsten Powers was a real liberal, you wouldn't admire her.

Powers makes a lot of good points, but a lot of times she is as obtuse as a brick wall too. I liked JFK. He was a real liberal. There was an old guy who retired from the democrats about ten years ago. Really good guy though a liberal. Wish I could think of his name.

That's about it for liberals of the 20th century. Any other goods liberals out there are in hiding in fear of what their party has become, where you do not dare dissent from the party line. Even Hillary admitted that in her campaign, she kept track of all the democrats and scored them 1-7 on how they supported her. If you scored low, your career is now dirt.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech
Liberalism is a fad for youth and aging hipsters who want to be "cool".
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech
Liberalism is a fad for youth and aging hipsters who want to be "cool".

Kinda like the 'fad' that Simon Legree engaged in?

7. What has been the 'new' strategy of the Liberal Fascists since the Citizens United decision?

"....the unleashing of federal and state bureaucracies on political opponents. The best example of this is the IRS targeting of conservative non-profits. To this day, Obama acolytes and Senate Democrats characterize that targeting as a mistake by a few minor IRS employees in Cincinnati who didn’t understand the law. That is a lie.

... Obama delivered speech after speech on behalf of Democratic midterm candidates, repeating the same grave warning at each stop—thanks to Citizens United, he would say, shadowy and scary organizations are flooding into our elections. He suggested these organizations might be operating illegally and might be funded by foreign players. He noted that somebody should do something about it.

These speeches acted as a dog whistle to an IRS bureaucracy that was already primed to act. Former IRS official Lois Lerner was well aware of Democratic demands that the agency go after conservative Tea Party and non-profit groups.

.....Lerner had her own biases—we know this from her recoverable emails—that put her politically and substantively in the anti-free speech camp. The result is that the IRS deliberately put some 400 conservative organizations, representing tens of thousands of Americans, on political ice for the 2010 and 2012 elections."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

Free speech or Liberal Fascism?
7. What has been the 'new' strategy of the Liberal Fascists since the Citizens United decision?

"....the unleashing of federal and state bureaucracies on political opponents. The best example of this is the IRS targeting of conservative non-profits. To this day, Obama acolytes and Senate Democrats characterize that targeting as a mistake by a few minor IRS employees in Cincinnati who didn’t understand the law. That is a lie.

... Obama delivered speech after speech on behalf of Democratic midterm candidates, repeating the same grave warning at each stop—thanks to Citizens United, he would say, shadowy and scary organizations are flooding into our elections. He suggested these organizations might be operating illegally and might be funded by foreign players. He noted that somebody should do something about it.

These speeches acted as a dog whistle to an IRS bureaucracy that was already primed to act. Former IRS official Lois Lerner was well aware of Democratic demands that the agency go after conservative Tea Party and non-profit groups.

.....Lerner had her own biases—we know this from her recoverable emails—that put her politically and substantively in the anti-free speech camp. The result is that the IRS deliberately put some 400 conservative organizations, representing tens of thousands of Americans, on political ice for the 2010 and 2012 elections."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

Free speech or Liberal Fascism?
So it was not Trump nor Trump's ties to Russia that changed the shift from communists are the bad guys to "oops, fascists are the bad guys not the Russians"?
7. What has been the 'new' strategy of the Liberal Fascists since the Citizens United decision?

"....the unleashing of federal and state bureaucracies on political opponents. The best example of this is the IRS targeting of conservative non-profits. To this day, Obama acolytes and Senate Democrats characterize that targeting as a mistake by a few minor IRS employees in Cincinnati who didn’t understand the law. That is a lie.

... Obama delivered speech after speech on behalf of Democratic midterm candidates, repeating the same grave warning at each stop—thanks to Citizens United, he would say, shadowy and scary organizations are flooding into our elections. He suggested these organizations might be operating illegally and might be funded by foreign players. He noted that somebody should do something about it.

These speeches acted as a dog whistle to an IRS bureaucracy that was already primed to act. Former IRS official Lois Lerner was well aware of Democratic demands that the agency go after conservative Tea Party and non-profit groups.

.....Lerner had her own biases—we know this from her recoverable emails—that put her politically and substantively in the anti-free speech camp. The result is that the IRS deliberately put some 400 conservative organizations, representing tens of thousands of Americans, on political ice for the 2010 and 2012 elections."
The Left’s War on Free Speech

Free speech or Liberal Fascism?
So it was not Trump nor Trump's ties to Russia that changed the shift from communists are the bad guys to "oops, fascists are the bad guys not the Russians"?

".... Trump nor Trump's ties to Russia ....."

Gads, you're a dunce. And a liar as well.

It has often been reported that, to know what the Left is doing....see what they blame the other side for.

The following suggests that a major benefit of Liberalism is that it provided an outlet for the mentally ill...
...watch this and you'll agree:

Last edited:
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech
They are not just at war with free speech. They are essentially at war with the entire Bill of Rights.

The truly amazing thing is the number of average Americans like those who post here, who are unknowing supporters of the elite left's war on freedom.
1. On the Right, the Founders, classical Liberals, and conservatives, all of whom pay homage to the Constitution, which prominently promises this:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

On the Left, Progressivism, Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Communism....and Fascism.
None of these adhere to, support or even give a nod to freedom.
All of them demand the bending of the neck and the knee to the collective.

2. Liberal Kirsten Powers wrote the most excellent best seller,
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech."

3. The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel has just penned an essay called,
"The Left’s War on Free Speech," part of which includes the most elemental description of politics today, explained through the words of her children.

"....three kids, ages twelve, nine, and five....a volley of protests about free speech rights....I asked each of them in turn to tell me what they thought “free speech” meant.

a. The twelve-year-old went first. A serious and academic child, he gave a textbook definition that included “Congress shall make no law,” an evocation of James Madison, a tutorial on the Bill of Rights, and warnings about “certain exceptions for public safety and libel.” I was happy to know the private-school fees were yielding something.

b. The nine-year-old went next. A rebel convinced that everyone ignores her, she said that she had no idea what “public safety” or “libel” were, but that “it doesn’t matter, because free speech means there should never be any restrictions on anything that anybody says, anytime or anywhere.”

c. ...the five-year-old’s turn. You could tell she’d been thinking hard about her answer. She fixed both her brother and sister with a ferocious stare and said: “Free speech is that you can say what you want—as long as I like it.”

4. I realized that my oldest was a constitutional conservative, my middle child a libertarian, and my youngest a socialist with totalitarian tendencies."
The Left’s War on Free Speech
They are not just at war with free speech. They are essentially at war with the entire Bill of Rights.

The truly amazing thing is the number of average Americans like those who post here, who are unknowing supporters of the elite left's war on freedom.

1. "They are essentially at war with the entire Bill of Rights."
Absolutely....that's why I quoted the first amendment.

2. "The truly amazing thing is the number of average Americans like those who post here, who are unknowing supporters of the elite left's war on freedom."
Seems it is reassuring to the cowardly to be hidden in the warm embrace of the mob.
Coulter has a whole book about it....


3. From chapter 14...

'The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob.'
'The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob.'

Ann forgot to mention it as being a means of getting attention as well as being a way of feeling that one belongs to something for people who otherwise get no attention in the real world and belong to nothing meaningful and constructive. Such people develop a vitriolic self-image of hatred towards themselves in the subconscious which in order to protect their ego, they direct outward at others, so when they despise others, other parties or ideology, they are really trying to avoid despising themselves.
'The mob mentality is irresistible to people with a desperate need to be popular, and are perennially afraid of getting a bloody nose on the playground of life. A tell-tale sign is the use of terms like “us” and “we” when they write, or speak…as these pronouns speak of popularity, of membership in the larger group…i.e. the mob.'

Ann forgot to mention it as being a means of getting attention as well as being a way of feeling that one belongs to something for people who otherwise get no attention in the real world and belong to nothing meaningful and constructive. Such people develop a vitriolic self-image of hatred towards themselves in the subconscious which in order to protect their ego, they direct outward at others, so when they despise others, other parties or ideology, they are really trying to avoid despising themselves.

Sort of like this.....

"People desperate for a badge of identity are highly susceptible to groupthink, in fierce need of a ‘guide,’ and, so, the “foolish, ignorant, and envious persons are freed from the sense of their insignificance and powerlessness.”
Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind,” p.22.

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