When Romney gets the nomination.....

It's interesting that you have beastiality porn on the ready to post up like that. Get help ninja, I think your chinese star is sadly just becoming a gear. : (
But would you like to take a shot at the rest of my point. Do you think Hillary would have had as hard a time with these jokers as Obama has?

Probably not.

Yes. They came right out and said that defeating him was their first priority. The best way to defeat him is to not give him any legislative successes.

Why would Hillary fare better when the other side is determined to run the country into the shitter, for political advantage?

Well, yeah, actually, I do. Bill Clinton made progress despite the GOP being just as obstructionist AND controlling both houses of Congress.

In some way, the GOP are being dicks, but that's their job, and that's what their constituents expect them to do. But a large part of the problem is Obama's ineptitude and aloofness.

That's just patently false. Check the amount of times the filibuster was used during Clinton's two terms. I would bet that it isn't even 1/10 the amount of times it's been used in Obama's first 2.5 years.
Hey how'd Fred Thompson do in '08 anyways?

Fred Thompson was never seriously running. Fred Thompson was there to keep the conservative vote divided just long enough for his buddy, John McCain, to get some traction.

Now, I don't know if Cain is serious or not.

For the moment, he's the latest "Not Romney" that people are clinging to because real Republicans can't stand the thought of this weird Mormon Robot being their nominee.

It's almost like ROmney is the Chess club nerd, and the GOP Base is the Head Cheerleader, who is desperately looking for ANYONE else to take her to the dance. So they've gone through Trump, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, Christie, Perry, and now Cain as the "Oh, God, Not Romney" candidate.

Maybe they should get a restraining order, and he'll take a hint.

Liability put his predicting skizznils on the line in '08 and predicted Thompson to get the nod and argued it tooth and nail - - and will probably walk what I just said back a little because his ego is the size of Mount St. Helens
Phear The Phred!!!!
Fred Thompson was never seriously running. Fred Thompson was there to keep the conservative vote divided just long enough for his buddy, John McCain, to get some traction.

Now, I don't know if Cain is serious or not.

For the moment, he's the latest "Not Romney" that people are clinging to because real Republicans can't stand the thought of this weird Mormon Robot being their nominee.

It's almost like ROmney is the Chess club nerd, and the GOP Base is the Head Cheerleader, who is desperately looking for ANYONE else to take her to the dance. So they've gone through Trump, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, Christie, Perry, and now Cain as the "Oh, God, Not Romney" candidate.

Maybe they should get a restraining order, and he'll take a hint.

Liability put his predicting skizznils on the line in '08 and predicted Thompson to get the nod and argued it tooth and nail - - and will probably walk what I just said back a little because his ego is the size of Mount St. Helens
Phear The Phred!!!!

and the puss is walking it back, as predicted.
We are a bunch of idiots is we nominated wind sock Romney.

It's McCain all over again.

Another liberal in conservative's clothing who's main draw is that he ran four years ago.

How do we get so bamboozled by the "it's his turn" platform?

If Romney was running the for the first time in 2011, he would be polling with John Huntsman.

Romney : Pro-choice, now pro-life...for universal healthcare, now against universal healthcare...for a mandate, now against a mandate...for gun control, now a member of the NRA.

Obama is going to take this guy apart.
I can always count on you for an honest assessment, despite our political differences. (baseball, too - go CUBS!!!* )

* - next year
We are a bunch of idiots is we nominated wind sock Romney.

It's McCain all over again.

Another liberal in conservative's clothing who's main draw is that he ran four years ago.

How do we get so bamboozled by the "it's his turn" platform?

If Romney was running the for the first time in 2011, he would be polling with John Huntsman.

Romney : Pro-choice, now pro-life...for universal healthcare, now against universal healthcare...for a mandate, now against a mandate...for gun control, now a member of the NRA.

Obama is going to take this guy apart.

What happened to your man Perry? Thought he was so rich and powerful? Never saw someone fade as fast as ole Rick
I think he may rebound. He's such a pay-to-play crony capitalist, he has all sorts of money waiting to spend on him. And Mittens is giving him plenty of chances to hone his debating skills, on Romney's dime, so to speak.
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Meet the Press, 2007 (Video Above)
Q: Are you still for the Brady Bill?

A: The Brady Bill has changed over time, and, of course, technology has changed over time. I would have supported the original assault weapon ban. I signed an assault weapon ban in Massachusetts governor because it provided for a relaxation of licensing requirements for gun owners in Massachusetts, which was a big plus. And so both the pro-gun and the anti-gun lobby came together with a bill, and I signed that. And if there is determined to be, from time to time, a weapon of such lethality that it poses a grave risk to our law enforcement personnel, that’s something I would consider signing. There’s nothing of that nature that’s being proposed today in Washington. But I would look at weapons that pose extraordinary lethality.

Source: Meet the Press: 2007 “Meet the Candidates” series Dec 16, 2007

Relating to this original position quoted during Romney's Massachusetts U.S. Senator election bid:
Romney does support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill

The candidate [Mitt Romney] reiterated his support for an assault weapons ban contained in Congress’ crime bill, and the Brady law which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases.

‘I don’t think (the waiting period) will have a massive effect on crime but I think it will have a positive effect,’ Romney said.

Source: Joe Battenfeld in Boston Herald Aug 1, 1994

You do know that Obama has been the best president ever for gun owners, right?
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We are a bunch of idiots is we nominated wind sock Romney.

It's McCain all over again.

Another liberal in conservative's clothing who's main draw is that he ran four years ago.

How do we get so bamboozled by the "it's his turn" platform?

If Romney was running the for the first time in 2011, he would be polling with John Huntsman.

Romney : Pro-choice, now pro-life...for universal healthcare, now against universal healthcare...for a mandate, now against a mandate...for gun control, now a member of the NRA.

Obama is going to take this guy apart.

What happened to your man Perry? Thought he was so rich and powerful? Never saw someone fade as fast as ole Rick

Perry is not a strong debater.

He is still a far better choice than Wind Sock Romney.

So are Cain, Gingrich or Paul.

We've seen in the last 3 years that being a world class orator doesn't make a great leader.

Either Perry will find another vehicle for getting his message out, or he won't.

I hope he can, but it won't be easy.

If he can't climb back up, I'll support Cain or Gingrich.
I don't know how anyone - ANYONE - could ever support Gingrich. Talk about a snake. He's flip-flopped way more than Mittens ever could, plus he's a degenerate. At least Mittens seems to have a stable family life, and a bit of personal character and integrity. Not business-wise, but personally.
What I noticed is that you didn't address Synths point.

Do you really think there's going to be a planet of spirit children you are going to get to rule in the afterlife?

We are talking Romney, not me.

You can ask him when you visit the White House in 2013.

YOu mean when he's standing stupidly behind Obama when he gets his second term.

Nobody is going to put you guys in teh White House.

The very fact you avoided a pretty simple question about your faith shows you ain't terribly proud of it.
Come on, the major cultists are the evangelicals.

They are pissed that a guy from a denomination they don't like will be the party's candidate.

If they vote for him, he will win. If they vote for Obama or not vote, he will lose.

Either way, the evangelicals are destroying themselves politically: good riddance.

Actually, more like the next guy will bend over backwards to please them in 2016. The bloodsuckers on Wall Street need the evangelicals more than the Evangelicals need them.

The ironic thing was, RomneyBot version 3.0 (the one that ran in 2008) was bending over backwards to suck up to the Evangelicals. They rejected him. Boo, hoo, hoo. And Romney supporters are still whining because Huckabee pointed out that Mormons think Jesus and Satan were brothers.
It's interesting that you have beastiality porn on the ready to post up like that. Get help ninja, I think your chinese star is sadly just becoming a gear. : (

Wow. Those crazy mad google skillz are far beyond your severely limited abilities.

I think you have proved what I already knew about you. You are way lame.
If Romney gets nominated and then loses, we can look forward to interminable crying and moaning from the Right about how the GOP lost again because they didn't nominate someone conservative enough.
The very fact you avoided a pretty simple question about your faith shows you ain't terribly proud of it.

You have no idea what I am proud of or not proud of.

It is my faith. If you are interested to learn more, find yourself some missionaries.

This is a political board.
If Romney gets nominated and then loses, we can look forward to interminable crying and moaning from the Right about how the GOP lost again because they didn't nominate someone conservative enough.

That would be almost as loud as your cries when your boy Pretty Boy Edwards lost...

But then things went downhill for your idol pretty fast, didn't they?...

At least you found a clean, articulate surrogate....lol
I am so touched by the Leftist's here and their concern for who we run. Who would have thought they even gave a flying fuck. :D

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