When evil leaders fall, they fall hard

He is not and is not but you are a fool. Of that you can be sure.
Well DICK, perfect name for you, come November you will be chased back into your rat hole from where you came after Trump was elected, giving the rats in our society a voice and a platform.
But everyone knew it could not last.
Yes you are an idiot.

I thanked a post that shared a well thought out POV.

I may not agree, but I appreciate people when they are honest.

I see you don't have a fucking clue.
Well thought out in that he said that even though he would vote for Trump he felt Biden would win .
I am saying the same thing except I am voting for Biden.
Wow an impressive display of far left logic but it doesn’t change the fact only half of your statement is true but you believe whatever helps you get through the day. Far be it for me to rain on your far left delusions.
What helps me get through the day is knowing that Trump and all of his dumb sh@t minions are going down big in November, NO DOUBT!
It's clear some on the left have yet to recover from Trump crushing them in 2016. Their seething hatred continues to pour like a fountain.
Trump winning was horrific, Trump governing was worse.
That is why I will get great pleasure when he goes down and the cult members left will go down with him.
There is no seething hate. There is total disrespect for Trump and supporters along with great happiness seeing people get what they deserve.
Yeah just like with Hillary in 2016 95 percent chance of her winning a no doubter you guys never learn it really is hilarious.
2020 is not 2016. Trump must run on his record. There are idiots like you that like what he has done. The majority of moral and ethical America does not.
Trump's running on a bigger racist platform in 2020 than 2016.
Well DICK, perfect name for you, come November you will be chased back into your rat hole from where you came after Trump was elected, giving the rats in our society a voice and a platform.
But everyone knew it could not last.

See you in November.

We'll see which rats go where.

You've been out of your hole for way to long.
2020 is not 2016. Trump must run on his record. There are idiots like you that like what he has done. The majority of moral and ethical America does not.
Trump's running on a bigger racist platform in 2020 than 2016.

People can see through your megafarts.

Best of luck.

When Nancy Pelosi falls she'll explode because of all that botox in her body.

When Adam Schitt falls he'll explode and some envrionmental clean up group will make millions cleaning up the mess.

I think Pelosi is about like a stretch armstrong doll now.

Remember those? :)

But evil all too often finds a way to prevail – exploiting fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

It’s imperative that everyone opposed to Trump votes this November.

Oh come on now. I don't believe Trump has exploited the democrats fear, ignorance, hate and stupidity all that much.
Trump winning was horrific, Trump governing was worse.
That is why I will get great pleasure when he goes down and the cult members left will go down with him.
There is no seething hate. There is total disrespect for Trump and supporters along with great happiness seeing people get what they deserve.

Horrific for you on the left, we on the right love president Trump!
The power and motivation of TDS will bring Trump down. TDS is spreading faster than corona virus.

Wow, a Leftie just won the coveted TDS Fruitcake award. Never let it be said this game show is one sided. Well Johnny, what has the Leftie won? Well, Monty, behind Door #3 is an all expense paid trip to a festival that plays nothing but Rump Campaign Speeches over and over again. And we even provide the straight jacket and amplified headphones.

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