When President Obama wins re-election, how will right-wingers react?

Do you want to know how Republicans will react if President Obama wins re-election?

First, they'll be saying, "Damn, it's amazing how stupid people really are".

Then, they will move forward and prepare for the hardships to come. Now, if it so happens that Democrats keep the Senate and take back the House, you will see all those Republicans sell their small business and retire to the Bahamas leaving the fools to fend for themselves.

Once that happens and unemployment jumps up to a level that has never been seen before, the left will turn on their own leaders, leading to chaos and destruction.

That's when the Republicans will ride in and return this country to its original glory, to a time before Wilson and FDR.

Unless some giant scanal happens I don't think you sould keep your fingers crossed for Democrats to take back the House.
Hopefully they all just mope and wait for the next election cycle.

That's the ideal situation.

Worse things could happen, but I hope not.
Will they accept the "Constitutional" will of the people, or will there be riots and violence? President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable, as was further confirmed by Joe Scarborough on Wednesday:

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

by James Crugnale

“Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win,” Scarborough said candidly. “Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home.”

“The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,” Scarborough continued. “They won’t say it on TV because they’ve got to go on TV and they don’t want people writing them nasty emails. I obviously don’t care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election.”

This right winger will wager his next 24 mortgage payments on the 2014 mid terms/Capitol Hill overwhelmingly going to the GOP.
Hopefully they all just mope and wait for the next election cycle.

That's the ideal situation.

Worse things could happen, but I hope not.

That is typically what happens when conservatives do not get their way. We are adults, and act like adults. You OWS parasites, on the other hand, are like little children. You stomp around and throw tantrums when you don't get your way.
Will they accept the "Constitutional" will of the people, or will there be riots and violence? President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable, as was further confirmed by Joe Scarborough on Wednesday:

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

by James Crugnale

“Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win,” Scarborough said candidly. “Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home.”

“The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,” Scarborough continued. “They won’t say it on TV because they’ve got to go on TV and they don’t want people writing them nasty emails. I obviously don’t care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election.”

If it weren’t for the SCOTUS I could care less about this election. The economy will continue to falter and if Romney wins he will not get the grace period that Obama did or continues to enjoy from the media. Nor will the media turn their heads as the economy fails to improve like they did under Obama. Another Obama term, in my opinion, would be excellent for the long term health of our country when people see what true unrestrained liberalism/socialism can destroy.
I've seen enough in my lifetime of what liberalism can destroy. It destroys babies. It destroys integrity. It destroys incentive. It divides people into classes. And if you oppose it, it goes after you.

Enough. Obama is too high and mighty to pass a budget because he doesn't want the public inspecting his failure to live within one with what he has. He kicked several industries to the curb, excused nepotism in his party's two leaders who gave 100% taxpayer-backed green businesses to a son and to a brother-in-law. The press is giving all of them a free pass while it trips every conservative it can stick its foot in front of because it hates people who do the right thing. I have truly had enough.
I'm not a right winger, whatever the fuck that is, but I will be scared for this country. How will the left wingers feel when Obama lets them down yet again? I wondered how many felt disappointed when they didn't get gas put in their tank or their mortgages paid. Oh, well, at least they got free cell phones, illegals got a free pass and Obama has promised them much more.

You really are an idiot. Left wingers do not expect gas to be put in their tanks or to have their rent or mortgages paid. Most of us work for a living moron.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Will they accept the "Constitutional" will of the people, or will there be riots and violence? President Obama’s re-election seems inevitable, as was further confirmed by Joe Scarborough on Wednesday:

Joe Scarborough: Nobody Thinks Romney Is Going To Win | Mediaite

by James Crugnale

“Nobody thinks Romney’s going to win,” Scarborough said candidly. “Let’s just be honest. Can we just say this for everybody at home? Let me just say this for everybody at home.”

“The Republican establishment — I’ve yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year,” Scarborough continued. “They won’t say it on TV because they’ve got to go on TV and they don’t want people writing them nasty emails. I obviously don’t care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election.”

Same way we did in the past when things went wrong. We start planning for the future and strive to make things happen for the best when the next chance comes along.

It's only the idiot liberals who riot, steal and set fire to their own neighborhood when stuff happens. Then they'll whine because their mess wasn't fixed fast enough.
I've heard some say they will leave the country and go to Canada or Spain, as if those countries are conservatiive bastions.

More likely, if Obama wins and Repubs keep the House, more of the same gridlock.

Economic progress will be further sabotaged to set the stage for 2016.

This two party system doesn't work anymore.
I've heard some say they will leave the country and go to Canada or Spain, as if those countries are conservatiive bastions.

More likely, if Obama wins and Repubs keep the House, more of the same gridlock.

Economic progress will be further sabotaged to set the stage for 2016.

This two party system doesn't work anymore.

Holy crap, a moment of clarity and sanity for the thread, well done.

Neither party is going to have the votes to do things "its" way. Someone in DC is going to have to grow the fuck up and build consensus or we will keep sinking. All the narcissistic, absolutist partisan bullshit misses that point entirely.

Yeah! Those Democrats.....and especially Obama....need to grow up and offer to meet the GOP half way. Maybe Obama could offer Grover Norquist the Chief of Staff gig? And Rove would make a great Press Secretary!
I am a not a fan of false equivalencies.

I am a fan of accurately identifying the source of the gridlock and applying pressure in that direction.

I don't know if there's an answer in there, but that's fine. Let's try this: Let's say Obama wins, the House stays GOP, the Senate is 50/50. Please describe - and I'm talking real world here, not partisan rhetoric and attacks - how positive progress would be attained over the next four years, given the current political climate.


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