When Did Liberalism Become Fascism?

So you're saying that America was started by socialists and will become fascist.

Ahh, No.

No cigar for you.
Well how about this: America was started by liberals?

"America was started by liberals?"

Back for another lesson?


The 'Greatest Lie"is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country,convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

This would be a fine occasion to remind all that the charge: "They had nothing in common other than the government’s view that federal power is virtually unlimited"...
President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

....exactly the hallmark of every totalitarian political view:

Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, and fascism.
So why did the founders drop the Articles of Confederation and create a Constitution that gave the government more power? Did the US have "free markets" under the Constitution? There are some core beliefs of conservatism and liberalism and those core beliefs do not change.
Well....I'd say no Liberal/Progressive/whatever should ever be allowed to assume a position of power in the United States

Would you force them to wear a big Yellow "L" or would you prefer a "P".

Don't be silly.....they have the freedom to dress as they wish.

But....they will only appear in dioramas in museums and zoos ....perhaps circuses if there are any....as cautionary tales for impressionable young children.
So you're saying that America was started by socialists and will become fascist.

Ahh, No.

No cigar for you.
Well how about this: America was started by liberals?

"America was started by liberals?"

Back for another lesson?


The 'Greatest Lie"is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country,convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

This would be a fine occasion to remind all that the charge: "They had nothing in common other than the government’s view that federal power is virtually unlimited"...
President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

....exactly the hallmark of every totalitarian political view:

Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, and fascism.
So why did the founders drop the Articles of Confederation and create a Constitution that gave the government more power? Did the US have "free markets" under the Constitution? There are some core beliefs of conservatism and liberalism and those core beliefs do not change.

When one begins a sentence with 'So...' it implies that what follows flows from what preceded the query.

In your case, it is an attempt to change the subject.

Sorry....we'll stick to the subject.

You lied to attempt to take credit for America and apply it to modern Liberals, the group just identified as Fascists.

The OP includes the first amendment....anathema to Liberals as to Fascists.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You may answer.
It may or may not be true that America was started by liberals, but it wasn't started by people who were like today's "progressives". They're not liberal.

The First Amendment sure as hell would have been written with more restrictions, for starters.

We can be more specific about the Progressives/Liberals. The began mid-19th century based on what was the contemporary intelligentsia: German and/or those who studied in Germany.

  1. The source of Progressive ideas was Germany, specifically the philosophy of Hegel, and this euro-thinking placed the ruler above the ruled: Germans have a history of accepting authoritarian rule.
a. " It was initially an academic phenomenon far removed from American politics. Particularly in the post–Civil War American university, professors — many of whom had obtained their graduate training in German universities, and whose thought reflected the “intoxicating effect of the undiluted Hegelian philosophy upon the American mind,” as progressive Charles Merriam once put it — articulated a critique of America that was as deep as it was wide. It began with a conscious rejection of the natural-rights principles of the American founding and the promotion of a new understanding of freedom, history, and the state in their stead. From this foundation, the progressives then criticized virtually every aspect of our traditional way of life, recommending reforms or “social reorganization” on a sweeping scale, the primary engine of which was to be a new, “positive” role for the state." http://nrd.nationalreview.com/article/?q=OTY0MjA1YzVjNjVkOTViMzM5M2Q5M2Y0ODk0ODc0MmM=

b. ' Hegel introduced a system for understanding the history of philosophy and the world itself, often described as a "progression in which each successive movement emerges as a resolution to the contradictions inherent in the preceding movement.'
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia

c. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

d. “Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz,” the common good supersedes the private good. (quoted in Meinecke 1950, p. 51); cf. the 1920 Nazi Program.

e. The America “that [Teddy] Roosevelt dreamed of was always a sort of swollen Prussia, truculent without and regimented within,” wrote H.L.Mencken. He referred to Roosevelt as “Tammany Nietzsche.”

Neither Roosevelt gave a whit for the Constitution.

f. At least 20 of the first 26 Presidents had studied in Germany.
Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 94
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Powers was raised as an Episcopalian but spent much of her early adult life as an atheist. In her mid-30s, she became an evangelical Christian. The process of conversion began when she dated a religious Christian man, who introduced her to the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and the teachings of its pastor, Tim Keller, and culminated in an experience in 2006 when, during a trip to Taiwan, she believes that she was visited by Jesus after waking up in the middle of the night.[5]

Uh, with all due respect, that's called dreaming.

Jesus what a crazy bitch, she calls herself liberal to gain entry into the conservative sphere so she can then bash liberals to collect her paycheck. The droolers watching Faux News only know they can shoot spittle with glee every time this charlatan opens her mouth


Considering that your first move after signing up was to start following PoliticalChic around and spitting fecal vitriol instead of countering with meaningful discussion says a lot about yourself.



I'm surprised they have time, much less the ability, to post here with their busy schedule of rioting over conservatives speaking at colleges and their hate Trump outrage.

Maybe they ran out of coloring books and lolly pops at the universities of 'supposedly' higher education.



Far RW bomb throwers you mean...hater dupe. You believe a pile RW crap/hate yourself. God will not be amused...
Conservatives have used communists as the bad guys for years now, and it seems they recently changed the bad guys from communists to fascists, and I wonder if the change was based on Trump's Russian connections?
You clowns have attempted rebranding every 15 years or thereabouts. Stop rebranding. The jump from communists to fascists has been a long, but predictable road.
So you're saying that America was started by socialists and will become fascist.

Ahh, No.

No cigar for you.
Well how about this: America was started by liberals?

"America was started by liberals?"

Back for another lesson?


The 'Greatest Lie"is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country,convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

This would be a fine occasion to remind all that the charge: "They had nothing in common other than the government’s view that federal power is virtually unlimited"...
President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

....exactly the hallmark of every totalitarian political view:

Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, and fascism.
So why did the founders drop the Articles of Confederation and create a Constitution that gave the government more power? Did the US have "free markets" under the Constitution? There are some core beliefs of conservatism and liberalism and those core beliefs do not change.

When one begins a sentence with 'So...' it implies that what follows flows from what preceded the query.

In your case, it is an attempt to change the subject.

Sorry....we'll stick to the subject.

You lied to attempt to take credit for America and apply it to modern Liberals, the group just identified as Fascists.

The OP includes the first amendment....anathema to Liberals as to Fascists.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You may answer.
Fascists are RW and no amount of "Liberal Fascism" brainwashing will change it...The New BS GOP is a disgrace...
The most famous fascist in history denounced capitalism and had a fun slogan. "The common good before self interest."

Your rebranding is failing.

I'm surprised they have time, much less the ability, to post here with their busy schedule of rioting over conservatives speaking at colleges and their hate Trump outrage.

Maybe they ran out of coloring books and lolly pops at the universities of 'supposedly' higher education.



Far RW bomb throwers you mean...hater dupe. You believe a pile RW crap/hate yourself. God will not be amused...


I don't remember any RW bomb throwers... You must mean those Molotov cocktails the poor, poor, progressives utilized. Like those who attend those universities of 'supposedly' higher education so they can live next to doctors, lawyers, and bankers, like you do as they scream in rancor over anything that doesn't fit their view of the world.

BTW... Implying that my God hates or loves is a abstract human value that people like you assign arbitrarily without any knowledge of myself or my beliefs.


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Conservatives have used communists as the bad guys for years now, and it seems they recently changed the bad guys from communists to fascists, and I wonder if the change was based on Trump's Russian connections?
You clowns have attempted rebranding every 15 years or thereabouts. Stop rebranding. The jump from communists to fascists has been a long, but predictable road.
Are you RW dupes EVER going to try facts? Right, then you'd be actual morons, not functional ones...

I'm surprised they have time, much less the ability, to post here with their busy schedule of rioting over conservatives speaking at colleges and their hate Trump outrage.

Maybe they ran out of coloring books and lolly pops at the universities of 'supposedly' higher education.



Far RW bomb throwers you mean...hater dupe. You believe a pile RW crap/hate yourself. God will not be amused...

View attachment 125869

I don't remember any RW bomb throwers... You must mean those Molotov cocktails the poor, poor, progressives utilized. Like those who attend those universities of 'supposedly' higher education so they can live next to doctors, lawyers, and bankers, like you do as they scream in rancor over anything that doesn't fit their view of the world.

BTW... Implying that my God hates or loves is a abstract human value that people like you assign arbitrarily without any knowledge of myself or my beliefs.



Milos and Coulter are RW bomb throwers. With no possible educational value. And will someone PLEASE arrest the anarchists that give Dems a bad name...

At the least you support a party for screwing the poor and nature. Not christian.
Ahh, No.

No cigar for you.
Well how about this: America was started by liberals?

"America was started by liberals?"

Back for another lesson?


The 'Greatest Lie"is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country,convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.'And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

This would be a fine occasion to remind all that the charge: "They had nothing in common other than the government’s view that federal power is virtually unlimited"...
President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013

....exactly the hallmark of every totalitarian political view:

Communism, Nazism, Liberalism, socialism, Progressivism, and fascism.
So why did the founders drop the Articles of Confederation and create a Constitution that gave the government more power? Did the US have "free markets" under the Constitution? There are some core beliefs of conservatism and liberalism and those core beliefs do not change.

When one begins a sentence with 'So...' it implies that what follows flows from what preceded the query.

In your case, it is an attempt to change the subject.

Sorry....we'll stick to the subject.

You lied to attempt to take credit for America and apply it to modern Liberals, the group just identified as Fascists.

The OP includes the first amendment....anathema to Liberals as to Fascists.

2. Simple enough to prove....although, not as simple as you are.
Which represents the Founders, classical liberals, conservatives?

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You may answer.
Fascists are RW and no amount of "Liberal Fascism" brainwashing will change it...The New BS GOP is a disgrace...

"Fascists are RW and no amount of "Liberal Fascism" brainwashing will change it..."


1. FDR modeled his programs after the Fascists, and, in fact, had his bureaucrats carry around copies of Rafaello Viglione's "The Corporate State," direct from Mussolini.

FDR and Mussolini, both Leftists.....like you.

2. FDR's guru, Rex Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins, FDR's Sec'y of Labor, the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew." The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system.
See Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington
until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, Op. Cit., p. 48

3. " As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. ... In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.....

.... Mussolini praised the New Deal as “boldly . . . interventionist in the field of economics,” and Roosevelt complimented Mussolini for his “honest purpose of restoring Italy” and acknowledged that he kept “in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.” Also, Hugh Johnson, head of the National Recovery Administration, was known to carry a copy of Raffaello Viglione’s pro-Mussolini book, The Corporate State, with him, presented a copy to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, and, on retirement, paid tribute to the Italian dictator." Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Soooo...FDR, Fascism, Mussolini, Socialism.....and communism....all are Leftist.....none of them are RightWing.

There is sooooo much you Leftists don't know or deny.
Conservatives have used communists as the bad guys for years now, and it seems they recently changed the bad guys from communists to fascists, and I wonder if the change was based on Trump's Russian connections?
You clowns have attempted rebranding every 15 years or thereabouts. Stop rebranding. The jump from communists to fascists has been a long, but predictable road.
Are you RW dupes EVER going to try facts? Right, then you'd be actual morons, not functional ones...

"Are you RW dupes EVER going to try facts?"

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.

This is a fact:

Your ignorance is glaring....but, I'm here to help!

In this classroom, we begin by explaining terms.

a. Liberal and Progressive and Democrat are used interchangeably in general parlance...And a 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the word socialism.
Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

Liberals are admitted socialists....Leftwingers.

b. Even Marx admitted that true communism could not come about without revolution. So the statement -- "A communist is a socialist with a gun" can be accepted as a truism.
So....Liberals, Progressives, Socialists = Communists.

c. Nazis, falsely called Rightwing, are National Socialists....hence, Leftwing.
So....So....Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Socialists = Nazis.

d. Since Fascists and Nazis were allies,and basically the same....

...Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Socialists, Democrats.....and Fascists...peas in the same pod.

How ya' like them facts, boyyyyyeeeeeee?????

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