When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:

That was funny. Obama said he was born in Kenya. He was the original birther. What a stupid ass. He was born in Hawaii. I mean who gets their OWN country of birth wrong.

Then the second birther was his lovely bride, Michelle. Third was Hillary.

Think Obama will find his Kenyan birth certificate, LOL? I don't think so
You poor thing, you're kazzing again. Obama never said he was born in Kenya. Neither did his wife and neither did Hillary.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.

You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.

What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?
waaa waaa I know you are, but what am I

All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago...

Meanwhile Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy. Bush started wars we didn't need and then couldn't win those wars. Oh and the Bush crash remember that...
Trump had weak low growth of only 2.5%, barely better than Obama, then Trump fucked up covid with record deaths and record cases, then Trump couldn't admit he lost the election like a little child and told all you pathetic retards the BIG LIE of election fraud that never happened. And you believed it, like gullible fools.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?
Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.

This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.
All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.

It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?
Bush inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.The balanced budget that President George W Bush inherited was caused by Newt Gingrich and the Republican controlled Congress. Do you rememberpresident ClintonEverybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.When do you admit Trump lost the election?? When we you libtards admit that Reagan was right about the soviet union ending up on the ash heap of history?Typical piece of trash republican, bringing up something from the 80s in a childish vendetta.This is why the gop is the party of total failure and Bush and Trump were terrible failed president. You people can't hold yourselves accountable for anything.All you do is pivot and divert from blame anytime republicans are exposed for total failure (which is a lot). The GOP has no desire to get better they would rather just deny they fucked up. Of course you idiot republican sheep all follow your leaders.It's completely on topic. If you people won't admit to something from 40 years ago, why should we EVER admit to ANYTHING, to you libtards?All you have is some childish stupidity from 40 years ago.......Your desire to have us operate by different, harsher rules than you, is denied.You don't give us the respect of every admitting shit, then you don't get to ask for us to every admit shit.What part of this is too complicated for you to understand?.......inherited a balance budget then crashed the economy.
Bush inherited a balanced budget due to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. The economy crashed because of 9/11.
excuses for failure.
Standard operating procedure for Trumpers.
How about.... not fucking everything up so much??

So, you want to discuss the economy and ignore 9-11?

Kind of purposefully ignoring data to get the answer you want.

Standard operating procedure for libtards.
And the president who failed to protect us on 9.11 was...?


So, I point out the flaw in an argument, and instead of addressing that flaw, or defending that argument, you try to change the subject to a new accusation.

That is a tactic someone uses, when tehy know they lost the argument.

Dumbfuck, it's relevant when discussing Bush crashed the economy. A pity you are saddled with less than a 3-digit IQ.

The implication was made that it was Bush's economic policies that "crashed" the economy.

Are you admitting it was not that, and it was just 9-11, that did it, or are you tying to have it both ways, like a lying crack whore?
9.11 wasn't the only cause. It also wasn't Bush's only recession.

What economic policy of Bush's do you think contributed to the post 9-11 crash? Or were you just talking shit?
His policy of not taking threats of terrorism seriously enough to do anything which could have prevented 9.11.

Followed by his policies of pushing homeownership onto people who couldn't afford an adjustable mortgage even though he knew GSE reform was needed but Congress wouldn't put a useful GSE reform bill on his desk to sign.

The nation as a whole, was relatively laid back about terrorism before 9-11. We treated it as a criminal matter, not acts of war.

The housing issue was well developed before he became president. He did not fix it. But it was not his policy.
The "country as a whole" had neither the information nor the resources Bush had. A president is elected to take on that responsibility for the "nation as a whole" and Bush failed. Miserably. That contributed to a recession under his watch.

Do you ever hold Republicans responsible for bad shit that occurs on their watch; without whataboutisms or looking for Democrats to blame?


Sure. All the time. When they actually deserve it.

I would love a far more strict regime of controlling travel into the country from countries with a lot of muslims in them.

Even today, after 9-11, that is not politically possible in this country. Holding Bush responsible for something that he could not control, does not make sense in my opinion.
Right around the time when they start serving Sno-cones in Hell. What did you expect? You're talking about people that are still hunting for President Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. :lol:
When we'll leftards admit TRUMP IS GONE and start focusing their posts and threads on relevant current political events?
President Trump is very much gone, despite all his servile cucks wishing for more audits and pipe dreams of an August return.
When will that be reflected in the posts created by the left?
A question better asked of people that are fixated on President Trump. His critics and cucks cannot seem to keep his name out of their mouths.

LOL You Biden Loons start 90% of the Trump threads.

Maybe go change Quid Pro Joes diapers
Love how trump cultists blame others for their obsession with their orange god.
Black messiah
Orange God

You ALL sound like a bunch of retarded fucking children.
Get over it Birfers.

do you admit Trump lost yet?

Answer the question

Obama never said he was born in Kenya.
Yet his birth certificate says he was born there.

You screwed up the quotes, I said Obama did say he was born in Kenya. I have no doubt it was an honest mistake, but please quote more carefully.

I said he wasn't born in Kenya, he lied when he said he was. He told his publisher that circa 1990 who put it in his bio. But he was born in Hawaii.

Then his lovely bride Michelle did by saying Kenya was his home country. She called Kenya Obama's "home country." Which literally means he was born there.

Then Hillary hearing how Obama said he was born in Kenya and raised if he is allowed to be President.

What a stupid fuck, who gets their OWN country of birth wrong? I mean other than the smug, lying jackass Obama
People will admit Trump lost the presidential election when evidence to the contrary stops surfacing.

That's pretty simple, isn't it?

Obama never said he was born in Kenya.
Yet his birth certificate says he was born there.

You screwed up the quotes, I said Obama did say he was born in Kenya. I have no doubt it was an honest mistake, but please quote more carefully.

I said he wasn't born in Kenya, he lied when he said he was. He told his publisher that circa 1990 who put it in his bio. But he was born in Hawaii.

Then his lovely bride Michelle did by saying Kenya was his home country. She called Kenya Obama's "home country." Which literally means he was born there.

Then Hillary hearing how Obama said he was born in Kenya and raised if he is allowed to be President.

What a stupid fuck, who gets their OWN country of birth wrong? I mean other than the smug, lying jackass Obama
You're still kazzing.

To this day, you have no proof Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Michelle Obama was speaking about his heritage.

Hillary never questioned Obama's eligibility because she heard he said he was born in Kenya since he never said he was born in Kenya.
Get over it Birfers.
do you admit Trump lost yet?
Answer the question
They won't, they can't. They're too emotionally invested in this now.

Plus, Trump will never admit defeat, so they can lean on that.

A true group pathology, something the world hasn't seen in 85 years.
Must suck to be so young, yet so full of hate for your fellow Americans….right 14 yr old?
Get over it Birfers.
do you admit Trump lost yet?
Answer the question
They won't, they can't. They're too emotionally invested in this now.

Plus, Trump will never admit defeat, so they can lean on that.

A true group pathology, something the world hasn't seen in 85 years.

I realize Democrats are anti-math. But Democrat election fraud is proven. The odds of one out of six State going from a solid Trump win to a statistically insignificant Biden win is realistic. The odds of all six doing it is virtually zero.

And in all six States, they kept counting and counting and counting until it happened. And they did that counting in the largest and all blue corrupt city in the State.

No, it's not possible there was no fraud.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled Democratic propaganda
This feels a lot like the Wuhan flu origin narrative -

It came from bats at a wet market you paranoid conspiracy nuts. Scientist proved it wasn't an engineered virus (what happened to those idiots?).

It's a fair to talk about the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Actually looks possible that it came from a lab.

Looks probable and we should investigate.
I realize Democrats are anti-math. But Democrat election fraud is proven. The odds of one out of six State going from a solid Trump win to a statistically insignificant Biden win is realistic. The odds of all six doing it is virtually zero.
The kazzing just never ends, does it kazzer?


  • 2016: 49%/45.5%
  • 2020: 49%/49%

  • 2016: 51%/45.9%
  • 2020: 49.2%/49.5%

  • 2016: 47.6%/47.4%
  • 2020: 47.8%/49.5%

  • 2016: 45.3%/46.9%
  • 2020: 45.3%/52.4%

  • 2016: 48.6%/47.9%
  • 2020: 48.8%/50%

  • 2016: 47.8%/47%
  • 2020: 48.8%/49.4%

So out of those 6 states you falsely claim Trump won "solid[ly]."

Trump lost one in 2016. MN

Trump won three by less than 1 percentage point. MI, PA, WI

Trump won one by 3.5 percentage points. AZ

And Trump won one by 5.1 percentage points. GA

So 4 out of 6 were razor thin. Who the fuck knows where you dreamed up 6 out of 6?? :eusa_liar:
This feels a lot like the Wuhan flu origin narrative -

It came from bats at a wet market you paranoid conspiracy nuts. Scientist proved it wasn't an engineered virus (what happened to those idiots?).

It's a fair to talk about the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Actually looks possible that it came from a lab.

Looks probable and we should investigate.

i might get a t-shirt made up with that one. You summed it up, perfectly.

Do you think adding dates would make it better or too busy?
This feels a lot like the Wuhan flu origin narrative -

It came from bats at a wet market you paranoid conspiracy nuts. Scientist proved it wasn't an engineered virus (what happened to those idiots?).

It's a fair to talk about the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Actually looks possible that it came from a lab.

Looks probable and we should investigate.

i might get a t-shirt made up with that one. You summed it up, perfectly.

Do you think adding dates would make it better or too busy?
Try both and use your judgement.
Get over it Birfers.
do you admit Trump lost yet?
Answer the question
They won't, they can't. They're too emotionally invested in this now.

Plus, Trump will never admit defeat, so they can lean on that.

A true group pathology, something the world hasn't seen in 85 years.

I realize Democrats are anti-math. But Democrat election fraud is proven. The odds of one out of six State going from a solid Trump win to a statistically insignificant Biden win is realistic. The odds of all six doing it is virtually zero.

And in all six States, they kept counting and counting and counting until it happened. And they did that counting in the largest and all blue corrupt city in the State.

No, it's not possible there was no fraud.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled Democratic propaganda
Prove it in court of law, Trumpster.

Then I'll agree.

And in all six States, they kept counting and counting and counting until it happened. And they did that counting in the largest and all blue corrupt city in the State.
And ballots appeared out of nowhere after midnight.

Yes, there was a litany of indicators there was massive fraud.

The math is the straightest line to proof though. The closest six States all went from a small Trump lead to an even smaller Biden win is mathematically impossible. And all six were done in corrupt blue cities even more so. Democrats would be foaming at the mouth screaming bloody murder if the reverse happened.

Then yes, it's pretty obvious how they did it. Democrats know they cheated, which is why they are so rabid about forcing us to concede, to legitimize the results of what they did. Pass, they did steal the election. There is no doubt. None

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