When evil leaders fall, they fall hard

Could there be a bigger dumb shit than harmonica. He assumes all blacks are the same. Does that mean all whites are the same? What a fricking idiot. I assume the asshole is white, as am I. I guarantee, I am nothing like him.
..it's not only that they:
--commit crime at much higher rates
--more graduate at lower rates
--more burn/loot/riot--not just one city--but MANY
--it's not 2 or 5 or a dozens--but HUNDREDS
--AND black entertainers support the above
--AND black athletes support them
..so --it's a LARGE portion of the blacks
When evil leaders fall, they fall hard

Trump is an evil leader and he is falling hard

Spent a long time explaining why he was falling so hard at westpoint...

2020 is not 2016. Trump must run on his record. There are idiots like you that like what he has done. The majority of moral and ethical America does not.
Trump's running on a bigger racist platform in 2020 than 2016.
Yes just like Biden has to run on his 40 plus year record of contradictory views and policy positions. Somehow the fact Biden has a record that he is going to have to defend as well always seems to escape morons like you. Please keep throwing out the racist bullshit nothing wins undecided voters over more than telling them if they don't vote the way you want they are racist. The majority of Americans are indeed moral and ethical you are neither so go fuck yourself everyday of the week and twice on Sunday dispshit.
Wrong, very Wrong. You Fruitcakes on the Right love Rump. The rest of us want better leadership and we are going to get it. Just not in 2021. Maybe in 2025.

Define better leadership, a return to politicians selling us out to China and other countries to line their own pockets? Endless foreign wars and DEAD American solders? Never ending tax increases and government corruption? :eusa_hand:
Wow, a Leftie just won the coveted TDS Fruitcake award. Never let it be said this game show is one sided. Well Johnny, what has the Leftie won? Well, Monty, behind Door #3 is an all expense paid trip to a festival that plays nothing but Rump Campaign Speeches over and over again. And we even provide the straight jacket and amplified headphones.
Trump and supporters biggest problem is not the Left.
The conservatives with a spine are coming out in force and exposing Trump for what he is, an incompetent, immoral, unethical human that is not qualified to be President.
They will bring him down.
They will convince those in the middle along with Trump's actions over the past 3 years.
The Democrats will energize the young voters who did not come out in 2016.
It will be the biggest defeat in history and well deserved,
..it's not only that they:
--commit crime at much higher rates
--more graduate at lower rates
--more burn/loot/riot--not just one city--but MANY
--it's not 2 or 5 or a dozens--but HUNDREDS
--AND black entertainers support the above
--AND black athletes support them
..so --it's a LARGE portion of the blacks
I bet your Mom is real proud of you.
The kind of morals or lack of morals that very few want to associate with.
Wrong, very Wrong. You Fruitcakes on the Right love Rump. The rest of us want better leadership and we are going to get it. Just not in 2021. Maybe in 2025.

Define better leadership, a return to politicians selling us out to China and other countries to line their own pockets? Endless foreign wars and DEAD American solders? Never ending tax increases and government corruption? :eusa_hand:

You still don't get it. We are willing to put up with Biden for 4 years while we rebuild the Republican Party back to what it once was. First, we have to get the Party of the Rump out of control of the Party. If the only way to do that is to vote in Biden then that's what we are going to do. And we are willing to send some Party of the Rump Senators along with him. Sometimes the cure is painful.

And, first, we get rid of the hate and venum from people like you. Yes, you are NOT a Republican. You aren't fooling anyone.

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