When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Never. It's how they keep the lie alive and move this shitshow closer and closer to 2022. Keep it pumped up in the alt-right media, keep the fundraising going, and most of all, keep it alive in the minds of the conspiracy theory driven weaklings. :)
It was the leftists media that hide carried the water for biden
Mueller's report was propaganda. It was a pile of lies.
Everything negative printed or said about Donald J Trump, is FAKE NEWS.
We all know that by now, you have repeated it ad nauseam, and I've come to the conclusion that RWI's are ALWAYS correct.

1). trump never had sex with Stormy Daniels.
2). trump has zero business deals in Russia.
3). trump was actually tougher on Putin than anyone.
4). trump never overcharged the secret service.
5). trump never stiffed contractors in NY after they completed the contracted work.
6). trump never took a sharpie and changed the hurricane map.
7). trump never said to Zelenskly "I would like you to do us a favor."
8) trump never said "Mexico is gonna pay for the wall."
9). trump has never cheated at golf.
10). trump never said 7-11 when referring to the events on 9-11.
11). trump never said, "How's your 409K doing."

I can't believe that these liberals make up all these lies about trump.
Right. I don't like senile partisan dumbasses.
The cult of weird worshipers will always, mindlessly, react like red-capped bobblehead dolls with delirium tremens in a 9.9 earthquake to their Cry Baby Loser's spewing his impotence in accepting the blatant reality of a safe and secure election that expressed the democratic will.

He is far too feeble to handle the truth, and his super-glued butt barnacles parrot his moral depravity with gusto. Witness his grievance-befouled and vendetta-fraught Loser jamborees.

Who are you going to believe? Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, and other Republican election officials, auditors, dozens of judges, all public surveys that had consistently predicted his defeat, or the Cry Baby Loser who even lied about there having been 3-5 million invisible bogus balloters in 2016, not one of whom could ever be found or explained?

Even Trump's goons attacking Congress and savaging out-numbered police could not alter the irrefutable reality, but veneration of the has-been, shlock-tv performer remains as impenetrable as his big, beautiful wall that he made Mexico pay for.
Everybody is wondering, at what point do you put your big boy pants on, man the fuck up, and admit the election is over and Trump lost??

When all the fake audits fail, Trump will come up with a new lie to feed his loyal sheep.

How dumb do you get? You people will believe any lie you are told, because you want to believe this crap.

You people believed Pizza gate and even showed up at the pizza place with an AR15 and started blasting... Notta good look.

That shows how truly gullible Trumpers are, they will believe the most insane lies ever produced by fake Russian bots.

When do you admit Trump lost the election??

Trump isn't strong enough to do that.
Everything negative printed or said about Donald J Trump, is FAKE NEWS.
We all know that by now, you have repeated it ad nauseam, and I've come to the conclusion that RWI's are ALWAYS correct.

1). trump never had sex with Stormy Daniels.
There's no proof that he did. Even if he did, so what? Hunter Biden smoked crack and had sex with underage hookers, and you prog turds don't give a crap about that.
2). trump has zero business deals in Russia.
If he does, what are they?

3). trump was actually tougher on Putin than anyone.
4). trump never overcharged the secret service.
Prove he did.

5). trump never stiffed contractors in NY after they completed the contracted work.
That's what lawsuits are about. Your opinion is irrelevant.
6). trump never took a sharpie and changed the hurricane map.
You disagree with his prognosis for the weather? Horrors!

7). trump never said to Zelenskly "I would like you to do us a favor."
Who's denying it?

8) trump never said "Mexico is gonna pay for the wall."
Yes he did. That's called a "tag line."

9). trump has never cheated at golf.
Obama never cheated at golf?

10). trump never said 7-11 when referring to the events on 9-11.
Is it possible for you to get any more petty?

11). trump never said, "How's your 409K doing."
Again, Is it possible for you to get any more petty?
I can't believe that these liberals make up all these lies about trump.
The cult of weird worshipers will always, mindlessly, react like red-capped bobblehead dolls with delirium tremens in a 9.9 earthquake to their Cry Baby Loser's spewing his impotence in accepting the blatant reality of a safe and secure election that expressed the democratic will.
Take a break then
It was the leftists media that hide carried the water for biden
No carried any water for Biden. Your man lost. And then spent the next months bitching about it, costing his party control of the Senate in the process. He's on track to do the same thing in November.
The question becomes, will enough Republicans jettison him before November? If not, all bets are off. And if the Democrats hold their numbers....that doesn't bode well for Republicans in 2024. :)
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Does this satisfy your question, or is this ALL fake news?

Here's a rundown of Trump's business dealings in Russia and with its citizens:​

  • Trump's interest in doing business in Russia was first piqued in 1986, when he met the Soviet ambassador Yuri Dubinin and they began discussing building a "large luxury hotel across the street from the Kremlin in partnership with the Soviet government," as Trump recounted in his 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal."
  • Trump traveled to Russia in 1987 to survey potential locations for his hotel as landmark policies like perestroika and glasnost made the Soviet Union more open to foreign investments.
  • Trump in 1988 said the hotel plan failed because "in the Soviet Union, you don't own anything. It's hard to conjure up spending hundreds of millions of dollars on something and not own."
  • Trump went back to Russia in 1996 and announced a plan to invest $250 million in Russian real estate and slap his name on two luxury residential buildings.
  • Trump boasted about his plan when he met the Russian politician Aleksandr Lebed in New York in 1997, telling Lebed, "We are actually looking at something in Moscow right now ... Only quality stuff. And we're working with the local government, the mayor of Moscow, and the mayor's people. So far, they've been very responsive ..." The plan never came to fruition.
  • But that wasn't the end of Trump's connection to Russian money. According to The Washington Post, the real estate mogul began seeing significant returns from Russian investments in US properties bearing the Trump name in the 2000s.
  • A Reuters investigation last year found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida, for instance.
  • Reuters noted that its tally of Russian investors may be conservative. At least 703 — or about one-third — of the owners of the 2,044 units in the seven Trump buildings are limited liability companies, or LLCs, which have the ability to hide the identity of a property's true owner.
  • In the mid-2000s, the Trump Organization partnered with a company called the Bayrock Group, contracting it to pursue a development deal in Moscow. This effort was led by the Russian-born businessman Felix Sater, who's become a key figure in Mueller's investigation and Cohen's plea deal.
  • In 2005, Sater found a former pencil factory he thought could be converted into a high-end skyscraper, and was in discussions with Russian investors about it. The deal ultimately fell through, but Sater continued to maintain a relationship with the Trump Organization.
  • At a real estate conference in 2008, Donald Trump Jr. discussed the family's attempts to break into the Russian business world. "As much as we want to take our business over there, Russia is just a different world," he said at the time. "It is a question of who knows who, whose brother is paying off who...It really is a scary place." Trump Jr. at that point had traveled to Russia a number of times, including a 2006 visit with Sater his sister, Ivanka Trump, and Sater.
  • At the 2008 conference, Trump Jr. also said, "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets." He explained that despite the difficulties his family had in trying to build in Russia they were still determined to keep pushing for it. In the 18 months prior to the conference, Trump Jr. made six trips to Russia.
  • In 2013, Trump traveled to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant. During the visit, he said, "I have plans for the establishment of business in Russia. Now, I am in talks with several Russian companies to establish this skyscraper."
  • In 2015 and 2016, Cohen and Sater teamed up in an attempt to put up a Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen said discussions on the plan lasted until June 2016, which was after Trump had clinched the GOP nomination for president.
  • Cohen was in touch with the office of Russian President Vladimir Putin's press secretary over the matter, which reportedly included a plan to offer Putin a $50 million penthouse in the tower. Those talks fell through as well and the plan eventually crumbled.
Democrats, the original and only racists. Remember when the Democrats invented the "N" word, and how the Republicans had to stop the usage.

Now Democrats have a new group to hate and a new, hateful, epithet, of their own invention to describe that which they hate through their bigoted being.

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