When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Depends on what you mean by “benefit”. I think it helped shine a light on the truth. It certainly helped in that sense. Ultimately didn’t get through the Senate due to a partisan divide so didn’t help getting Trump out of office.
Mueller's report was propaganda. It was a pile of lies.
We already knew that the mail-in ballots were going to be more blue than red. And a lot of places counted them last. Not complicated.

Even your fellow Trump supporters don’t believe in your conspiracy theory.
95% of them were going to be for Biden? Only a moron would swallow that. Dims knew they were going to cheat and that was the cover story.
Depends on what you mean by “benefit”. I think it helped shine a light on the truth. It certainly helped in that sense. Ultimately didn’t get through the Senate due to a partisan divide so didn’t help getting Trump out of office.
Still playing the bullshit what you wish was as fact. Mules report “shone light” when in fact it showed nothing because it lead to no action. Keep your fable alive that Muller witch hunt was condemning of Trump
Still playing the bullshit what you wish was as fact. Mules report “shone light” when in fact it showed nothing because it lead to no action. Keep your fable alive that Muller witch hunt was condemning of Trump
Dumb argument.

It showed something but both sides didn’t agree on it and it went no further due to a strong partisan divide. Not complicated, thinker.
I have already posted this goldfish.


So you found tinfoil hat sources to get your tinfoil hat information from.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

When do the Hillary lovers admit that Hillary lost because of her personality not because Trump colluded with Putin?

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