When is it good to be a liberal?

For curious independent observers.................

Take a little peek at the number of posts of the lefty k00ks on this board. Check it out. Your jaw will drop..........
For example...........this Maineman guy. ALmost 12,000 fcukking posts!!!!!:tomato:


Because thats how many posts it takes to perpetually make your points based on THEORY!!!

Think about it...................

again...the existence of child labor laws, women's suffrage, the labor movement, minimum wage, workplace safety, social security, medicare, medicaid, americans with disabilities act, civil rights, voting rights, environmental protection, et. al. is not "theory" regardless of your fantasy characterizing them as such. Let me know when conservatism in America succeeds in repealing any of those.

Whats "theory" is your causal assertions that liberal causes in support of specific public policy is leading us to some kind of societal utopia................like, "Well, thank God for liberals!!!"

I say.................fcukking fail s0n................

Indeed.........socialism creeps, as it has been doing in the United States for decades. People applaud all this government stuff that people like Maineman love until one day, people wake up and realize, "Sh!t.............how we going to pay for all this sh!t?". And they realize..........."Sh!t......its ME they want to pay for all of it!!!"

Witness Greece the past two weeks..............Walker's World: Running out of ammo - UPI.com


That country is having a blast.............a fcukking pisser:lol::lol::lol:as a result of all the years of spend, spend, spend, until the debt is now 15% of GDP. This is the liberal idea of a perfect society!!!!

Hmmm..........perhaps we have heard of another country that has lurched into spectacular spending mode compliments of ultra liberal idea's?

Problem is...........someday, somebody has to pay for all this sh!t!!!

Progressivism has had its day in the sun............a pretty good run for about 100 years, I will admit. But the days of building these enormous bureaucracies are fast coming to an end...........because we cant pay for this sh!t anymore.:lol:
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When you're looking for a bag of weed, a hooker, or a gubmint subsidized section 8 apartment.....
For curious independent observers.................

Take a little peek at the number of posts of the lefty k00ks on this board. Check it out. Your jaw will drop..........
For example...........this Maineman guy. ALmost 12,000 fcukking posts!!!!!:tomato:


Because thats how many posts it takes to perpetually make your points based on THEORY!!!

Think about it...................

again...the existence of child labor laws, women's suffrage, the labor movement, minimum wage, workplace safety, social security, medicare, medicaid, americans with disabilities act, civil rights, voting rights, environmental protection, et. al. is not "theory" regardless of your fantasy characterizing them as such. Let me know when conservatism in America succeeds in repealing any of those.

Whats "theory" is your causal assertions that liberal causes in support of specific public policy is leading us to some kind of societal utopia................like, "Well, thank God for liberals!!!"

I say.................fcukking fail s0n................

Indeed.........socialism creeps, as it has been doing in the United States for decades. People applaud all this government stuff that people like Maineman love until one day, people wake up and realize, "Sh!t.............how we going to pay for all this sh!t?". And they realize..........."Sh!t......its ME they want to pay for all of it!!!"

Witness Greece the past two weeks..............Walker's World: Running out of ammo - UPI.com

The American Conservative Who Should Pay the Piper?

That country is having a blast.............a fcukking pisser:lol::lol::lol:as a result of all the years of spend, spend, spend, until the debt is now 15% of GDP. This is the liberal idea of a perfect society!!!!

Hmmm..........perhaps we have heard of another country that has lurched into spectacular spending mode compliments of ultra liberal idea's?

Problem is...........someday, somebody has to pay for all this sh!t!!!

Progressivism has had its day in the sun............a pretty good run for about 100 years, I will admit. But the days of building these enormous bureaucracies are fast coming to an end...........because we cant pay for this sh!t anymore.:lol:

past performance is a good predictor of future performance. I have said NOTHING about any THEORY of societal utopia. I merely point out the FACT that progressive liberalism has won battle after battle after battle for well over a hundred years... conservatives have fought hard at every turn, but eventually, have lost every single battle...and as they have done so, those things that were considered far to the left when they were first proposed by liberals, are now at the center of the stream. You have lost so much of the center ground to liberalism, you are actually unaware of it. I remember a classic sign held up at a town hall meeting by one of the double digit IQ teabaggers...it read, "Keep your socialist hands off my medicare" ROFLMFAO. You can sit here on an internet message board and pronounce that progressivism has had its day in the sun, but, as I have said before, that's all talk and no action. THe day that conservatism actually repeals social security or medicare or medicaid or minimum wage or worker's comp or child labor laws or environmental protection, or any of the other major victories of progressive liberalism, then, and only then, will I consider ANY of your silly baseless predictions as anything other than baseless blathering and the source of a good chuckle. OK?
When is it good to be a liberal?

Most politicians are liberal when the government coffers are full. It's easy to spend someone else’s money and feels soooo good believing you are helping others out by enabling their dependency on government.

The other side of that question needs to be asked at the same time:

When does it suck to be a liberal?

When the bill comes in and your coffers are empty. When it’s discovered your feel-good approach to addressing problems and social issues has created a mess you can’t handle. When you have run out of fingers to point at others.

2001, budget balanced. coffers full. economy good. employment good.

2009. two failed wars, nation slidiing into a depression, running on money borrowed from China, unemployment headed for the double digits.

Oh yeah, you Conservatives done good!
When you're looking for a bag of weed, a hooker, or a gubmint subsidized section 8 apartment.....

You sound experianced.

Not a chance. I'd never live in a "gubmint" subsizied apartment! :lol:

PS - you're spelling is atrocious. It's hard to take a person like you, who so wrong on so many issues, seriously when you can't even spell.
Here's what you just said.

Liberals = The government knows what's best for you.
Conservatives = Make something of yourself instead of relying on the government.

Ummm, nope...

Not even remotely similar to what I said, regardless of any extrapolation you could try to conjure up.

Sorry. Do better.
again...the existence of child labor laws, women's suffrage, the labor movement, minimum wage, workplace safety, social security, medicare, medicaid, americans with disabilities act, civil rights, voting rights, environmental protection, et. al. is not "theory" regardless of your fantasy characterizing them as such. Let me know when conservatism in America succeeds in repealing any of those.

Whats "theory" is your causal assertions that liberal causes in support of specific public policy is leading us to some kind of societal utopia................like, "Well, thank God for liberals!!!"

I say.................fcukking fail s0n................

Indeed.........socialism creeps, as it has been doing in the United States for decades. People applaud all this government stuff that people like Maineman love until one day, people wake up and realize, "Sh!t.............how we going to pay for all this sh!t?". And they realize..........."Sh!t......its ME they want to pay for all of it!!!"

Witness Greece the past two weeks..............Walker's World: Running out of ammo - UPI.com

The American Conservative Who Should Pay the Piper?

That country is having a blast.............a fcukking pisser:lol::lol::lol:as a result of all the years of spend, spend, spend, until the debt is now 15% of GDP. This is the liberal idea of a perfect society!!!!

Hmmm..........perhaps we have heard of another country that has lurched into spectacular spending mode compliments of ultra liberal idea's?

Problem is...........someday, somebody has to pay for all this sh!t!!!

Progressivism has had its day in the sun............a pretty good run for about 100 years, I will admit. But the days of building these enormous bureaucracies are fast coming to an end...........because we cant pay for this sh!t anymore.:lol:

past performance is a good predictor of future performance. I have said NOTHING about any THEORY of societal utopia. I merely point out the FACT that progressive liberalism has won battle after battle after battle for well over a hundred years... conservatives have fought hard at every turn, but eventually, have lost every single battle...and as they have done so, those things that were considered far to the left when they were first proposed by liberals, are now at the center of the stream. You have lost so much of the center ground to liberalism, you are actually unaware of it. I remember a classic sign held up at a town hall meeting by one of the double digit IQ teabaggers...it read, "Keep your socialist hands off my medicare" ROFLMFAO. You can sit here on an internet message board and pronounce that progressivism has had its day in the sun, but, as I have said before, that's all talk and no action. THe day that conservatism actually repeals social security or medicare or medicaid or minimum wage or worker's comp or child labor laws or environmental protection, or any of the other major victories of progressive liberalism, then, and only then, will I consider ANY of your silly baseless predictions as anything other than baseless blathering and the source of a good chuckle. OK?

The fact that you can't get anything done with your complete domination of the federal government right now shows that shit is about to be undone in a major way.
we chose to live in a society. We chose to pool our resources for the purposes of protecting ourselves, and providing basic services to ourselves, and to educate ourselves and our children. Those of us who consider ourselves to be members of the religious left, know that Jesus told us that whatever we do to the least of those among us, we do to Him. For me, my liberalism is a natural outgrowth of those attitudes. I want to live in a society where we care about our neighbors and we try to give all of them a hand up.

I wish to live in a society where we are free to make those choices instead of it being mandated onto people which is a violation of their freedom. In this scenario you are still free to care about your neighbors based on your Christian teachings but what about those who don't go to church or don't care. Should they not have the right to pursue their own happiness as stated in the declaration of independence?
Funny, but the left is always goin on about the right trying to impose morality on everybody, but, let's be honest, who are they really talking about? Falwell, Roberts, Robertson, etc. are not political figures. Sure, they preach, but I don't listen to them and as such they are not a factor in my life. The left on the other hand is entrenched in my life through political means and is daily telling me what to think, what to say, what to eat, what not to eat, what to say, what not to say, what car to drive, what car not to drive... the list goes on. This is why we strive to push them out every chance we get.. time to stop their imposition of their twisted morality on the rest of us.

Exactly my thoughts as well. They preach compassion for the poor but can't seem to do it without the political process itself which becomes a violation of my freedom. I have never stopped anyone from helping the poor because I acknowledge it is a part of their freedom to do so but those same people have to acknowledge that it is my freedom to not help the poor for the same reason I acknowledge theirs. Freedom is the right of two people to go in separate directions in their lives. Its not one person making another go in their direction.
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I don't know other than the fact that a lot of conservatives go to church but what does that have to do with their political identity? .

Do you needs the dots joined for ya?

Yes try to connect what does my choice to go to church or attend any other religious function have to do with the political process itself? I know you probably think you are smart and are going to come up with something pretty stupid but you will still not be able to show the link between someone believing in certain legislation and some guy saying "Hay honey, lets go to church this Sunday."
it must suck to realize that, as a conservative, all you will EVER be able to do is mount a temporary delaying action. The march of progressive liberalism in America (and in the world, for that matter) has been pretty much unabated. women's sffrage. child labor laws. workplace safety. the labor movement. social security. civil rights. voting rights. environmental protection. minimum wage. medicare. gay rights. and on and on we go. All you can really ever do is slow us down.... you'll never stop us.

c'est la vie, muthafucka:razz:


then come November...........the k00ks should mop up in the elections!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

you purposely miss the point. Liberals are not measuring success in election cycles, but in decades and centuries. The list of accomplishments I laid out were ALL opposed by conservatives and they were ALL enacted and will never be repealed. You may win an election, but history has shown that, even when conservatives are in control of all three branches of government, they are incapable of dismantling what has been put in place by progressive liberalism. Like I said, all you can do is stall and delay in the short term... the sweep of history in this nation shows the continuing triumph of progressive liberalism against conservatism... that's just fact.

That comes out of Rosseiu and the Hegallians philosophers of germany.
You nailed it!

But it nothing new...human nature is the one constant throughout history...

"Republicans care more about property, Democrats care more about people"
Ted Sorensen - President Kennedy's Special Counsel & Adviser, and primary speechwriter

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

If God created trees, shouldn't liberals be the ones calling conservative Christians 'tree huggers'???

No one has ever stopped you about caring about other people. No one has interfered with your freedom to care but it seems like the left are interested in restricting someone else freedom to not care.

I'm sure you didn't intend to prove right wingers are scum...but you just DID...

You unwittingly confirmed what had been apparent with every post from a right winger on this board and with every step the Republican party has taken over the past 30 years and in particular, since Barack Obama took office.

YES...you DO have the right to not care about the people of America...and so does your brethren... al Qaeda.

Just be honest and call yourselves what you are...terrorists

I don't understand why the left can't understand the concept that freedom enables choices that we can make over our own lives. My freedom to not care is the same as my freedom to care because its really the freedom to make a choice about that issue that should be preserved. You are free to make any moral judgements about others you want and I am equally free to make my moral judgments about you as well. Whatever judgement we make about each other really is between us and our own conscience.
we chose to live in a society. We chose to pool our resources for the purposes of protecting ourselves, and providing basic services to ourselves, and to educate ourselves and our children. Those of us who consider ourselves to be members of the religious left, know that Jesus told us that whatever we do to the least of those among us, we do to Him. For me, my liberalism is a natural outgrowth of those attitudes. I want to live in a society where we care about our neighbors and we try to give all of them a hand up.

I wish to live in a society where we are free to make those choices instead of it being mandated onto people which is a violation of their freedom. In this scenario you are still free to care about your neighbors based on your Christian teachings but what about those who don't go to church or don't care. Should they not have the right to pursue their own happiness as stated in the declaration of independence?

sure... and they can protect themselves independently from fires and from crime...and they can provide electrical power and water and sewage services and trash collection independently as well. When people chose to come in from the wilderness and band together in communities, they realized that, for the community to survive, they needed to care for one another. IF you don't like living in a society that does that, you can move somewhere where there is NOT society.

then come November...........the k00ks should mop up in the elections!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

you purposely miss the point. Liberals are not measuring success in election cycles, but in decades and centuries. The list of accomplishments I laid out were ALL opposed by conservatives and they were ALL enacted and will never be repealed. You may win an election, but history has shown that, even when conservatives are in control of all three branches of government, they are incapable of dismantling what has been put in place by progressive liberalism. Like I said, all you can do is stall and delay in the short term... the sweep of history in this nation shows the continuing triumph of progressive liberalism against conservatism... that's just fact.

That comes out of Rosseiu and the Hegallians philosophers of germany.

I am not suggesting any dialectic process is in play here. I merely state the obvious fact that society has moved in a liberal progressive direction despite the efforts of conservatives to change its direction. YOu cannot honestly deny that, can you?
you purposely miss the point. Liberals are not measuring success in election cycles, but in decades and centuries. The list of accomplishments I laid out were ALL opposed by conservatives and they were ALL enacted and will never be repealed. You may win an election, but history has shown that, even when conservatives are in control of all three branches of government, they are incapable of dismantling what has been put in place by progressive liberalism. Like I said, all you can do is stall and delay in the short term... the sweep of history in this nation shows the continuing triumph of progressive liberalism against conservatism... that's just fact.

That comes out of Rosseiu and the Hegallians philosophers of germany.

I am not suggesting any dialectic process is in play here. I merely state the obvious fact that society has moved in a liberal progressive direction despite the efforts of conservatives to change its direction. YOu cannot honestly deny that, can you?

Of course society changes but the mechanism that makes that happen is what I disspute. Progressives like to implement change at the political level which is why their mantra for the last hundred years has been 'change' while liberals prefer change on the individual level. This kind of change happens because of the person's own choice over their own life which is independent of others and the change in politics.
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we chose to live in a society. We chose to pool our resources for the purposes of protecting ourselves, and providing basic services to ourselves, and to educate ourselves and our children. Those of us who consider ourselves to be members of the religious left, know that Jesus told us that whatever we do to the least of those among us, we do to Him. For me, my liberalism is a natural outgrowth of those attitudes. I want to live in a society where we care about our neighbors and we try to give all of them a hand up.

I wish to live in a society where we are free to make those choices instead of it being mandated onto people which is a violation of their freedom. In this scenario you are still free to care about your neighbors based on your Christian teachings but what about those who don't go to church or don't care. Should they not have the right to pursue their own happiness as stated in the declaration of independence?

sure... and they can protect themselves independently from fires and from crime...and they can provide electrical power and water and sewage services and trash collection independently as well. When people chose to come in from the wilderness and band together in communities, they realized that, for the community to survive, they needed to care for one another. IF you don't like living in a society that does that, you can move somewhere where there is NOT society.

What you are talking about is a tribe and they do band together for that reason but modern societies can't function like that because they are not composed of three hundred people who have to work together to take down a wooly mammoth to feed them collectively. They bind together for their mutual independent needs that can be provided by other unrelated members of that society. A ditch digger needs money so his need for that is supplied by someone who needs a ditch dug. These two work together without having the tribal impulse to bond with each other for their economic needs.

The days of the tribe are gone but if you wish to live like that then strip down to your underwear with your fellow 'liberals' and camp somewhere.
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What you are talking about is a tribe and they do band together for that reason but modern societies can't function like that because they are not composed of three hundred people who have to work together to take down a wooly mammoth to feed them collectively. They bind together for their mutual independent needs that can be provided by other unrelated members of that society. A ditch digger needs money so his need for that is supplied by someone who needs a ditch dug. These two work together without having the tribal impulse to bond with each other for their economic needs.

The days of the tribe are gone but if you wish to live like that then strip down to your underwear with your fellow 'liberals' and camp somewhere.

Oh, you are sadly misinformed there. We have only escaped from tribal dependence since the discovery of hydrocarbon energy. As that wanes, you won't be able to hide behind your gated community any longer. As municipalities continue to break down, we will all be forced into regional cohesiveness. ... You will have to come out and actually interact with different people in order to survive. Sorry. ...

There goes your "freedom to not care" without ever having to be enforced. :rolleyes:
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