When Our Government Allowed to Raid an Attorney’s Office

So they did everything legally and by the book. You just don't like why.
No, fucking dumbass. Quit assuming I give a fuck about Trump or Cohen.

I want to make sure FEDERAL FUCKING JUDGES are not letting government have any fucking search warrant they want without making sure they a good reason. I want FEDERAL FUCKING JUDGES to protect ME from this powerful, rights-smashing beast we allow to exist.
They do not owe us a damn thing, just to the guy that had it happen to him.

If they do the same to you then you are owed a reason why, but I am not owned one if they do it to you. It is none of my damn business.
You are no libertarian.

So, they can fuck over everybody's rights as long as they keep it a secret from everyone else.

Keep us all ignorant.
The suspect of nothing. Mueller is hoping that something will turn up in his illegal raid. Or if nothing turns up, maybe something that he can make into a crime with a bit of tweaking here and there.

You need the same standard to get a search warrant, as you do to get a civil court conviction.
The suspect of nothing. Mueller is hoping that something will turn up in his illegal raid. Or if nothing turns up, maybe something that he can make into a crime with a bit of tweaking here and there.

You need the same standard to get a search warrant, as you do to get a civil court conviction.
the civil courts will be busy after this mueller invasion of privacy is done.
The only allegations of a substantive crime is against the Russians and a dutch lawyer who aren't here, never were here and never gonna be here. .

What about the multiple count indictments, and superseded indictments against Manafort, Gates, and Flynn? Manafort alone is facing two sets of indictments in two different jurisdictions.
about what?

Now throw in the criminal convictions of Gates, Flynn an unnamed american hacker and George Papadapolous.
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

It’s kind of correct. Muller ain’t a special counsel. The lack of any crimes since he started this is proof. Na, Muller is nothing but a thug incharge of a goon squad. Look at his team, no one there has any type of stepper career. They were picked because they play dirty. They can convict or impeach Trump, so they will assassinate his charactor and make it impossible to repeal the half-negro and chiefs agenda.
LOL Yes, Mueller's specialty is putting mobsters in jail. A perfect pick for taking care of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. LOL
The only allegations of a substantive crime is against the Russians and a dutch lawyer who aren't here, never were here and never gonna be here. .

What about the multiple count indictments, and superseded indictments against Manafort, Gates, and Flynn? Manafort alone is facing two sets of indictments in two different jurisdictions.
about what?

Now throw in the criminal convictions of Gates, Flynn an unnamed american hacker and George Papadapolous.
yeah again for what? lying to the fbi, which the fbi guy said he didn't actually do, and nether did gates. Now go after McCabb cause he lied to the fbi. just released. why can't you jamokes stay fking consistent with anything you touch?
When Our Government-Authorized Thugs Break Into An Aattorney's Office to Impound Confidential Files in an On going Politically-Motivated Investigation
Then I’m sorry to say that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
must be declared
What more can possibly be done to damage this country?

It’s kind of correct. Muller ain’t a special counsel. The lack of any crimes since he started this is proof. Na, Muller is nothing but a thug incharge of a goon squad. Look at his team, no one there has any type of stepper career. They were picked because they play dirty. They can convict or impeach Trump, so they will assassinate his charactor and make it impossible to repeal the half-negro and chiefs agenda.
LOL Yes, Mueller's specialty is putting mobsters in jail. A perfect pick for taking care of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. LOL
who is that exactly?
I want to make sure FEDERAL FUCKING JUDGES are not letting government have any fucking search warrant they want without making sure they a good reason. I want FEDERAL FUCKING JUDGES to protect ME from this powerful, rights-smashing beast we allow to exist.

Then you should have voted democratic. Republicans are the one's who appointed "law and order" judges that lowered the bar for search warrants. Remember when Bush got wiretaps without search warrants, and then the republican congress made it retroactively legal.
yeah again for what? lying to the fbi, which the fbi guy said he didn't actually do, and nether did gates. Now go after McCabb cause he lied to the fbi. just released. why can't you jamokes stay fking consistent with anything you touch?

It was a plea deal, plea to a single count of the lowest crime they were charged with. They could have thrown the book at them. Look at Gates vs Manafort. One faces 50 years, the other is looking at probation to 6 months.
Then you should have voted democratic. Republicans are the one's who appointed "law and order" judges that lowered the bar for search warrants. Remember when Bush got wiretaps without search warrants, and then the republican congress made it retroactively legal.
I am not here defending the GOP appointees, but Democrat appointees are the worst offenders. Neither side of the UniParty gives a fuck about preserving individual liberty.
Denny Hastert committed fraud which violated the Patriot Act when he paid hush money to the guy he molested when his victim was a kid. What's really funny about that is Hastert is the one who passed the Patriot Act. :lol:

Looks like Cohen may have just been caught doing the same crime when he paid hush money to the porn star Trump fucked.
That appears correct. The feds are looking to negative stories the Trump camp tried to suppress, including Access Hollywood. Unless the money was somehow illegally obtained I don't see how there'd be a crime.
yeah again for what? lying to the fbi, which the fbi guy said he didn't actually do, and nether did gates. Now go after McCabb cause he lied to the fbi. just released. why can't you jamokes stay fking consistent with anything you touch?

It was a plea deal, plea to a single count of the lowest crime they were charged with. They could have thrown the book at them. Look at Gates vs Manafort. One faces 50 years, the other is looking at probation to 6 months.
again, so what? has no relevance to the investigation at all. collateral damage.
the civil courts will be busy after this mueller invasion of privacy is done.
The only way to prevent abuse of power is painful consequences for the abusers and loss of government power.

Then you picked the wrong side. Republicans in the name of "law and order" have made getting search warrants easier, and lowered the bar on the exclusionary rule.
It was a plea deal, plea to a single count of the lowest crime they were charged with. They could have thrown the book at them. Look at Gates vs Manafort. One faces 50 years, the other is looking at probation to 6 months.
again, so what? has no relevance to the investigation at all. collateral damage.

Gates and Manafort were charged in the same indictment. Gates took a plea deal, Manafort is fighting it.
I wouldn't put it past certain cities in CA to violate homeowners's property rights.
Thte USSC already upheld states rights of condemnation for economic purposes, and not just for public use.

Indeed. And that could be used as a pretext for forcing homeowners to house the homeless. It won't be so blatant at first. Homeowners will be paid - but the payments will cease and the homeless will be entrenched on private property.
Because it takes two separate branches of government to issue a warrant.
But it only takes one party within those two branches to Uganda-fuck somebody's rights.

A search and seizure was done in one of the most sensitive areas imaginable. We THE PEOPLE deserve to know why it was reasonable and justified.

I would be willing to bet that fucking District Judge/Magistrate just signed off on it without a thorough inquiry. If so, it's his ass.
No, you the people aren't entitled to know, at least until a crime is charged, and if none is charged, you don't get to know. That way even Cohen is granted some privacy. If no crime is charged, then Cohen is not punished. And don't tell his reputation suffers, because his reputation is a slimeball shady lawyer who bullies people without resources.
Denny Hastert committed fraud which violated the Patriot Act when he paid hush money to the guy he molested when his victim was a kid. What's really funny about that is Hastert is the one who passed the Patriot Act. :lol:

Looks like Cohen may have just been caught doing the same crime when he paid hush money to the porn star Trump fucked.
That appears correct. The feds are looking to negative stories the Trump camp tried to suppress, including Access Hollywood. Unless the money was somehow illegally obtained I don't see how there'd be a crime.

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