When did World War II in Europe end?

No, you captured many of them from the German V-2 project. Some even went to Russia willingly.

Just as we did.
The Bretton Woods conference may say that the V2 was an American project. This just explains why it immediately appeared in Nevada.
Since 1943 there was a split in Germany

Americans! We fucked you in the ASS
The history of American space exploration began with the creation in 1915 of NACA, an advisory body that dealt with the study of space.

Then the story is interrupted and it pops up only in 1957. Although the launch of V2 is documented on video in Nevada

Americans! We fucked you in the ASS

and starting the Cold War.
The Cold War began after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and ended in 1964 with the removal of Khrushchev.

Before that, instead of Cold War, there was a Warm Peace and Light Erotica

It's a lie. Do you see the photo?

They committed a fraud. In the Fulton speech, Churchill expressed caution towards the USSR, but in general he licked Stalin's ass there, read this speech in full.

Before Eisenhower, the leftists were friends in the USSR and the USA, then the rightists were friends, and since 1964 the leftists were friends again.
The same was true under Obama. No one forced this dog to reduce missile defense in Europe. And no one forced the Trumpists and Biden to leave US bases in Afghanistan.

We are leftists and we ALWAYS fuck Americans in the ASS!

We love to fuck Americans in the ASS because they are so stupid!

Ask not what your left dogs can do for you – ask what you can do for your left dogs: you can give them your ass to fuck

I repeat the question: how could they establish the Bretton Woods order in Europe a year before the end of the war in Europe?
And we also love it when Americans drink a lot of alcohol, because drunken pigs are easier to fuck in the ass.


it turns out that the Chinese in 1964 did not even have machine guns, but they already had "nuclear weapons" lol


He fucked America in the ass

The Chinese had machineguns starting in the 1930s.

The Chinese had help from the russians. They had nuclear weapons. You need to research more.
Are you saying that the US infantry now uses rifles? What do you understand by this?

The US Infantry has always used rifles. Your idea that it is all machineguns is just another indicator that you watch movies instead of learning history.
The US Infantry has always used rifles. Your idea that it is all machineguns is just another indicator that you watch movies instead of learning history.
Dude, I served in the army. We even use AK in non-combatant units. Even in the 40s they used machine guns, you idiot. And the American army is 1000 times better funded, and you're an asshole trying to say that you use rifles? Are you wearing lacy underwear?
Dude, I served in the army. We even use AK in non-combatant units. Even in the 40s they used machine guns, you idiot. And the American army is 1000 times better funded, and you're an asshole trying to say that you use rifles? Are you wearing lacy underwear?

You are simply ignorant as to the definition of "rifle".

The fact that it can fire in full auto does not mean it is not a rifle. Today's military uses selective fire weapons.
I doubt that at least one army in the World in the 60s used rifles other than Chinese.

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