When Romney gets the nomination.....

It's an odious, reprehensible argument, just like "It was not immoral to gas Jews in Auswitch." Some arguments should not be dignified and legitimized by a response.

Maybe you can't give a simple yes or no answer because you haven't figured it out yet.

Translation: I cannot offer any arguments so I'll just spew invective.

You really are pathetic, know that? Something that you claim is as obviously wrong as slavery you cannot come up with a single argument against it.

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who can't say that slavery is bad.

Next topic, Rabbi is going to ask why do people dis the Holocaust?

Because, hey, once you can't say slavery is bad, is it really fair to criticize genocide?

Wow you are getting even more pathetic. You cannot make the case so you just repeat yourself over and over.
Hang it up, turkey.
Translation: I cannot offer any arguments so I'll just spew invective.

You really are pathetic, know that? Something that you claim is as obviously wrong as slavery you cannot come up with a single argument against it.

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who can't say that slavery is bad.

Next topic, Rabbi is going to ask why do people dis the Holocaust?

Because, hey, once you can't say slavery is bad, is it really fair to criticize genocide?

Wow you are getting even more pathetic. You cannot make the case so you just repeat yourself over and over.
Hang it up, turkey.




Other morally ambiguous topics to Rabbi

- Rape as a tool for social control
- Torture for petty crimes
- Death for switching religions
- Plunder, the unappreciated way of getting rich
- The moral equivalency of Nazi Germany and modern Israel.

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who can't say that slavery is bad.

Next topic, Rabbi is going to ask why do people dis the Holocaust?

Because, hey, once you can't say slavery is bad, is it really fair to criticize genocide?

Wow you are getting even more pathetic. You cannot make the case so you just repeat yourself over and over.
Hang it up, turkey.




Other morally ambiguous topics to Rabbi

- Rape as a tool for social control
- Torture for petty crimes
- Death for switching religions
- Plunder, the unappreciated way of getting rich
- The moral equivalency of Nazi Germany and modern Israel.


Pathetic fail of a post. I am losing respect for you with every one of these idiotic posts. If you can't make the argument just say so and move on to something you are competent at.
Wow you are getting even more pathetic. You cannot make the case so you just repeat yourself over and over.
Hang it up, turkey.




Other morally ambiguous topics to Rabbi

- Rape as a tool for social control
- Torture for petty crimes
- Death for switching religions
- Plunder, the unappreciated way of getting rich
- The moral equivalency of Nazi Germany and modern Israel.


Pathetic fail of a post. I am losing respect for you with every one of these idiotic posts. If you can't make the argument just say so and move on to something you are competent at.

Right, just like we can all assume that your not condemning slavery means you tacitly support it.

A reasonably intelligent person would be able to see the line drawn between the morals of slavery, rape, torture and genocide. I will let you ponder that for awhile and see if you can figure it out.

Normally, I'd assume you were merely being provocative. But given your other statements about race on here, I can't make that assumption. You can make that go away but just answering yes or no whether or not you think slavery is morally wrong.
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You never said you were conservative? So who wrote this:
No, I'm a conservative in the true sense of the term, not a plutocrat or a theocrat, the two factions that have taken over the GOP.
You speak the language of the Left. You are a poseur.

No, I speak the language of truth.

The GOP has been taken over by corporate plutocrats and religious nutbags. Except half the time, the religious nutbags are being used.

Seriously, what does the religious right have to show for 30 years of GOP support?

I believe government should live within it's means and reduce the number of people dependent on it. I think it should also look out for the consumer, the worker, and the average person on the street.

I think that at some point, the GOP got hijacked by multi-national corporations, and a Mitt Romney presidency would be the ultimate "Hostile Takeover".

I also think that the GOP has gotten on the wrong end of the racial discussion. I think they've used fear to get people like you to vote for them, but in the process they've alienated minorities.

To wit, the thing that has brought your hero Rick Perry down is not the things the left is upset about (executions, social security, that Rock he borrowed from your house) but the fact that he actually did something human for the children of illegal aliens.
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You never said you were conservative? So who wrote this:
No, I'm a conservative in the true sense of the term, not a plutocrat or a theocrat, the two factions that have taken over the GOP.
You speak the language of the Left. You are a poseur.

No, I speak the language of truth. .

You have long since been exposed as the bigoted, liberal plant that you are, shitbag.



Other morally ambiguous topics to Rabbi

- Rape as a tool for social control
- Torture for petty crimes
- Death for switching religions
- Plunder, the unappreciated way of getting rich
- The moral equivalency of Nazi Germany and modern Israel.


Pathetic fail of a post. I am losing respect for you with every one of these idiotic posts. If you can't make the argument just say so and move on to something you are competent at.

Right, just like we can all assume that your not condemning slavery means you tacitly support it.

A reasonably intelligent person would be able to see the line drawn between the morals of slavery, rape, torture and genocide. I will let you ponder that for awhile and see if you can figure it out.

Normally, I'd assume you were merely being provocative. But given your other statements about race on here, I can't make that assumption. You can make that go away but just answering yes or no whether or not you think slavery is morally wrong.

I'm waiting for you to prove the proposition. It ought to be easy, right? You said so yourself yet in 10 posts or something you've failed every time. You simply sling ad homs at me and accuse me of stuff you cannot support.
Really you ought to think about giving up on this project, throw in the towel, say you're done and move on to something you can handle.
translation: I cannot make a decent argument.

If you can't explain why slavery is bad maybe you think it's really not so bad after all. Ever consider that?
I dont recall ever posting I was pro-slavery. Please supply the link. I am challenging people to make an argument why an institution that is millenia old all over the world is wrong. And I ahve to say you are failing miserably.

I can make the moral argument against slavery, just like I can make the argument why the Holocaust is immoral. But I'm not going to waste my time getting in the sewer with those who would argue otherwise.
Actually you can't make the argument. I know this because you've had ample opportunity over several months in multiple threads and have failed every time. It comes down to "You must be rayciss n shit" with you. That isn't an argument.

Slavery is wrong because it imprisons human beings against their will, without just cause, and forces them against their will to work, also without just cause.
I can make the moral argument against slavery, just like I can make the argument why the Holocaust is immoral. But I'm not going to waste my time getting in the sewer with those who would argue otherwise.
Actually you can't make the argument. I know this because you've had ample opportunity over several months in multiple threads and have failed every time. It comes down to "You must be rayciss n shit" with you. That isn't an argument.

Slavery is wrong because it imprisons human beings against their will, without just cause, and forces them against their will to work, also without just cause.

You mean like the draft?
"Just cause" is a relative concept.
But I appreciate you at lleast made a stab at an answer. That puts you head and shoulders over the Toro sock puppet who can't even do that.
Actually you can't make the argument. I know this because you've had ample opportunity over several months in multiple threads and have failed every time. It comes down to "You must be rayciss n shit" with you. That isn't an argument.

Slavery is wrong because it imprisons human beings against their will, without just cause, and forces them against their will to work, also without just cause.

You mean like the draft?
"Just cause" is a relative concept.
But I appreciate you at lleast made a stab at an answer. That puts you head and shoulders over the Toro sock puppet who can't even do that.

A lot of people think the Draft is wrong, too. But the thing is, you can get out of a Draft. It's a republican speciality. Rush Limbaugh with his cyst on his ass, Cheney's deferments, Gingrich hiding behind his wife's skirt, Romney going on "Missionary" duty.

Slavery, especially if you are born into it, not so much.

But, hey, guy, I can totally understand why you need to defend it. It's in the fuckin' bible.
Slavery is wrong because it imprisons human beings against their will, without just cause, and forces them against their will to work, also without just cause.

You mean like the draft?
"Just cause" is a relative concept.
But I appreciate you at lleast made a stab at an answer. That puts you head and shoulders over the Toro sock puppet who can't even do that.

A lot of people think the Draft is wrong, too. But the thing is, you can get out of a Draft. It's a republican speciality. Rush Limbaugh with his cyst on his ass, Cheney's deferments, Gingrich hiding behind his wife's skirt, Romney going on "Missionary" duty.

Slavery, especially if you are born into it, not so much.

But, hey, guy, I can totally understand why you need to defend it. It's in the fuckin' bible.

Yeah, Obama got a deferment too.

Something about not being old enough......but Dammit that ain't an excuse!!!!

And that jerk Clinton fled the country to get away from the draft.

They should all be like that war-hero John (Fuck You) Kerry. Now there's a man for yah.

Recommended himself for 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star in 4 months to get out of Nam early.

That's how you do.
Slavery is wrong because it imprisons human beings against their will, without just cause, and forces them against their will to work, also without just cause.

You mean like the draft?
"Just cause" is a relative concept.
But I appreciate you at lleast made a stab at an answer. That puts you head and shoulders over the Toro sock puppet who can't even do that.

A lot of people think the Draft is wrong, too. But the thing is, you can get out of a Draft. It's a republican speciality. Rush Limbaugh with his cyst on his ass, Cheney's deferments, Gingrich hiding behind his wife's skirt, Romney going on "Missionary" duty.

Slavery, especially if you are born into it, not so much.

But, hey, guy, I can totally understand why you need to defend it. It's in the fuckin' bible.

Thanks for that completely random and irrelevant comment.

At least you aren't failing at making the argument. You haven't even tried. And for you that's not a bad thing.
Pathetic fail of a post. I am losing respect for you with every one of these idiotic posts. If you can't make the argument just say so and move on to something you are competent at.

Right, just like we can all assume that your not condemning slavery means you tacitly support it.

A reasonably intelligent person would be able to see the line drawn between the morals of slavery, rape, torture and genocide. I will let you ponder that for awhile and see if you can figure it out.

Normally, I'd assume you were merely being provocative. But given your other statements about race on here, I can't make that assumption. You can make that go away but just answering yes or no whether or not you think slavery is morally wrong.

I'm waiting for you to prove the proposition. It ought to be easy, right? You said so yourself yet in 10 posts or something you've failed every time. You simply sling ad homs at me and accuse me of stuff you cannot support.
Really you ought to think about giving up on this project, throw in the towel, say you're done and move on to something you can handle.

I'm just trying to figure out if you think slavery is good or bad.

And since you think my refusal to answer your question is a reflection of my ability to answer the question, I guess we can apply the same standard to you and assume that since you won't answer my question, we can assume that you support slavery as a moral institution.

So Rabbi, when did you decide slavery was a moral and just institution? Was it through religion? You political views? Personal experience? A bit of everything? We would be interested to know. And do you support lynching too?
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Right, just like we can all assume that your not condemning slavery means you tacitly support it.

A reasonably intelligent person would be able to see the line drawn between the morals of slavery, rape, torture and genocide. I will let you ponder that for awhile and see if you can figure it out.

Normally, I'd assume you were merely being provocative. But given your other statements about race on here, I can't make that assumption. You can make that go away but just answering yes or no whether or not you think slavery is morally wrong.

I'm waiting for you to prove the proposition. It ought to be easy, right? You said so yourself yet in 10 posts or something you've failed every time. You simply sling ad homs at me and accuse me of stuff you cannot support.
Really you ought to think about giving up on this project, throw in the towel, say you're done and move on to something you can handle.

I'm just trying to figure out if you think slavery is good or bad.

And since you think my refusal to answer your question is a reflection of my ability to answer the question, I guess we can apply the same standard to you and assume that since you won't answer my question, we can assume that you support slavery as a moral institution.

So Rabbi, when did you decide slavery was a moral and just institution? Was it through religion? You political views? Personal experience? A bit of everything? We would be interested to know. And do you support lynching too?

Do you think that making a false assumption to argue against another is an effective tactic?
I'm waiting for you to prove the proposition. It ought to be easy, right? You said so yourself yet in 10 posts or something you've failed every time. You simply sling ad homs at me and accuse me of stuff you cannot support.
Really you ought to think about giving up on this project, throw in the towel, say you're done and move on to something you can handle.

I'm just trying to figure out if you think slavery is good or bad.

And since you think my refusal to answer your question is a reflection of my ability to answer the question, I guess we can apply the same standard to you and assume that since you won't answer my question, we can assume that you support slavery as a moral institution.

So Rabbi, when did you decide slavery was a moral and just institution? Was it through religion? You political views? Personal experience? A bit of everything? We would be interested to know. And do you support lynching too?

Do you think that making a false assumption to argue against another is an effective tactic?


Today's word of the day is "juxtaposition."

And no, it has nothing to do with the Kama Sutra.
Right, just like we can all assume that your not condemning slavery means you tacitly support it.

A reasonably intelligent person would be able to see the line drawn between the morals of slavery, rape, torture and genocide. I will let you ponder that for awhile and see if you can figure it out.

Normally, I'd assume you were merely being provocative. But given your other statements about race on here, I can't make that assumption. You can make that go away but just answering yes or no whether or not you think slavery is morally wrong.

I'm waiting for you to prove the proposition. It ought to be easy, right? You said so yourself yet in 10 posts or something you've failed every time. You simply sling ad homs at me and accuse me of stuff you cannot support.
Really you ought to think about giving up on this project, throw in the towel, say you're done and move on to something you can handle.

I'm just trying to figure out if you think slavery is good or bad.

And since you think my refusal to answer your question is a reflection of my ability to answer the question, I guess we can apply the same standard to you and assume that since you won't answer my question, we can assume that you support slavery as a moral institution.

So Rabbi, when did you decide slavery was a moral and just institution? Was it through religion? You political views? Personal experience? A bit of everything? We would be interested to know. And do you support lynching too?

Your posts assume even more pathos every time you make them. I genuinely feel sorry for you, unable to make an argument that you've already descried as easy.
I'm waiting for you to prove the proposition. It ought to be easy, right? You said so yourself yet in 10 posts or something you've failed every time. You simply sling ad homs at me and accuse me of stuff you cannot support.
Really you ought to think about giving up on this project, throw in the towel, say you're done and move on to something you can handle.

I'm just trying to figure out if you think slavery is good or bad.

And since you think my refusal to answer your question is a reflection of my ability to answer the question, I guess we can apply the same standard to you and assume that since you won't answer my question, we can assume that you support slavery as a moral institution.

So Rabbi, when did you decide slavery was a moral and just institution? Was it through religion? You political views? Personal experience? A bit of everything? We would be interested to know. And do you support lynching too?

Your posts assume even more pathos every time you make them. I genuinely feel sorry for you, unable to make an argument that you've already descried as easy.

I'm disgusted that you support slavery.
I'm just trying to figure out if you think slavery is good or bad.

And since you think my refusal to answer your question is a reflection of my ability to answer the question, I guess we can apply the same standard to you and assume that since you won't answer my question, we can assume that you support slavery as a moral institution.

So Rabbi, when did you decide slavery was a moral and just institution? Was it through religion? You political views? Personal experience? A bit of everything? We would be interested to know. And do you support lynching too?

Your posts assume even more pathos every time you make them. I genuinely feel sorry for you, unable to make an argument that you've already descried as easy.

I'm disgusted that you support slavery.

How often will you continue to post lies, dissemblences, and outright stupidities? As I said, just admit you cannot address the issue, your intellect is not up to the task of outlining something you claim is easy, and leave it at that. No use throwing unwarranted accusations around when the real problem here is you.
Your posts assume even more pathos every time you make them. I genuinely feel sorry for you, unable to make an argument that you've already descried as easy.

I'm disgusted that you support slavery.

How often will you continue to post lies, dissemblences, and outright stupidities? As I said, just admit you cannot address the issue, your intellect is not up to the task of outlining something you claim is easy, and leave it at that. No use throwing unwarranted accusations around when the real problem here is you.

How often to continue to post lies, dissemblances and outright stupidities? As I said, just admit that you support slavery, your moral code is not up to the task, and leave it at that. No use throwing unwarranted accusations around when the real problem is you.

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