When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Five pages of left wingers raging. Not a single post explaining how yes, obviously, Bidumb is the current champion of vote getting politicians. No explanation about the voting patterns or how he got so many post closing the counts new votes. Nothing.
Make no mistake ....

These psycho Leftist understand very clearly this was a stolen election.
Still crying in your beer over a lost election? Now that things are opening up thanks to Biden, there are now thousands of you charactors with elbows on the bar, sloppy drunk & incoherent, pissing & moaning about Trump losing. It's hilarious.

The more you cry, the less you'll piss.
"The so called audits are a waste of time and money, and worse, they are a distraction that keeps the BIG LIE alive."

PP, they are more ominous than that.
Don Trump, and the efforts of his minions ---Rudy, Jenna, Krakenpot, et al, -----are doing profound damage to our American democracy. They are undermining faith in our electoral process, and the peaceful transfer of power. There will be long term ramifications. Unhealthy ones.

History will look back at this period just prior to, and subsequent since, the 2021 election, and judge it.....in my opinion......as a devastating development that gravely injured America. An irresponsible, reckless and profoundly incompetent president damaged America while he was in office....but now, forced out to pasture, continues to harm America for the sole purpose of assuaging his narcissism.

It is shameful.

America's diverse ---and huge-----society and economy has always tolerated and made room for the nutters amongst us. The fringie element of social/political interests that takes things too far. But nutters parading in front of the Post Office with hangman's nooses is one thing, having an ex-President flog this 'Big Steal/Big Lie' canard is going to be dire.

Thank you!! Well said!
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Not sure anyone from either party is willing to admit to anything.
You mean like stating that Trump won in 2016 and Clinton lost? This is not about bothsiderisms. One side trashed the capital and the other won the last election.
I have no problem admitting Trump won. Most democrats admit trump won.
You are out of your fucking mind!
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Not sure anyone from either party is willing to admit to anything.
You mean like stating that Trump won in 2016 and Clinton lost? This is not about bothsiderisms. One side trashed the capital and the other won the last election.
I have no problem admitting Trump won. Most democrats admit trump won.
You are out of your fucking mind!
Were talking about 2016.
They will be exposed.
This is just beginning.
I hope you're right, but I wonder if all those decades of campaign donations to prominent Democrats will give Trump an edge?

Biden Justice Department fights release of legal memo on prosecuting Trump
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??
No excuses, just the unvarnished truth!
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??
No excuses, just the unvarnished truth!
Excuses for repeated failure.

Bush and Trump were failed presidents with failed results, wars we didn't need, economic crashes, covid fuck ups, insurections etc

Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity
Obama inherited the Bush crash, a country losing 900k/month and reduced that to 4.5% unemployment.
Biden has given us the best first 6 months of any president in us history.

The GOP are the NY Jets
The Dems are the NE Patriots
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.

So, you are dropping your OP and just throwing shit at the wall like a monkey now?

Admitting fault or granting points to the other side, is something you do with a loyal opposition or a respected opponent.

Not with a FUCKING ENEMY in a death match you fucking asshole(s).

You fucktards didn't admit that you were wrong about Reagan's anti-communism policies, because you looked at him and didn't see a respected opponent, but an enemy that you would not give an inch to, no matter what.

YOur desire to play politics like it is a death match, while having us play by Marquis of Queensberry rules, is just you being a pussy.

Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??
No excuses, just the unvarnished truth!
Excuses for repeated failure.

Bush and Trump were failed presidents with failed results, wars we didn't need, economic crashes, covid fuck ups, insurections etc

Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity
Obama inherited the Bush crash, a country losing 900k/month and reduced that to 4.5% unemployment.
Biden has given us the best first 6 months of any president in us history.

The GOP are the NY Jets
The Dems are the NE Patriots

You seem to be leaving your own topic in the dust. Are you just here to spam leftard talking points?
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?

Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?


So, I point out the flaw in an argument, and instead of addressing that flaw, or defending that argument, you try to change the subject to a new accusation.

That is a tactic someone uses, when tehy know they lost the argument.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When Democrats get rid of Mail In Ballots and tighten up registration deadlines.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?


So, I point out the flaw in an argument, and instead of addressing that flaw, or defending that argument, you try to change the subject to a new accusation.

That is a tactic someone uses, when tehy know they lost the argument.

Dumbfuck, it's relevant when discussing Bush was responsible for the economy. A pity you are saddled with less than a 3-digit IQ.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?


So, I point out the flaw in an argument, and instead of addressing that flaw, or defending that argument, you try to change the subject to a new accusation.

That is a tactic someone uses, when tehy know they lost the argument.

Dumbfuck, it's relevant when discussing Bush crashed the economy. A pity you are saddled with less than a 3-digit IQ.

The implication was made that it was Bush's economic policies that "crashed" the economy.

Are you admitting it was not that, and it was just 9-11, that did it, or are you tying to have it both ways, like a lying crack whore?
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?


So, I point out the flaw in an argument, and instead of addressing that flaw, or defending that argument, you try to change the subject to a new accusation.

That is a tactic someone uses, when tehy know they lost the argument.

Dumbfuck, it's relevant when discussing Bush crashed the economy. A pity you are saddled with less than a 3-digit IQ.

The implication was made that it was Bush's economic policies that "crashed" the economy.

Are you admitting it was not that, and it was just 9-11, that did it, or are you tying to have it both ways, like a lying crack whore?
9.11 wasn't the only cause. It also wasn't Bush's only recession.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?


So, I point out the flaw in an argument, and instead of addressing that flaw, or defending that argument, you try to change the subject to a new accusation.

That is a tactic someone uses, when tehy know they lost the argument.

Dumbfuck, it's relevant when discussing Bush crashed the economy. A pity you are saddled with less than a 3-digit IQ.

The implication was made that it was Bush's economic policies that "crashed" the economy.

Are you admitting it was not that, and it was just 9-11, that did it, or are you tying to have it both ways, like a lying crack whore?
9.11 wasn't the only cause. It also wasn't Bush's only recession.

What economic policy of Bush's do you think contributed to the post 9-11 crash? Or were you just talking shit?
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??
No excuses, just the unvarnished truth!
Excuses for repeated failure.

Bush and Trump were failed presidents with failed results, wars we didn't need, economic crashes, covid fuck ups, insurections etc

Clinton gave us the Golden Age of Prosperity
Obama inherited the Bush crash, a country losing 900k/month and reduced that to 4.5% unemployment.
Biden has given us the best first 6 months of any president in us history.

The GOP are the NY Jets
The Dems are the NE Patriots
But what about that pesky truth that always seems to get in the way of LefTard talking points?

CREDIT: WTH_Progs? -
Check out the numbers on Trump's watch before the Democrats and Chinese unleashed COVID on us for political. global and personal aspirations.


Unemployment: Finished 3.68 before COVID. Lowest for data collected 1975-forward, and consistently decreased on his term. Matter of fact the three lowest unemployment rates since at least 1975 occurred on Trump's watch.

Poverty Rate: 9.3 before COVID.…… Lowest for data collected 1975-forward. Consistently decreased on his term, which is the only example of said decreases for data collected 1975-forward.

Crime Rate: 2.49: …… All three years on Trump’s watch are the lowest crime rates for data collected 1975-forward.

GDP: …… Most consistent increases since Bush Jr.

Misery Index: 6.6 average. Most positive performance for data collected 1975-forward.

Inflation Rate: Consistently performed under 2%, which is the lowest consistent performance for data collected 1975-forward.
9.11 wasn't the only cause. It also wasn't Bush's only recession.
Nor was it his worst.

Why would the apologist (Correll) want to focus on the least of Bush's economic issues?

Is it the basic right wing dishonesty?


So has he admitted that Trump lost the election yet> That IS the topic of this thread right?

He did say he wanted to get back on topic and....didn't

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