When did World War II in Europe end?

You're a good DemoKKKrat.

What do you care now who is a Democrat and who is a Republican? Everyone fucked you. Now a pathetic Taliban bandit can fuck your ass and wipe his ass with your flag in front of you. And soon they will achieve the right to fuck your children in front of you. LOL
If it is your flag, you certainly can.

But do tell us again how no military except China was carrying rifles in the 1960s?
I have no idea why the whores hired by Kennedy filmed dancing Chinese women with muskets and toilet panels dismantled with sledgehammers. Probably Kennedy paid little, or they drank it all away.
why do you get offended when they call you faggots? You voted for those who turned America into a country of motherfuckers, this is your own choice.
The dirty Taliban will piss in your mouth. They will not hesitate to piss in the mouth of someone who allows to wipe ass with the flag of their fathers. In another country, if they even pissed in someone's mouth, they wouldn't dare to wipe ass with flag. They used to kill the Hazaras but they didn't wipe ass with flag.
And why are you talking about guns and the 2nd Amendment? You are no longer men.
You did not uphold the honor of your fathers, you allowed yourself to be fucked in the ass, you are not men. Your 2nd amendment you now only help to shoot yourself in the mouth
You are the only country in the world that has the freedom to fight against the feds, and you are the only country that let the feds shit on Fathers' honor.
Never before has America known such a disgrace. And no one thought it was possible. Just 15 years ago it was the greatest country.

And I'm not happy about it, I like the American people and I love the American spirit.

I don't understand why it doesn't dawn on you that there are no one left in Washington but traitors. After all, the Americans were the most politically literate people, and no one understood politics like the Americans. It's kind of crazy. Even after they devastated California, you don't do anything. I don't understand how this is possible
Now the opinion has been established that America is over, and there will be no return to the "old world order". The Left is already announcing it officially. Do fucking something.

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