When Martial law does not happen?

What happens when NO Martial Law is declared?

  • The Troofers will admit they were wrong.

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When Martial law does not happen?

Will Terral admit he was full of shit? Will Eots admit he was also full of shit? Will any of the troofers admit they were wrong?

Had one of the choices been...

"eots will begin posting large numbers of You Tube videos"

...I would have chosen it.

But, instead I voted for

"The Troofers will claim it is just around the corner."

My reasoning is as follows:

The Troofers will admit they were wrong

- They have never admitted that they were wrong thus far...why would they start now.

The Troofers will claim they Prevented it by alerting us

- I get the sense that they by into the notion that whatever force is acting to cause all of these dastardly events, that it cannot be prevented. It will continue unabated ad infinitum until the entire human civilization is destroyed.

The Troofers will pretend they said it MIGHT happen

- This would be equivalent to admitting that they were wrong. They are convinced that everything that they say and think, is true, and WILL eventually come true.


certainly with enough awareness and diligence we belive we can have a effect..that is the whole point of defending the constitution...it was not long ago that main stream found troofer talk of restricted free speech. NSA spying...centralized media control ..globalization..NAFTA..the FED..the CFR.. impending economic crash.. Gun control ..etc... etc..as tinfoil hat territory.. this is no longer the case...of course we can make them think twice...this is war ...the Info-wars

Information warfare

Information Operations (Info Ops) is an evolving discipline within the military. It has emerged from earlier concepts such as "Command & Control Warfare" and "Information Warfare" - mainly US-dominated, originating in the 1990s and considering lessons learned from the Gulf War(s), phenomena like the so-called "CNN Effect" and enormous advances in Information Technology.

Information warfare is the use and management of information in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent. Information warfare may involve collection of tactical information, assurance(s) that one's own information is valid, spreading of propaganda or disinformation to demoralize the enemy and the public, undermining the quality of opposing force information and denial of information-collection opportunities to opposing forces.

Information warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The midgets are just waiting for martial law to be declared.
here is their commander after being told it was happening:

YouTube - laughing German Midget

he was laughing so hard he couldn't get it out, but he wanted to say "Bring it on'
just horrifying.......

are you saying eots is a mental midget?

Of course not. :eusa_shhh:
I am convinced the real threat is from these evil midgets. I am certain, based on irrefutable independent evidence, that the midgets are responsible for all of our problems that will lead up to martial law. It's part of their evil little plan.
see my other, more important thread, entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for important irrefutable independent information.
The midgets are just waiting for martial law to be declared.
here is their commander after being told it was happening:

YouTube - laughing German Midget

he was laughing so hard he couldn't get it out, but he wanted to say "Bring it on'
just horrifying.......

are you saying eots is a mental midget?

Of course not. :eusa_shhh:
I am convinced the real threat is from these evil midgets. I am certain, based on irrefutable independent evidence, that the midgets are responsible for all of our problems that will lead up to martial law. It's part of their evil little plan.
see my other, more important thread, entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for important irrefutable independent information.

Who are these "evil little midgets"?
are you saying eots is a mental midget?

Of course not. :eusa_shhh:
I am convinced the real threat is from these evil midgets. I am certain, based on irrefutable independent evidence, that the midgets are responsible for all of our problems that will lead up to martial law. It's part of their evil little plan.
see my other, more important thread, entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for important irrefutable independent information.

Who are these "evil little midgets"?

See my forum entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for links to irrefutable and important information.
Here is a recently released video of a midget spy disguising himself as a cute little entertainer.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGGJpT_XHN8&feature=PlayList&p=1DAE6B6983F94C79&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2]YouTube - Midget Dancing in Subway[/ame]

Beware the evil midgets, their time is nigh.........
are you saying eots is a mental midget?

Of course not. :eusa_shhh:
I am convinced the real threat is from these evil midgets. I am certain, based on irrefutable independent evidence, that the midgets are responsible for all of our problems that will lead up to martial law. It's part of their evil little plan.
see my other, more important thread, entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for important irrefutable independent information.

Who are these "evil little midgets"?

you two want to see midgets all you have to do is go look in the mirror
Of course not. :eusa_shhh:
I am convinced the real threat is from these evil midgets. I am certain, based on irrefutable independent evidence, that the midgets are responsible for all of our problems that will lead up to martial law. It's part of their evil little plan.
see my other, more important thread, entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for important irrefutable independent information.

Who are these "evil little midgets"?

See my forum entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for links to irrefutable and important information.
Here is a recently released video of a midget spy disguising himself as a cute little entertainer.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGGJpT_XHN8&feature=PlayList&p=1DAE6B6983F94C79&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2]YouTube - Midget Dancing in Subway[/ame]

Beware the evil midgets, their time is nigh.........

hey fuckface if you and Elvis want to go play with yourselves and the midgets ..why don't you go do so and leave the adult discussions to the adults...you are complete idiots .with nothing to offer...it is not humor ..it is your defense against having to recognizing you do not posses the intellect to participate in such discussions
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Nope, sorry, i looked and I should be afraid because i am a full sized human. All of us full size people should be very worried about these evil midgets, who are not human by the way.
Even you EOTS, oh I so do not want you suffer at the their little hands.
Wake up EOTS, the time for action is now. Soon it will be too late and we will all be speaking Lilipution.
Who are these "evil little midgets"?

See my forum entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for links to irrefutable and important information.
Here is a recently released video of a midget spy disguising himself as a cute little entertainer.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGGJpT_XHN8&feature=PlayList&p=1DAE6B6983F94C79&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2]YouTube - Midget Dancing in Subway[/ame]

Beware the evil midgets, their time is nigh.........

hey fuckface if you and Elvis want to go play with yourselves and the midgets ..why don't you go do so and leave the adult discussions to the adults...you are complete idiots .in nothing to offer...it is not humor ..it is your defense against having to recognizing you do not posses the intellect to participate with such discussions

Nope! It is a legitimate effort to show just how silly ALL of these conspiracy theories are.
he United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has just announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises. The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. Although the description of More..the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory.
LiveLeak.com - NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise

During Hurricane Katrina, authorities violated the constitutional rights of citizens by stealing people?s firearms and even relocating people against their will. These announcements are incredibly disturbing on a number of levels as the nature of Vigilant Shield 08 and the admission that Hurricane Katrina was used as a test laboratory shows that the government is actively preparing the military and government institutions for martial law.

This exercise is clearly a way to prepare government to respond to a national crisis with martial law. This announcement also follows a number of other news stories that indicate the government is becoming more actively prepared for the implementation of martial law.

Here is a link to the full press release from USNORTHCOM describing Vigilant Shield 08.
U.S. Northern Command News Less..
"during Hurricane Katrina, authorities violated the constitutional rights of citizens by stealing people?s firearms and even relocating people against their will"

You do know that these were not the human authorities, right.
Yep, you guessed it, recent evidence has determined that these actions were taken by members of the evil midget militia....
See my forum entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for links to irrefutable and important information.
Here is a recently released video of a midget spy disguising himself as a cute little entertainer.

YouTube - Midget Dancing in Subway

Beware the evil midgets, their time is nigh.........

hey fuckface if you and Elvis want to go play with yourselves and the midgets ..why don't you go do so and leave the adult discussions to the adults...you are complete idiots .in nothing to offer...it is not humor ..it is your defense against having to recognizing you do not posses the intellect to participate with such discussions

Nope! It is a legitimate effort to show just how silly ALL of these conspiracy theories are.

so share with me your knowledge on north-com...and show me the pdf government files on your shit..you pathetic fool ..you don't deserve the liberty's patriots have fought and died for..if you wonder how it could ever happen all you have to do is look in the mirror

he United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has just announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises. The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. Although the description of More..the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory.

During Hurricane Katrina, authorities violated the constitutional rights of citizens by stealing people?s firearms and even relocating people against their will. These announcements are incredibly disturbing on a number of levels as the nature of Vigilant Shield 08 and the admission that Hurricane Katrina was used as a test laboratory shows that the government is actively preparing the military and government institutions for martial law.

This exercise is clearly a way to prepare government to respond to a national crisis with martial law. This announcement also follows a number of other news stories that indicate the government is becoming more actively prepared for the implementation of martial law.

Here is a link to the full press release from USNORTHCOM describing Vigilant Shield 08.

http://www.northcom.mil/News/2007/083007.html Less..
hey fuckface if you and Elvis want to go play with yourselves and the midgets ..why don't you go do so and leave the adult discussions to the adults...you are complete idiots .in nothing to offer...it is not humor ..it is your defense against having to recognizing you do not posses the intellect to participate with such discussions

Nope! It is a legitimate effort to show just how silly ALL of these conspiracy theories are.

so share with me your knowledge on north-com...and show me the pdf government files on your shit..you pathetic fool ..you don't deserve the liberty's patriots have fought and died for..if you wonder how it could ever happen all you have to do is look in the mirror

he United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has just announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises. The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. Although the description of More..the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory.

During Hurricane Katrina, authorities violated the constitutional rights of citizens by stealing people?s firearms and even relocating people against their will. These announcements are incredibly disturbing on a number of levels as the nature of Vigilant Shield 08 and the admission that Hurricane Katrina was used as a test laboratory shows that the government is actively preparing the military and government institutions for martial law.

This exercise is clearly a way to prepare government to respond to a national crisis with martial law. This announcement also follows a number of other news stories that indicate the government is becoming more actively prepared for the implementation of martial law.

Here is a link to the full press release from USNORTHCOM describing Vigilant Shield 08.

LiveLeak.com - NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise
U.S. Northern Command News Less..

Oh I am so crushed to be insulted by a know nut-job.I will require at least a dollar's worth of therapy.
I still don't want the evil midgets to get you though, unless you are one......
The Midgets are the result of the evolution of the common big toe (circa 3,000,000 B.C.E.). After years of being stepped on, the earliest midgets detached from their hosts and went into the wild. These "toes" were to remain hidden for the next million years. Some went wild 'to the max', and these midgets are now referred to as Feral Midgets. Please note that while they're small & annoying like midgets, Ewoks are more closely related to Oompah Loompahs.
There are lots of different species ov midgets and one of them is called the stupid stui midget. This species is very rare and can only be found in your pants sucking your dick because he is gay. Yes, we love gays.

A typical midget:


  • $3011167752_0122c64c2a.jpg
    5 KB · Views: 109
Who are these "evil little midgets"?

See my forum entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for links to irrefutable and important information.
Here is a recently released video of a midget spy disguising himself as a cute little entertainer.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGGJpT_XHN8&feature=PlayList&p=1DAE6B6983F94C79&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=2]YouTube - Midget Dancing in Subway[/ame]

Beware the evil midgets, their time is nigh.........

hey fuckface if you and Elvis want to go play with yourselves and the midgets ..why don't you go do so and leave the adult discussions to the adults...you are complete idiots .with nothing to offer...it is not humor ..it is your defense against having to recognizing you do not posses the intellect to participate in such discussions

and why am I being exposed to this namecalling? all i did was ask him who the midgets were and if he was calling you a mental midget. I would call you many things, but not a mental midget.
Nope! It is a legitimate effort to show just how silly ALL of these conspiracy theories are.

so share with me your knowledge on north-com...and show me the pdf government files on your shit..you pathetic fool ..you don't deserve the liberty's patriots have fought and died for..if you wonder how it could ever happen all you have to do is look in the mirror

he United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has just announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises. The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. Although the description of More..the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory.

During Hurricane Katrina, authorities violated the constitutional rights of citizens by stealing people?s firearms and even relocating people against their will. These announcements are incredibly disturbing on a number of levels as the nature of Vigilant Shield 08 and the admission that Hurricane Katrina was used as a test laboratory shows that the government is actively preparing the military and government institutions for martial law.

This exercise is clearly a way to prepare government to respond to a national crisis with martial law. This announcement also follows a number of other news stories that indicate the government is becoming more actively prepared for the implementation of martial law.

Here is a link to the full press release from USNORTHCOM describing Vigilant Shield 08.

LiveLeak.com - NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise
U.S. Northern Command News Less..

Oh I am so crushed to be insulted by a know nut-job.I will require at least a dollar's worth of therapy.
I still don't want the evil midgets to get you though, unless you are one......

TRANSLATION..you are correct eots all I have is inane comments..I have no clue of what I speak and I am not a very bright person
See my forum entitled "Prepare for your midget masters" for links to irrefutable and important information.
Here is a recently released video of a midget spy disguising himself as a cute little entertainer.

YouTube - Midget Dancing in Subway

Beware the evil midgets, their time is nigh.........

hey fuckface if you and Elvis want to go play with yourselves and the midgets ..why don't you go do so and leave the adult discussions to the adults...you are complete idiots .with nothing to offer...it is not humor ..it is your defense against having to recognizing you do not posses the intellect to participate in such discussions

and why am I being exposed to this namecalling? all i did was ask him who the midgets were and if he was calling you a mental midget. I would call you many things, but not a mental midget.

I wii take that as a compliment E
Nope, sorry, i looked and I should be afraid because i am a full sized human. All of us full size people should be very worried about these evil midgets, who are not human by the way.
Even you EOTS, oh I so do not want you suffer at the their little hands.
Wake up EOTS, the time for action is now. Soon it will be too late and we will all be speaking Lilipution.

There is only one thing that can stop the evil midgets worn by this man, who is well prepared for a midget assault.

Nope, sorry, i looked and I should be afraid because i am a full sized human. All of us full size people should be very worried about these evil midgets, who are not human by the way.
Even you EOTS, oh I so do not want you suffer at the their little hands.
Wake up EOTS, the time for action is now. Soon it will be too late and we will all be speaking Lilipution.

There is only one thing that can stop the evil midgets worn by this man, who is well prepared for a midget assault.


so Einstein I am still waitng for your admission that no diagnostic test exsist for ADHD and that it is no more than subjective observations..essentially a fraud...but I'm sure you would rather discuss midgets with simple Simon
so Einstein I am still waitng for your admission that no diagnostic test exsist for ADHD and that it is no more than subjective observations


well thats quite the squirm..its a thread about martial law but you want to inject midgets into it..now you all concerned with maintaining the integrity of the thread

her iwll help you out...

off topic..TRANSLATION..you are correct eots I was being deceitful in my claims of a diagnostic test..once again eots...you are indeed correct...

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