When racism isn’t a cause for shame


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
When racism isn’t a cause for shame

This is reported in a news article yesterday: "Today, July 30, 2013, the ultra-Orthodox website*BeHadrei Hadarim*reported*that David Lau, who began a ten-year term as the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel less than a week ago, castigated Jewish youth for watching sports broadcasts, since the players are just "*******". News site Maariv NRG*uploaded a YouTube video*that contained an audio file of Lau making the racist statements.as much as non-Jewish slave owners." And on July 29, 2013, Israeli daily*Yediot Ahronot reported*"the leader of HaBayit HaYehudi, Israel's Minister of Industry Trade and Labor and of Religious Affairs*Naftali Bennett said, "I've killed many Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that." Asked to clarify his statement, Bennett's spokesperson told 972 Magazine that he was speaking not of all Arabs, but of Arab militants who are captured -- in other words, prisoners of war." These two incidents illustrate the acceptance of racism in Israel in 2013. That is the face of Zionism on display by the Jewish State. Here is the link for this article: When racism isn't a cause for shame. Sherri
This article is a lie. He said "kushim', which translated to English means Black person .
When racism isn’t a cause for shame

This is reported in a news article yesterday: "Today, July 30, 2013, the ultra-Orthodox website*BeHadrei Hadarim*reported*that David Lau, who began a ten-year term as the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel less than a week ago, castigated Jewish youth for watching sports broadcasts, since the players are just "*******". News site Maariv NRG*uploaded a YouTube video*that contained an audio file of Lau making the racist statements.as much as non-Jewish slave owners." And on July 29, 2013, Israeli daily*Yediot Ahronot reported*"the leader of HaBayit HaYehudi, Israel's Minister of Industry Trade and Labor and of Religious Affairs*Naftali Bennett said, "I've killed many Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that." Asked to clarify his statement, Bennett's spokesperson told 972 Magazine that he was speaking not of all Arabs, but of Arab militants who are captured -- in other words, prisoners of war." These two incidents illustrate the acceptance of racism in Israel in 2013. That is the face of Zionism on display by the Jewish State. Here is the link for this article: When racism isn't a cause for shame. Sherri
An article from Mondoweiss? The only use for that is toilet paper.

Look, if you're trying to make Jews and Israelis look racist or bigoted, well, good luck.

Muslims and Palestinians to be specific when it comes to racism and bigotry? Goes without saying.
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Get over your Jewness already. Join the human race for fucking out loud.
Jewness...LOL what the heck does that mean? I've heard of JAPs (Jewish American Princess) which I've avoided all my life. Never heard of it being called Jewness though.
"Bennet, leader of the Jewish Home party, has called the proposed prisoner release a "disgrace" and said "terrorists should be eliminated, not freed." PA ministry: Palestinian prisoners are not terrorists | Maan News Agency. More Zionist expressions of racism. Seems like in Zionist Israel, Zionism and racism go together like a horse and carriage these days. Resisting Occupation by Arabs is all labelled Terrorism and destruction and annihilation is called for by racist Zionist Israelis. I do not desire to claim this is the feeling of all Israelis, which is a positive thing, there are Arab Israelis and still some Jewish Israelis (like those who write for 972 Magazine) who do not support such racism.
"Bennet, leader of the Jewish Home party, has called the proposed prisoner release a "disgrace" and said "terrorists should be eliminated, not freed." PA ministry: Palestinian prisoners are not terrorists | Maan News Agency. More Zionist expressions of racism. Seems like in Zionist Israel, Zionism and racism go together like a horse and carriage these days. Resisting Occupation by Arabs is all labelled Terrorism and destruction and annihilation is called for by racist Zionist Israelis. I do not desire to claim this is the feeling of all Israelis, which is a positive thing, there are Arab Israelis and still some Jewish Israelis (like those who write for 972 Magazine) who do not support such racism.

Bennet called it a "disgrace." You ought to have heard what I called it.
The white citizens and government of the former apartheid South Africa didn't think they were racists either.

And today the zionist citizens of Israel are equally blind to the overt apartheid and blatant racism of their fascist government. .. :cool:
The white citizens and government of the former apartheid South Africa didn't think they were racists either.

And today the zionist citizens of Israel are equally blind to the overt apartheid and blatant racism of their fascist government. .. :cool:

as expected----isa-respecting sherri endorsed the idiot post of
isa-respecting sunni. There is no evidence at all that south
african whites DENIED their racism----in fact they openly stated
and embraced their notion that position in society be determined
by the color of ones skin-------an idiot idea which they actually
admitted. By the same token---since the inception of isa-respecting
filth-----ie the past 1700 years----isa-respecting filth have OPENLY
stated in their laws and ethical discussions their support of their
genocidal racism which led them to murder HUNDREDS OF
MILLIONS in genocides over the past 1700 years.

have fun in your fellowship-----disgusting isa-respecting baby
murderers -----how many did your colleagues put down so far

The racist laws and customs of south africa-----were---very
simply----an aspect of isa respecting filth which both of you
EAGERLY embrace--------something like the infamous and disgusting
JUSTINIAN LAW and SHARIAH FILTH -----the fascist aspects of
Justinian law were embraced by only a few modern day pseudo
christians who were IN FACT ISA RESPECTERS----to wit people like
ADOLF ABU ALI-----but the stench of shariah permeates the perverted
socal systems of many lands devoted to the depravity of

How many christian kids went down in egypt this week?
"Bennet, leader of the Jewish Home party, has called the proposed prisoner release a "disgrace" and said "terrorists should be eliminated, not freed." PA ministry: Palestinian prisoners are not terrorists | Maan News Agency. More Zionist expressions of racism. Seems like in Zionist Israel, Zionism and racism go together like a horse and carriage these days. Resisting Occupation by Arabs is all labelled Terrorism and destruction and annihilation is called for by racist Zionist Israelis. I do not desire to claim this is the feeling of all Israelis, which is a positive thing, there are Arab Israelis and still some Jewish Israelis (like those who write for 972 Magazine) who do not support such racism.

Bennet called it a "disgrace." You ought to have heard what I called it.

Caroline----you are insulting the religious beliefs of isa-respecters----
especially their women who enjoy dancing on the dead bodies of
jewish infants with slit throats.
When racism isn’t a cause for shame

This is reported in a news article yesterday: "Today, July 30, 2013, the ultra-Orthodox website*BeHadrei Hadarim*reported*that David Lau, who began a ten-year term as the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel less than a week ago, castigated Jewish youth for watching sports broadcasts, since the players are just "*******". News site Maariv NRG*uploaded a YouTube video*that contained an audio file of Lau making the racist statements.as much as non-Jewish slave owners." And on July 29, 2013, Israeli daily*Yediot Ahronot reported*"the leader of HaBayit HaYehudi, Israel's Minister of Industry Trade and Labor and of Religious Affairs*Naftali Bennett said, "I've killed many Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that." Asked to clarify his statement, Bennett's spokesperson told 972 Magazine that he was speaking not of all Arabs, but of Arab militants who are captured -- in other words, prisoners of war." These two incidents illustrate the acceptance of racism in Israel in 2013. That is the face of Zionism on display by the Jewish State. Here is the link for this article:

When racism isn't a cause for shame. Sherri
An article from Mondoweiss? The only use for that is toilet paper.

Sherri's link did not work for me ANYONE? I am amazed that
Rabbi Lau issued a statement in english???-----I had no idea that
he knows english "******" is not a hebrew word----I have never
heard ANY israeli use it-------in fact I had to explain it to hubby

I am interested in knowing just what Bennett really said It seems
to me that according to sherri he said "I like to kill pows"

Sherri's post reveals the utter filth of the both the religion and
character of isa-respecters

Look, if you're trying to make Jews and Israelis look racist or bigoted, well, good luck.

Muslims and Palestinians to be specific when it comes to racism and bigotry? Goes without saying.
This article is a lie. He said "kushim', which translated to English means Black person .

OH----ok I kinda guessed that -----for those isa-respecters who
do not know-----the term "kushim" is not a negative-----it is
simply a term implying that the people so described are subsaharans
----More specifically from the land mass called "KUSH" and its
vicinity. Maybe the jerky rabbi lau was referring to american
basket ball. There are lots of orthodox rabbis who critisize
obsession with sports and the wasting of many hours simply
watching it-------as the one sister of many brothers -----who
survived a chidhood of ENDLESS WASTED TV HOURS-----
devoted to the goings on in the "YANKEE STADIUM" I agree.

I will admit that basketball is less dull than baseball

In arabic ---the term used to describe subsaharan people
is "ABED" -----ie "slave". In order to understand that usage--
it is important to know that arabs have ---for MANY THOUSANDS
of years ----controlled the slave trade for the entire
ancient world --------- and the subsaharan area
of the world was simply ---for them----their SOURCE FOR THAT

arabs sold black slaves even as far east as India ----lots
to Persia too------and greece thousands of years ago
It absolutely does not imply that they are or were "slaves"-----the isa
respecters are confused by the arabic usage
I refer to my cousins as being "Jewified". They both converted over the last several years.
They get a chuckle out of it. Good natured lads. :thup:
Thanks I'm going to use two terms on a few people I know. LOL.
"Bennet, leader of the Jewish Home party, has called the proposed prisoner release a "disgrace" and said "terrorists should be eliminated, not freed." PA ministry: Palestinian prisoners are not terrorists | Maan News Agency. More Zionist expressions of racism. Seems like in Zionist Israel, Zionism and racism go together like a horse and carriage these days. Resisting Occupation by Arabs is all labelled Terrorism and destruction and annihilation is called for by racist Zionist Israelis. I do not desire to claim this is the feeling of all Israelis, which is a positive thing, there are Arab Israelis and still some Jewish Israelis (like those who write for 972 Magazine) who do not support such racism.
Really now, and what do Islam, Islamism, Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah represent or go together with...oh wait...drum roll please...."PEACE"?

It's interesting how people like Sherri see the world exactly the opposite of what it actually is. Palestinian mentality at its finest.
The white citizens and government of the former apartheid South Africa didn't think they were racists either.

And today the zionist citizens of Israel are equally blind to the overt apartheid and blatant racism of their fascist government. .. :cool:
Sunni boy you are the blind one. Muslims today are the most racist and bigoted people on earth since the rise of Nazism. Funny, just like the Nazis they accuse others if things they are most guilty of.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Really now, and what do Islam, Islamism, Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah represent or go together with...oh wait...drum roll please...."PEACE"
You are 100% correct......... :thup:
However back on planet earth, the words Islam, Islamist, and Palestinian are usually associated with terrorist or murderer. I wonder why?
This article is a lie. He said "kushim', which translated to English means Black person .

Was the article accurate when it said that David Lau said Jewish youth shouldn't watch the broadcasts because the players were black people?

Whether he used the literal n-word or not, it's racist to say that someone should be ignored because of their color.

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