When it's Over You'll Have Nothing That you Want

Sorry, POGO, I think you and they are dead wrong. If this were about ego Trump would have made a serious push 4 or 8 years ago when he was more on top of his game, younger and more vigorous and strong, with many years ahead of him.

He's toyed with it for thirty years -- have you not been paying attention? Over and over and over he's dropped any kind of hint that would bring him what he always wants, what all Narcissists want and what he always will want as long as he carries that mental illness, and that is Attention. That's the whole ball game. Always was, always will be.

One of those toyings was sixteen years ago when he -- now famously -- denounced David Duke in no uncertain terms as wanting nothing to do with his being associated with the "Reform Party". A denouncement he suddenly and conveniently "forgot" all about when he claimed this year to "know nothing about David Duke or white supremacists" --- because to denounce them would have cost him too much support.

Now he realizes he is in the twilight of his years of influence and all that ego thing has already run its course.

It's more that the field of competition was so weak that he figured he finally had a chance. He didn't figure he had a shot against O'bama or Romney or McCain or either of the Bushes or Kerry or Al Gore or Bill Clinton or even Bob Dole. This year's field was so weak --- Ted Cruz of all creatures, really? --- that he figured this was his shot to be a big fish in a small pond.

And no, the ego thing has hardly run its course, and you owe me a new keyboard.
Not with this sophomoric shit going on ----


If that along with everything else -- the incessant whining about anyone who stops short of worship, the never-ending braggadocio about how his whatever is the biggest, greatest, grandest in the world, the abject failure to ever acknowledge any kind of failure, mistake, bankruptcy or bad judgment -- doesn't SCREAM "NPD", you're in complete denial.

Now he wants to do something of greater value with the influence he still has. He wants to help America be great again, believe it or not.

I don't.. And if you do I have many bridges for sale, after which I shall tell you a secret about the tooth fairy.
Why would a complete narcissist who's spent every waking moment of his life stroking Numero Uno at the expense of everybody around him, suddenly pull a 180? And when does it start?

Gullible's Travels...

That is far easier to conceive than wanting to be more famous. Ridiculous.

Left untreated, NPD doesn't go away. In the presence of enablers it gets worse. And what he's been doing for the last year is recruiting enablers. BIGLY time.

What astounds me is how strong the power of denial is to enable the gullible to not see what cannot possibly be more obvious.

Well, maybe you could be right. But I still think I am. Everyone who runs for president has a giant ego, granted. But I think Trump was only serious this time around for reasons other than he wants to be adored and the man in charge. I think he is sick how this nation is being made a mockery of by corrupt D.C. politicians.

Romney was not popular, he could have overtaken him, but the times were not quite as insane as they are now and ripe for an uprising of the masses sick of D.C.

Finally, Trump in charge does not scare me near as much as Hillary. She is a total invalid mentally and physically and corrupt to the core, and will be a greater puppet than even Obama -- if that were even possible. Face it, if by some quirk she were the republican candidate with her past you would be ripping her to shreds. I, on the other hand, would still be ripping her to shreds as well. You are only giving her a pass because she is a democrat and you vote democrat and I vote anti-democrat. I kind of hope Hillary wins because this nation is in cataclysmic moral, economic and total decline. Whoever is in the White House is going to take the greatest blame. The inevitable tribulation is nearly upon us. Where is there the slightest sign for optimism.
Sorry, POGO, I think you and they are dead wrong. If this were about ego Trump would have made a serious push 4 or 8 years ago when he was more on top of his game, younger and more vigorous and strong, with many years ahead of him.

He's toyed with it for thirty years -- have you not been paying attention? Over and over and over he's dropped any kind of hint that would bring him what he always wants, what all Narcissists want and what he always will want as long as he carries that mental illness, and that is Attention. That's the whole ball game. Always was, always will be.

One of those toyings was sixteen years ago when he -- now famously -- denounced David Duke in no uncertain terms as wanting nothing to do with his being associated with the "Reform Party". A denouncement he suddenly and conveniently "forgot" all about when he claimed this year to "know nothing about David Duke or white supremacists" --- because to denounce them would have cost him too much support.

Now he realizes he is in the twilight of his years of influence and all that ego thing has already run its course.

It's more that the field of competition was so weak that he figured he finally had a chance. He didn't figure he had a shot against O'bama or Romney or McCain or either of the Bushes or Kerry or Al Gore or Bill Clinton or even Bob Dole. This year's field was so weak --- Ted Cruz of all creatures, really? --- that he figured this was his shot to be a big fish in a small pond.

And no, the ego thing has hardly run its course, and you owe me a new keyboard.
Not with this sophomoric shit going on ----


If that along with everything else -- the incessant whining about anyone who stops short of worship, the never-ending braggadocio about how his whatever is the biggest, greatest, grandest in the world, the abject failure to ever acknowledge any kind of failure, mistake, bankruptcy or bad judgment -- doesn't SCREAM "NPD", you're in complete denial.

Now he wants to do something of greater value with the influence he still has. He wants to help America be great again, believe it or not.

I don't.. And if you do I have many bridges for sale, after which I shall tell you a secret about the tooth fairy.
Why would a complete narcissist who's spent every waking moment of his life stroking Numero Uno at the expense of everybody around him, suddenly pull a 180? And when does it start?

Gullible's Travels...

That is far easier to conceive than wanting to be more famous. Ridiculous.

Left untreated, NPD doesn't go away. In the presence of enablers it gets worse. And what he's been doing for the last year is recruiting enablers. BIGLY time.

What astounds me is how strong the power of denial is to enable the gullible to not see what cannot possibly be more obvious.

Well, maybe you could be right. But I still think I am. Everyone who runs for president has a giant ego, granted. But I think Trump was only serious this time around for reasons other than he wants to be adored and the man in charge. I think he is sick how this nation is being made a mockery of by corrupt D.C. politicians.

Romney was not popular, he could have overtaken him, but the times were not quite as insane as they are now and ripe for an uprising of the masses sick of D.C.

Finally, Trump in charge does not scare me near as much as Hillary. She is a total invalid mentally and physically and corrupt to the core, and will be a greater puppet than even Obama -- if that were even possible. Face it, if by some quirk she were the republican candidate with her past you would be ripping her to shreds. I, on the other hand, would still be ripping her to shreds as well. You are only giving her a pass because she is a democrat and you vote democrat and I vote anti-democrat. I kind of hope Hillary wins because this nation is in cataclysmic moral, economic and total decline. Whoever is in the White House is going to take the greatest blame. The inevitable tribulation is nearly upon us. Where is there the slightest sign for optimism.

I've never disclosed much about how I vote, other than third parties, and I don't belong to one. Nor have I posted about Hillary. I just don't find her interesting or unusual. Rump, on the other hand, is the polar opposite, and I've posted on him by the bushel. The vast majority of it being about psychology, not politics --- since he clearly doesn't have any.

As far as idle speculations about "what I would be posting about if she were the Republican" --- it's just that. $2.75 and your speculation fallacy MAY get you a cup of overpriced coffee at Starbucks. It wouldn't make her any more interesting.

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