When Do Trumpers Admit Trump Lost??

Of course you would. You and him are both sore loser crybabies.

Unfortunately for both of you, reality doesn’t agree with your feelings.

reality is on hold. the cheaters are in charge at the moment and fking up the entire country. hmmmm seems to have been the plan. I mean one couldn't impact so many so quickly at home and overseas as this fake administration has. Again, let's do away with mail in ballots and mandate in person voting only. Okay?
Nope, feelings. You don’t like who wrote the report.
what report, that wasn't worth the 45 million it took to write it. Mueller didn't even write it. the colluders did. ewwwwww. Didn't get shit bubba. You're the one still talking trump in here. Not us. Proves but the cheaters are concerned.
reality is on hold.
Only for sore loser crybaby conspiracy theorists.

I understand that you’re having a difficult time dealing with a reality that doesn’t align with your stupid beliefs. The rest of us are doing just fine and reality continues on.

Sucks for you huh?
Depends on what you mean by “benefit”. I think it helped shine a light on the truth. It certainly helped in that sense. Ultimately didn’t get through the Senate due to a partisan divide so didn’t help getting Trump out of office.
what truth is that?
Only for sore loser crybaby conspiracy theorists.

I understand that you’re having a difficult time dealing with a reality that doesn’t align with your stupid beliefs. The rest of us are doing just fine and reality continues on.

Sucks for you huh?
you're paying the same inflation prices as I. increases not seen in 40 years and you're proud. wow. you ain't so bright are you. What is it you owe them?
what report, that wasn't worth the 45 million it took to write it. Mueller didn't even write it. the colluders did. ewwwwww. Didn't get shit bubba. You're the one still talking trump in here. Not us. Proves but the cheaters are concerned.
So you don’t like it because of your feelings. Got it.
How about we don’t do that and you keep crying like a little bitch about it?

I think mine is more likely.
see, you know you cheated, you also know cheating is the only way to win. Got it, as I have already stated in here. No other reason for mail in voting.
So you don’t like it because of your feelings. Got it.
Like it? It didn't say a fking thing. It was a waste of our tax money. Not mine alone. And it got you zip!!!! zippola, nadda. And again you're proud. Dude you have some rather ignorant expectations of reality.
Meh. You’re just going to whine fraud again if you lose.

Not me. I’m not a sore loser crybaby conspiracy theorist.
as long as there are no mail in ballots it will be a victory so large you wouldn't know what to say. imagine that!!!

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